Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie
I CAN DO everything through CHRIST who gives me STRENGTH. Phillippians 4;13

Elder Haynie homecoming

Elder Haynie homecoming
November 12, 2015

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie
November 12, 2015

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie
November 12. 2015

Elder Haynie homecoming.

Elder Haynie homecoming.
November 12, 2015

Adios Elder Haynie

Adios Elder Haynie

Aguilares, November 12, 2015

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie
Aguilares, November 2015

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie
Aguilares, November 2015

Elder Haynie and Ruperto

Elder Haynie and Ruperto
Aguilares, November 2015.

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie
Aguilares, November 2015

Los cuatro amigos

Los cuatro amigos

Love this boy

Love this boy

Los cuatro amigos

Los cuatro amigos
last transfer

October 5, 2015 Aguilares

Hello Family!

My last transfer, wow that is crazy! Not much really happened this week, as we had a lot of meetings and stuff during the week, but two of my best friends, my fellow LimeƱos Elder Ogan and Elder Smith finished their missions....really sad moment, but then I realized that I go home in 6 weeks too! :) So I received a new companion, and the lucky missionary that gets to kill me is Elder Warner from Alaska! He came in the same group as my son, Elder Rios, so I could´ve been his father, but poor thing got sent from Alaska to the fiery furnace of El Salvador. He actually handles the heat really well considering where he comes from...I on the other hand am just sick and tired of the heat. I will for sure use shorts in the winter! :)

Wow, what a great General Conference! I just love how all the talks are like super blunt nowadays, and there were a handful of invitations that I really liked. I and my companion started our "Ponderizing" in the morning, and the scripture that I selected was my personal favorite, Alma 38:5 " And now my son, Elder Haynie, I would that ye should remember, that as much as ye shall put your trust in God even so much ye shall be delivered out of your trials, and your troubles, and your afflictions, and ye shall be lifted up at the last day.". It is a good way to start the last transfer and I will also apply the savings invitation as well! :) He should of told me that before I bought a transfers worth of mashed potatoes hahaha! That is great that CJ got to go see a live session! What a great expierience! Well, I hope all is good at home, I will soon be there to see all you guys but until then I am still on the Lord´s Errand!

Elder Daniel B.Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Mission
November 2013 - November 2015

“We get one opportunity in life, one chance at life to do whatever you’re going to do, and lay your foundation and make whatever mark you’re going to make. Whatever legacy you’re going to leave; leave your legacy!”

Last transfer ocober 7, 2015

Last transfer ocober 7, 2015



September 28, Aguilares

Hello Family and Friends!

Well, this is it. I am going into my last transfer! I can hardly believe it, I feel like I just started the mission but the good thing is that there is still sometime left to leave my legacy here! This last week was a really crazy one, and the funny thing is that it was supposed to be the most chill one. On Tuesday I went to do interchanges with the ZLs in Chalatenango, and boy is that place hilly (It was my third time there, but still the hills still kill me...that rhymed hahaha). I have been blessed with relatively flat areas my whole mission...the opposite of what I learned to run in as a Cross Country runner hahaha.

So when I came back to Aguilares, I found out that my companion was going home...talk about things escalating quickly...it was pretty sad in all honesty, but the shock was so strong that I ended up not eating all day...Like 1 hour after I came home, the APs came to pick up my companion and didn't bring me another companion, so they just told me to stay with Aguilares 2, so I am in a trio right now. Doesn't really feel like it though, cause I have been able to call up members to be with me all day so I can work in my area normal. They have been very supportive, and thanks to them, even though I am basically going solo in my area right now, I was able to get some of the highest numbers that I have gotten my whole mission, which is a good starting point for this next change. I committed myself to finish the mission as strong as ever.

Oh and about us being in a trio, Elder S was told that he had emergency transfers today to replace someone that went home in another area, so I will be with Elder A until transfers, and the both of us are gonna recieived new companions for our respective areas right now. Elder Haynie=Aguilares 1, Elder A = Aguilares 2. So we are like Aguilares 1 and a half right now hahaha! So yeah, fun stuff! :) Anyway, that is it for the week! My camera I should be getting back this week, but I have a member friend, Ruperto that has pictures, so I will make sure to get those from him and send them to you. :) Have a good week! The final countdown begins now!

Elder Daniel B.Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Mission
November 2013 - November 2015

“We get one opportunity in life, one chance at life to do whatever you’re going to do, and lay your foundation and make whatever mark you’re going to make. Whatever legacy you’re going to leave; leave your legacy!”

September 21, Aguilares

Hello Family!

This week was a pretty fast one, wow I didn't really feel it at all...So the a worked with us this week and to be honest it wasn't as bad as I thought I would be, they seemed a lot more chill than they´ve been before...at least that is what Elder G said. I was in divisions with a member all day so I didn't have to work with the a that was with us hahaha, but it was a really good week. We only had like 5 investigators commited to come to church, but in a miracle that didn't really make any since, we had 8 come to church and we were able to commit 2 to baptism dates AT church. Kinda random, but the Lord certainly helped us there! This is the last full week of transfers, wow seriously I just dont feel time anymore. It certainly helps that we have been busy all week long...oh well, that is it for the week! I sent in my camera to be fixed, the buttons weren't working all that well, but I found a member that could do it so for sure next week I will have pictures!

Elder Daniel B.Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Mission
November 2013 - November 2015

“We get one opportunity in life, one chance at life to do whatever you’re going to do, and lay your foundation and make whatever mark you’re going to make. Whatever legacy you’re going to leave; leave your legacy!”

September 14, Aguilares

Hello Family!

Not sure what happened with my adapter, I didn't find it in the morning so I cant send pictures for the second week in the row, sorry about that! This week went by so fast, wow I didn't feel like we did much this week to be honest. Most of our success came yesterday where we had 8 lessons, and 8 new investigators all in one day. We seem to have most of our success at the end of the week, not sure why...It´s like BYU´s last 2 football games...(Good things I have friends that tell me everything that happens in the sports world! But 2 hail mary´s in a row to win their games??? That´s nuts!). Anyway, so yesterday we were walking around trying to find new investigators to teach, and we see this guy cutting the weeds of his lawn. We walk by, said hi but we didn't stop to talk to him. One moment later, not sure why because I hadn't planned on talking to him, but I just randomed turned back and asked him if he needed help with his lawn and he let us help him. In the end after we did our little service project, he introduced us to his cute family of 6 and they are fairly positive. It was a good day, it hasn't stopped raining since President Russell M. Nelson´s blessing.

This week is gonna be a crazy one, tomorrow is Independence Day here, and wow is it a crazy day! Tomorrow we are gonna be stuck in the house for most of the day, so we are stashing up on food today :)

Elder Daniel B.Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Mission
November 2013 - November 2015

“We get one opportunity in life, one chance at life to do whatever you’re going to do, and lay your foundation and make whatever mark you’re going to make. Whatever legacy you’re going to leave; leave your legacy!”

September 7, Aguilares

Something that has called my attention lately these days is that every time we are outside, it seems to pour rain out of nowhere and as soon as we enter a house or some kind of shelter, it stops raining. It has made for some very drenched times, but oh well at least it raining right? It was one of many promises that President Russell M. Nelson made in a stake conference last weekend, that we would receive more rain and boy has a prophetic promise been fulfilled during the week! The power of the Priesthood is real, and it just strengthens my testimony even more that this is the Lord´s church, I will never back away from it!

Now that college football has officially started up again, I am as baggy as ever hahaha, oh well at least I get to see the last 3 games of the regular season, and from that point on its bowling and playoff and championship season! Good thing they saved the best for last! We have started running at 5:30 in the mornings with my companion, who coincidentally was a long distance runner in High School, so we have been running a lot and quite far. (The roads here are super safe, so we are fine there!. I am not as out of shape as I thought I was, even though there is still a lot of improvement to be made.

The action right now is a little slow, more than anything its a waiting game right now for the next baptisms in a couple of weeks, but we have been pretty smart about how we work. We aren't having to kick our tails everyday just trying to find someone to teach, rather we are being pacient, working smarter and getting better results. It has worked in Santa Rosa de Lima and it is working the same here : Work Smarter, Not Harder. I love this principle, but I have learned that if you can combine the two principles of smarter and harder together, wow does your success take off! That´s all for the week! Didn't take any pictures.

Elder Daniel B.Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Mission
November 2013 - November 2015

“We get one opportunity in life, one chance at life to do whatever you’re going to do, and lay your foundation and make whatever mark you’re going to make. Whatever legacy you’re going to leave; leave your legacy!”




4 limenos

August 31, Aguilares

What a week! Well, things got a lot baggier here because they just sent me my plane ticket to the house when I come home in November. The end is near! Anyway, we had a great week in the which we were able to hear from President Russell M. Nelson, and we got to shake his hand! It was pretty great, learned a lot of good things from him and he even talked about marriage tips that will for sure come in handy! I made sure I took a lot of notes. Other than that, we got to go to the temple for the first time in a while and it was a very inspiring session, even though I have gone to the temple several times, this time I felt was really different. So yeah it was good week, and even though our time to work in the area was shortened, we didn't have really any dropoff in our numbers, so the Lord definitely helped us there! So that is it for this week! :)

Elder Daniel B.Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Mission
November 2013 - November 2015

“We get one opportunity in life, one chance at life to do whatever you’re going to do, and lay your foundation and make whatever mark you’re going to make. Whatever legacy you’re going to leave; leave your legacy!”

Aguilares,August 24, 1015

Hey guys!

Sorry I am late writing, we had last minute interviews with President Vasquez and they were super behind schedule so we came home pretty late...wasted the whole day basically, but that is fine because I come home in less than 2 transfers! :) So I got a new companion this week, Elder Gonzalez from Guatemala (First comp from Guatemala since I had the awesome Elder Maquin as a trainer) and he has like 17 months in the field, so a lot of combined expeirience between the two of us. So....yeah nothing super super cool happening here in all honesty. Super boring hahaha, but I am really looking forward to this week because we have a temple session on Wednesday and we have President Russell M. Nelson coming on Friday, and we will be able to see him in person at a Multi-Mission Super Conference, so I am super stoked about it! Its a blessing to have been able to listen to an Apostle Speaker in the mission (most missionaries only get like 1 opportunity I believe), but this will be my second one! (Elder Cook came in my first transfer here), So I guess the stars lined up perfectly for that! I am excited to be able to learn from the Lord's Chosen Servants, so it is gonna be a good week! :D

Elder Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Mission
November 2013 - November 2015

“We get one opportunity in life, one chance at life to do whatever you’re going to do, and lay your foundation and make whatever mark you’re going to make. Whatever legacy you’re going to leave; leave your legacy!”



Aguilares, August, 2015

Aguilares, August, 2015

Aguilares ,August 17, 2015

Hello Family!

Wow, can´t believe i only have 2 transfers left and I am done! Speaking of transfers, they already called us and told us that Elder P has changes, as well as Elder H from the other area, so Elder S and I will be receiving new comps this week! All we can do is hope for the best! We had a great week to end the transfers, we baptized 2 this last weekend and it was really cool to see all the pieces falling in place in order for us to have an almost perfect transfer! Now the goal for me is to break the record here in Aguilares of baptisms, as I currently have records in Ilobasco (tied), and in Santa Rosa de Lima so there is still a lot of hard work to be done, but this will keep me motivated to not be baggy and to stay busy until the end of the mission! I am super out of shape, I ate 150 pupusas this change, which is a LOT!!! :D I am getting out of shape, not fat but out of shape, plus drinking a lot of soda isnt helping me hahaha. But life is great here! i love reading your letters and hearing the cool spiritual experiences that you have back at home! it helps me to keep going forward! Well that is it for this week, Haaallllluuuuuuu! :D

Elder .Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Mission
November 2013 - November 2015

“We get one opportunity in life, one chance at life to do whatever you’re going to do, and lay your foundation and make whatever mark you’re going to make. Whatever legacy you’re going to leave; leave your legacy!”

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie

Aguilares, August 10, 2015

Hello Family!

This was a busy week, to start off we were in a trio for a bit because Elder Gomez went home 2 weeks early to be able to go to school and it was super busy because we had the Temple Tour and we were trying to invite everyone that we could in the 2 areas (we were trying to manage both areas), but we had a lot of success and a lot of investigators and recent converts got to know the temple. We were also able to grab a new addition to our district, Elder Hood who went home 2 months ago for sickness but was able to come back when he felt better, so he is in the other area now with Elder Smith. The temple trip was great, because I got to see pretty much everyone that I was able to meet in the mission, and the reception that I got from the members was quite amazing. When Santa Rosa de Lima saw me, all the little kids charged at me and almost tackled me to the ground haha, it was a cheerful moment! Saw some members from Ilobasco and from San Miguel as well, it was great to see them again!

With all the stress and stuff of the week, we weren't able to get too much done in the area, and things might get worse as there have been rumors of another, longer Bus Boycott and possibilities of Government and or Gangster installed curfew...hopefully they stay rumors, but either way we are taking the appropriate measures to be safe and whatnot, so we should be fine. Anyway, so that was our week! Cant believe that in 3 months I finish the mission, time just keeps on going faster and faster! Well, that is it for this week! Have a good week! :)

Elder Daniel B.Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Mission
November 2013 - November 2015

“We get one opportunity in life, one chance at life to do whatever you’re going to do, and lay your foundation and make whatever mark you’re going to make. Whatever legacy you’re going to leave; leave your legacy!”

August 3, 2015 Aguilares

100 days left? Baggy time has arrived! ;) You should see the little calendar that I keep in my mission manuall hahaha, feels good crossing out completely a month! (CONFESSION!) CJ is getting big, wow hahaha, better start running now, because we are running in the snow when I get home! I left my camera uncharged this whole week, so didnt take any pics at all (That's how boring our week was haha...), but we were productive with the time that we got to work. We started the week running as we were able to get 14 new investigators on Tuesday alone, already passing the Standard of Excellence quota of 12 for the whole week. Talk about hitting the ground running, its what I plan on doing literally when I get home!

It was great and frankly a boost that we needed because we weren't able to work on Wednesday or Thursday for gangster-installed curfew from 2:00PM onward. It was pretty crazy, there was a huge bus boycott, and the public transportation was in utter chaos, anyone that went out to work on their normal bus route was killed or the bus was burned. Pretty crazy stuff, but thankfully here in Aguilares nothing happened :) Just a normal week in El Salvador. That's all to report here for the moment, my pupusa count has exceeded 700.... :) Take care family!

Elder Daniel B.Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Mission
November 2013 - November 2015

“We get one opportunity in life, one chance at life to do whatever you’re going to do, and lay your foundation and make whatever mark you’re going to make. Whatever legacy you’re going to leave; leave your legacy!”

Aguilares, July 27, 2015

Hello Family!

You know, there are some days when you are doing something and you don't want it to end, but you know that one day it is gonna have to end whether you want it to or not, and that is how I feel about the mission sometimes...Time is short, so might as well take advantage and make every moment count! We have had some fun adventures this week, exploring places that we have never gone to, getting lost in the jungle only to find a super prepared investigators, running all over the place doing errands. Fun stuff haha, even though very tiring.

We had a very good week, we baptized 2 this last weekend, making it 5 for July. Pretty good month, even though we feel a need for redemption for ended our hot streak of getting the standards of excellence. (For me, anything lower is unacceptable because if the Lord put those standards, then that is what He wants). I have noticed that if we focus on the people and not just to get the numbers we want, then naturally we will get the numbers that we want. Numbers aren't everything, but we have to remember that every number has a name behind it and that that number represents a child of God, so it puts a whole new meaning to the work.

Life is great! Even though it is super humid here and I am sweating more than I was in Santa Rosa (Go figure), and wow, 3 months and a a half....scary. :0 Hurrah for Israel!

Elder Daniel B.Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Mission
November 2013 - November 2015

“We get one opportunity in life, one chance at life to do whatever you’re going to do, and lay your foundation and make whatever mark you’re going to make. Whatever legacy you’re going to leave; leave your legacy!”

Aguilares, July, 2015

Aguilares, July, 2015

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie
Aguilares, July 2015

Aguilares, July,2015

Aguilares, July,2015

Aguilares, July 2015

Aguilares, July 2015

Aguilares, July 2015

Aguilares, July 2015

Aguilares, July 20, 2015

Hello Family!

Everything good here in Aquilares, I am having a blast here! I have been blessed to go to a great area, with a great companion and a great district! We are on a roll here right now, and I am confident that the Lord put me where I needed to be! The rain has been really refreshing as well, but I feel like the weather needs to make it its mind because it is cold rain one moment, and blazing heat in the other. We had a good week, we baptized this last weekend and we have been very busy as well. Many things to do, but it is a good thing because time goes by faster, and wow time is just flying now. Anyway, not much to say anymore, just the same old stuff hahaha! Well, have a great week and thanks for all your support!

Elder Daniel B.Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Mission
November 2013 - November 2015

“We get one opportunity in life, one chance at life to do whatever you’re going to do, and lay your foundation and make whatever mark you’re going to make. Whatever legacy you’re going to leave; leave your legacy!”

Cute Haynie

Cute Haynie
Last Pda in Santa Rosa de Lima, July 5, 2015

Great friends.

Great friends.
E.Haynie and E.Simms

Aguilares, July 12. 2015

Aguilares, July 12. 2015

Zona la Union

Zona la Union

E.HAynie and E. Villalobos

E.HAynie and E. Villalobos
Great companioship

Aguilares, July 13, 2015


I left Santa Rosa de Lima after 6 months, and they sent me to Aguilares! Less heat than Santa Rosa for sure, and the pupusas are a quarter, so I guess you could say that I got a lot of luck in transfers! My new companion is Elder Paz, from Honduras! Super hard worker! We get along really well! We share a lot of the same opinions and stuff, so we were able to get along from the moment that we were companions! I am still District Leader, but my district is a lot smaller, just us and the other companionship in Aguilares. Really cool place, the members are super nice and when they found out that my birthday was yesterday, they were like "Hey, come on our house on Monday and we will celebrate there, etc", so we have some good FHE planned tonight, and the Branch President is inviting me to lunch today, so...very good reception hahaha! Plus we baptized yesterday, so it was a very good birthday present!

Before I left Santa Rosa, we actually celebrated my birthday on Monday, and it was pretty good! I know that I have less than 4 months to come home, but part of me doesn't want to leave El Salvador! I feel like I have finally found my purpose in life here, and I owe this country so much! Oh well, time to finish the mission with a bang! This week was cool, because we were really close to getting the standards of excellency, but we still needed to find 12 new investigators, and we only had 1 starting yesterday. So we put the goal to get to 12, in 2 hours we had already gotten to 14 new investigators! I have if you put you heart to it, you can accomplish ANYTHING! (With the Lord, because without him we probably wouldn't have gotten our goal), so a great way to start the transfer! We set the goal to baptize every week this transfer, and we have the investigators to do it, so we are aiming high for sure!

Thanks for the birthday wishes, in reality it was a very good birthday! Thanks for all your support! Hurrah for Israel!!!

Elder Daniel B.Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Mission
November 2013 - November 2015

“We get one opportunity in life, one chance at life to do whatever you’re going to do, and lay your foundation and make whatever mark you’re going to make. Whatever legacy you’re going to leave; leave your legacy!”

Elder Haynie and Elder Simms

Elder Haynie and Elder Simms
Santa Rosa de Lima

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie

Santa Rosa De Lima, July 6, 2015

Well, this is it. I am going into my last 3 changes, and I have already been notified that I have transfers. Not really a surprise in all honesty, I saw that one coming but still leaving Santa Rosa de Lima is gonna be hard. But I think I can be safe to say that my next area will be my last area, so we shall see what happens there! Um, nothing new to report, just the same old stuff. So, my birthday is this week, that is pretty cool. 20 years is young thats for sure, but wow does time fly so fast! So yeah, fun stuff! Anyway, that is everything really. I will take a lot of pics with the package. Thanks for everything!

Elder Daniel B.Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Mission
November 2013 - November 2015

“We get one opportunity in life, one chance at life to do whatever you’re going to do, and lay your foundation and make whatever mark you’re going to make

The 4 Limenos

The 4 Limenos
Santa Rosa DE Lima

E.H and E. V

E.H and E. V







Santa Rosa de Lima, June22 2015

Hi Family!

Nothing special to report this week, but make sure you post ALL the pictures on Facebook. We went paintballing and it was great! It was the first time I played it, but I made it through 2 rounds with only 1 hit to the helmet. (But I OWNED the ZLs hahaha!). Anyway, we have been having a lot of success in the area! Even with just 1 companionship in the area, we have been able to maintain all of Santa Rosa pretty good. Yeah...that is about it hahaha! Good week! :)

Elder Daniel B.Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Mission
November 2013 - November 2015



Santa Rosa DE Lima, June 16,2015

Buenos Dias!

Things have somewhat slowed down this week, but things are still going good. The District is still posting some fairly impressive numbers, we have many baptism dates for this upcoming weekend and the week after, so we are praying hard that they can make it! Things got pretty interesting with a couple investigators, but for now everything is fine. I LOVE RAINY SEASON! It is still hot, but SO much better than it was before!

We had Zone Conference this week, and the Zone Leaders thought it would be funny if I directed the Zone Conference. Fun stuff, I want to finish my mission tranquil...) After that, we had interviews with President Vasquez! Went good, we had a really good talk and I learned a lot of cool things! I also felt better being able to talk about some of the things that I had on my mind, and being able to learn how to be more consecrated and humble in the work. That is about it, pretty uneventful to be honest! That is all for this week, I hope you all have a great week!

Elder Daniel B.Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Mission
November 2013 - November 2015

“We get one opportunity in life, one chance at life to do whatever you’re going to do, and lay your foundation and make whatever mark you’re going to make. Whatever legacy you’re going to leave; leave your legacy!”

Elder Haynie and Elder Villalobos

Elder Haynie and Elder Villalobos

The Union Zone

The Union Zone



The Distric

The Distric

Santa Rosa de Lima, June 8, 2015

Hello Family!

What a busy week! I was running all around La Union doing Baptism Interviews (Those are always interesting hahaha!), we got a few baptisms ourselves so overall it was a really great week! Seeing hard work paying off is the best feeling ever, not because we "increased our baptism numbers", but because I know that the Lord is pleased with what we are doing here. Did interchanges with the Zone Leaders in La Union this week as well and it went great! It is always great to be able to learn new things and refine yourself not only as a missionary but as an individual as well. La Union is a pretty cool place, you can see the ocean! It has been raining a whole lot lately, it is great! (We have gotten really wet, and for some weird reason I always forget the umbrellas and ponchos...sorry mom) The weather has dramatically cooled down since I got here in Santa Rosa! Talk about change!

So I was just realizing that I come home in like 5 months. Time goes by SO FAST!!! The District is doing great, we are finding a lot of people, we are baptizing, and we are having a great time! There is a lot of unity here, and everyone works hard. As a DL, cant ask for much more! I love it! I have been studying a lot about Captain Moroni, and trying to identify leader attributes and apply them to my own life. I love what he says in Alma 60:36 "Behold, I am Moroni, your chief captain...I seek not for honor of the world, but for the glory of my God, and the freedom and welfare of my country..." It has been a great start to this transfer, and there is no limit to our success! The Lord will help us if we are worthy of His help and doing what we should be doing!

Elder Daniel B.Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Mission
November 2013 - November 2015

Elder Hyanie and Elder Maquin

Elder Hyanie and Elder Maquin

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie and Elder Simms

Elder Haynie and Elder Simms

Santa Rosa de Lima, June 1 2015

Hello Family!

This week was pretty interesting. Well, I got to stay in Santa Rosa de Lima for 1 more transfer, got called as a District Leader and got a new companion! His name is Elder Simms, from Riverton, Utah. He has a little more than a year in the mission, but he is a great missionary. The Zone Leaders are in my district, so there is a little pressure to perform well, but I am not too worried about it. We have a good area, and since they took the other 2 Elders out of Santa Rosa, our area just got a lot bigger! But it is great, I feel like i have a lot more breathing room and as far as street contacting goes, everyone is open game so I am happy about it. There are 8 missionaries in our district, including a pair of sisters and the Zone Leaders...fun stuff! :) (It is not letting me send pictures, but I will make sure to send them to you when I get the chance!). But the District did pretty good this week. We all got the standards of excellencia for finding new investigators (As a District, we have to get 48 and we got 79) and Progressing Investigators. We have to work a bit with getting more investigators to church and baptism dates (But we still had a decent amount), but this week we should be able to do it. I am excited for this transfer!

Elder Rios was also called as a District Leader too! My trainer, Elder Maquin finally went home! It was weird, everyone that I knew when I came here has already goe home. It is strange being one of the missionaries with more time. Anyway, it has been raining a lot more lately! It is great! We had a funny experience the other day, we were teaching a lesson and we saw a bunch of guys running through someone elses back yard with a bunch of stolen TVs. It was fairly entertaining hahaha! So life is pretty great! We have a lot of support from the branch right now, so we have to take advantage of it! Well, that is all that I have to report for now. Have a great week!

Elder Daniel B.Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Mission

“We get one opportunity in life, one chance at life to do whatever you’re going to do, and lay your foundation and make whatever mark you’re going to make. Whatever legacy you’re going to leave; leave your legacy!”

Elder Haynie and Elder Rios

Elder Haynie and Elder Rios

Santa Rosa de Lima, May 25, 2015

Hi Family!

Things are great here! We have transfers coming up this week and I basically have all of my stuff ready to go in case they tell me that I have changes! . So yeah it is pretty cool because this next area could possibly be my last area. That is so weird to think about, I am at my last 4 transfers! Now is do or die time! Things have gotten a little better this week, we have had a lot more success. We havent been able to carry out some of the really cool plans that we had for the area, but we did end up having the best week of this who transfer so it was good to end this transfer on a good note. Things are good in the branch, my converts are active and bringing friend to investigate the church! :) I feel pleased with what I have been able to do here in Santa Rosa de Lima, but I feel sad to possibly leave. But with all of the adventures that I have had up to this point, I am confident that the best is yet to come, and that many more adventures await! Well this is it, the 4th quarter of my mission! Everything that has happened up to this point doesnt really matter anymore, because what happens in these last 5 and a halfish months will define my mission. I dont have the language barrier anymore, and now is my chance to leave my mark here in the mission! I am excited for what life brings! Hurrah for Israel!

Elder Daniel B.Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Missio

E.H and E.R

E.H and E.R

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie

Santa Rosa de Lima, May 11, 2015.

Hey familiy!

Well, I basically summed up everything that i have done this week in the call home, so nothing to report! I was happy to be able to talk to you guys, and just think that the next time you will hear my voice, it will be in person! (Well, that is assuming that I dont get lost in the airport and I have to call you guys, but if I was able to navigate the Mexico City airport without knowing spanish, I think I can manage SLC just fine! :) )

As far as the clothes go, yeah I would be fine with more shirts, the same size that you have sent me. Or smaller if you can find smaller, I am not a huge fan of baggy. :)

Elder Daniel B.Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Mission

Santa Rosa de Lima. May 4 2015

Hello Family,

Not much to report this week, other than it has started to rain and has it been raining hard! You would think that with the rain it would get colder, but the heat is still pretty much the same, only made worse by the super humidity that comes afterwards...So, our Zone is back to back champions for the best zone in the Oriente part of our mission! Hard Work Pays Off! I didnt even realize that we had the Zone Record for Most Baptisms in a Month until I went into the Zone Leaders house (cough cough mansion cough). Not trying to brag or anything, but as far as the success that i have had here in the mission I am very content!

Over the course of the mission, I have been sent to the harder parts of our mission to try and revive them and for the most part it has been a success. Of the 4 areas that I have had, I am 4 for 4 on having the hardest areas of 4 different zones, and yet we are still doing decently good. Of course Santa Rosa has been getting worse and worse by the minute, as the other churches have seen the success that we have had and every time they see us teaching someone, they send people over to give Anti-LDS propaganda. It is super annoying cause we had this SUPER positive investigator that was about to be baptized. It wasn't until the day before that he started getting bombarded and just like that did a 180 degree flip´and doesn't want us to come back. All of this, the day of his baptism.

I am reminded by the quote in Preach My Gospel that says "When people do not accept the gospel, do not be discouraged. You have raised a warning voice. You have given them a clear choice. Disciples of Christ feel sorrow when people choose not to repent, but they maintain a vision of who they are and what they are doing. They continue to diligently move forward.". All we can do is keep moving forward, and despite the challenges, everything will be fine as long as we are doing what we should be doing.

Well, that is the report for this week. I am thrilled to hear about the kids playing sports. It is time to start throwing Footballs to Matthew and CJ and making them lift weight early and often hahaha! I am gonna help them run when I come back so that by the time that high school starts, they will be ahead of the game in whatever sport they want to do! I would like to see my siblings doing better than me in high school, so might as well help them! As far as church starting with sacrament, that is how most other wards outside of Utah do it. The West stakes does that format as well, and every ward and branch that I have been to here as done it that way too and it takes a little getting used to, but I am fine with it...Well I am excited to talk to you all! I love you family!

Elder Daniel B.Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Mission

"I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and I will be until the day that I die"



Elder Haynie, April 24, 2015

Elder Haynie, April 24, 2015
I love to see my boy Elder Haynie. This picture is from yesterday,Elder Alonso ( First Quorum of the seventy and his wife have been there this week for a multi zone conference, meeting with and teaching the missionaries!!!! Thanks Melissa VƔsquez.

Elder Haynie zone

Elder Haynie zone

Elder Haynie and E.V

Elder Haynie and E.V
Santa Rosa de Lima,April 20,2015

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie
113 F

Santa Rosa de Lima

Santa Rosa de Lima

Elder Haynie and E.V

Elder Haynie and E.V

Book of Mormon

Book of Mormon

Santa Rosa de Lima, April 13,2015

Hello Family!

Nothing special to report this week (It was a pretty boring and uneventful week to be honest, but I am still alive despite the blistering heat and everything!), but we have transfers this week! We have no idea who is leaving, but we asked President to stay together for another transfer, although I am sure that Elder Villalobos is going since he already has 6 months here in the area, but if there is anything to be learned about transfers, is that ANYTHING can happen. (Like me being companions with Elder Vasquez for a second time, and there is a chance that I go back to one of my old areas, Should be interesting, that is for sure! I have been slacking off on my exercise though, and it was apparently obvious because I did a 200 yard sprint against some members in my missionary attire (And surprisingly won), but I almost couldn't walk the next day because I was so sore...I am so out of shape hahaha! As a companionship we are doing great! Hope we have the chance to stay together for another transfer! Hurrah for Israel!!! (I didn't take pics this week....sorry :( )

Elder Daniel B.Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Mission

"I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and I will be until the day that I die"

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie

Santa Rosa de Lima, April 6, 2015

Hello Family!

Wow, what a weekend! General Conference was powerful and I felt like it was just for me! I love how blunt the talks are getting, it is something that this world really needs in all honesty. President Uchtdorf made me laugh when he started to speak German! :D Anyway, so this week was good, we got to go to the temple and I got to see members and friends that I made from all of my old areas! The greatest satisfaction was seeing people that I had been teaching already baptized, which helps me to know that I am doing my part here. Plus, I got to see my grandson, Elder Valdez. He is really cool, my son has been training him really well. Elder Rios is a way better missionary than i am, and i am glad I did my part in training him well! It is funny though, San Salvador in the middle of the day is a lot cooler than Santa Rose de Lima in the night. Sleeping with wet clothes is the only way to keep sane, but thankfully we are almost ending summer here! Well, that is it for this week, everything is great here!

P.S. The office found the computer error that was sending all of us home a transfer early and fixed it, so I am coming home on the original date of November 12th. Kinda stinks, but I feel peace with it and that the Lord is giving me another transfer to be able to do good here in the mission! The Best is Yet to Come!

Elder Daniel B.Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Mission

"I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and I will be until the day that I die"

Elder Haynie and Elder Rios

Elder Haynie and Elder Rios
Elder Haynie was the trainer of E.R

Elder Haynie and E.Villalobos

Elder Haynie and E.Villalobos

El Salvador

El Salvador

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie

Santa Rosa de Lima.March 30,2015

Dear Family

...Oh well! Anyway, this week was good, we are making some huge strides with the branch! We have had a lot of member support and this last week almost ALL of our lessons with the investigators had a member present (And that is a BIG thing, especially considering where the branch was just 4 months ago...), but we had seen a lot of success, and we are hoping to see big things happen! Turning around branches is always the coolest thing! Ilobasco and Santa Rosa de Lima are by far my two most successful areas. (And to think that 75 percent of my success and baptisms has been in branchs and not ward...ironic), and those were areas that we had to turn around 180 degrees! It is cool to see how the Lord works, cause he knows EXACTLY where you need to be!

So this week is basically a Bye Week, because we have a temple trip on Thursday and General Conference, so it is kinda a light week. A much needed one too, I am so exhausted. One wouldn't think that walking around in 110 degree weather would take a toll, but does it kick your tail! It is so hard to sleep in the nights too, I have been dumping water on my shirt and going to bed with a wet shirt just to stay cool...and having to wake up at 1 in the morning to do the same thing has become quite the habit. The heat burns, and to think that the Worst is Yet to Come! But everything is great! At least the area doesn't stink, because otherwise the work would be SO hard! Count your blessings and name them one by one! This is the Lords work! HURRAH FOR ISRAEL!!!

Elder Daniel B.Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Mission

"I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and I will be until the day that I die"

Santa Rosa de Lima, March 23,2015

So, not much to report on this week (My emails are getting more and more boring, sorry about that! ), but things are going good down here. We are trying to build on the success that we had last week, and trying to find the chosen people. We have had to drop a lot of investigators that really werent progressing in order to focus on the really good ones. So, we are half way through hottest month of the year, thankfully! The heat here is terrible (It has been hovering around 110-112 degrees), but there aint much one can do about it! Well, the people here are getting a little more stubborn, probably the most stubborn that I have seen the whole mission but it is a good challenge, and we are still having a lot of success finding the prepared people! Well, that is it for this week...same stuff different day! It is wierd to think that General Conference is already around the corner! Looking forward to it!

Elder Daniel B.Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Mission

"I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and I will be until the day that I die"

Elder Haynie and zone.

Elder Haynie and zone.

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie
Elder Haynie, Elder Villalobos and Christian.

Santa Rosa de Lima, March 15, 2015.

I HAVE A GRANDSON! My son, Elder Rios is training, so my posterity continues!!!! Anyway, so this week was good, we baptized Christian this last week and he was super excited! He told us that he felt a burning in his heart and was just super happy! It was cool to see him recognize the Holy Ghost so quickly in his life! And we were able to recover extremely well this week considering that we kinda failed the week before with the both of us sick. But we are doing good, we are taking the next step to success in our area by working more with the members, and wow does the work progress a lot more when the members get involved. We have been working mainly with just 1 member, and thanks to him we got 13 new investigators which are really good friends of him, and really like him, so obviously they were excited to recieve us. All too easy when the members work with the missionaries.

We have also learned that service works! We have been trying to do a lot of service projects with our investigators, and we have been seeing a lot of results from it! (accepting Baptism Dates, going to church etc.). When you do service for the right reason, you really feel satisfaction and happiness from it! We had a cool lesson in which we were teaching a dad that has a lot of smoking problems. He is the only one in his family that doesn't go to a church, but he gave us the opportunity to teach him and while we were teaching him, the rest of his family (5 more of them) walked in (Ironically, they came back from a church service) and as soon as they saw us, their jaws dropped open and they were just super shocked to see us teaching their dad (I think we answered a lot of prayers in that moment, but needless to say we had a lot of awkward turtle moments in that lesson cause they just kinda stared at us as they walked into another room), but it was cool because one by one, the entire family sat down to listen to us, and they really liked what we had to say so they basically accepted us as a family. It was super cool, and completely unexpected cause we came in just to teach the dad, and little did we know that they were really a family of 6! Moments like that make you feel good as a missionary! :)

Elder Daniel B.Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Mission

"I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and I will be until the day that I die"

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie

Santa Rosa de Lima, March 10,2015

The Heat! IT BURRRNNNSSS!!!! Well this week was a humbling one, we both got sick so it wasnt the greatest working weeks that we have had. The people in general are starting to be super rebellious and going Ammonihah on us, so we have dropped around 40 of our investigators in this week alone (Which is what we needed to do anyway, we had WAY too many to begin with). So we didnt have transfers, so we have the same companionship. They pretty much kept our zone intact, which is super interesting because normally they like to change things up...But I am fine with it, I like our area, even though I am getting darker everyday hahaha. Well, not much has happened as of late. We have a couple more baptisms coming up this week, so we are working hard there! Well, that is it for this week! Hurrah for Israel!!!

Elder Daniel B.Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Mission

"I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and I will be until the day that I die"

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie

Santa Rosa de Lima, March 2,1015

HARD WORK PAYS OFF! This weekend was AWESOME, we got 4 baptisms, and we were able to obtain the Standards of Excellence for a month straight! (Which is super hard to do, and when we can do that for a month, we win a automatic trip to the Temple): We are on a roll, and it is not us, it is the Lord that has blessed up so much! Who would of thought that an area that was known as one of the worst in the mission could completely turn around to be one of the most fruitful. God is a god of Miracles, he helped me be able to turn around Ilobasco and he has helped us turn around Santa Rosa de Lima! It is just thrilling and there are no ways to descibe the feelings that I have.

"My brothers and my brethren, behold I say unto you, how great reason have we to rejoice; for could we have supposed when we went to the land of Santa Rosa de Lima that God would have granted unto us such great blessings? And now, I ask, what great blessings has he bestowed upon us? Can ye tell? Behold, I answer for you; for our brethren, the Santa Rosans, were in darkness, yea, even in the darkest abyss, but behold, how many of them are brought to behold the marvelous light of God! And this is the blessing which hath been bestowed upon us, that we have been made instruments in the hands of God to bring about this great work." It doesnt matter how stubborn the people can be, as long as we are faithful to His Commandments, he will guide us to His prepared people!

The 4 kids that we baptized were just beaming with happiness, and it was so cool to see them progress in the Gospel. Anderson is going to be a awesome missionary, he recited the First Vision word for word to us when we were teaching him, and he is 11 years old! This week was good, and today we got to go to a volcano and look at the sea. We were able to see Honduras and Nicagragua, so it was super cool! Plus it was pretty chilly, I felt like I was in Utah! Plus there were Pine Trees and Pine Cones up there, so that made me a little baggy hahaha! put it was great!

So we are at changes (yep, it is that time again), but I sure hope they dont change us. We are able to work together really well, and it has been great to be with a companion that likes to work, and things just seemed to click here. But, we will see what the Lord has in mind for us. My bet is that we stay together, and Elder Villalobos becomes the new Distict Leader. I have been good at calling the leadership positions, so we will see if my predictions come true! IT IS SO HOT!!!! Someone cranked up the heat here in Santa Rosa, and it burns! Plus we saw a piece of paper on fire in the middle of the street, and there was nothing burning it, so we decided that the sun was burning it...true story! Anyway, HARD WORK PAYS OFF!

Elder Daniel B.Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Mission

"I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and I will be until the day that I die"

Show message history

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie
Elder Villalobos

Elder Haynie and Zone leaders

Elder Haynie and Zone leaders

E.Haynie and E. Villalobos

E.Haynie and E. Villalobos

SantaRosa de Limas, February 23,2015

Well, this week was pretty much the same as last, nothing new to report in all honesty, other than the heat is getting even hotter! Thankfully, I have been able to maintain my weight, but I have been drinking A LOT of water lately. But is has been great, we are getting things done here, and I think the work will finally pay off with the 3 baptisms that we have this week. We had 6, but we had to postpone 3 of them because they drank coffee (Grr...) but they are still good for next month! We brought 10 investigators to church yesterday, so fun stuff! We got the Standard of Excellence again, so we are on a hot streak, but it is getting harder and harder to maintain those, so we have to find even more positive investigators!

We had some very interesting experiences this week, and I will talk about one of them. So this week, we were teaching a family of super positive investigators, (and we were on the front porch) and we were having a really awesome lesson. We were all feeling the spirit, but 2 two preacher guys came out of no where and decided to crash the party uninvited. They started to contend with us, insulting and trying with everything they had to discredit us and convince this family that we were of the Devil and that we were possessed by a demon, and etc. So basically after 1 hour sharing scriptures from the bible and the Book of Mormon (In which they didn't really have any success in beating us), they both accepted a Book of Mormon! So it was a cool way to end the story, but before that we had the most interesting closing prayer. So we were praying and all of a sudden they both start to scream and shout and calling on God to strike us down because we were "liars and evil men", and then one of them put their hands on my companions head and tried to cast out the "demon" that he had, and my Elder Villalobos was like "Whoa whoa whoa, you cant do that!". You would have had to be there in the moment, because it was so weird! But they accepted a Book of Mormon at the end, so a weird twist to the story.

That is just one of many stories that I have, but due to a lack of time, I cant really type them all up. But I am writing all of these in my journal and making a list of all the cool, interesting and weird stories that I have piled up here in the mission. And boy, is that a long list! But I just want to let you know that every day my testimony is strengthened more! Even thought bad things happen, and even though we get attacked sometimes, it just makes me know that I am sharing with everyone the TRUE Gospel of Jesus Christ! Well, this week is gonna be a good week, gonna be hot but it is going to be good! This is the busiest that I have been my whole mission and boy does it feel good to be a missionary! The Best is Yet to Come!

Oh and to answer your questions, yes Elder Ogan is in Santa Rosa 2, and he is our District Leader. And Elder Smith is his companions. Elder Brinkerhoff is our Zone Leader, and I know him somewhat, we were in the Zona Sensuntepeque together, when I was in Ilobasco. As far as the package, we are the farthest away from the mission house, so they don't send packages here, but I will get them next week at Transfers. (Yup, we are almost there again!). I love you!

Elder Daniel B.Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Mission

E.Haynie and E.Villalobos

E.Haynie and E.Villalobos

Santa Rosa De Lima. February 16, 2015.


Santa Rosa de Lima is on FIRE! We are doing great here, even though the 105 degree weather is killing us! We are having a lot of success and now we just need to convert that into Baptisms! This week, we were able to surpass the Standards of Excellence again, so we are consistently doing fine, but there is still a lot of potential in our area! It was really cool because it seemed like the Lord kept putting us where we needed to be, and we were able to find some very positive new investigators adding to our already big investigator pool (we are actively teaching around 70 investigators, so it is very important to manage our time well. We have been very busy!) It is great to be a missionary, and it is sad to think that all of that ends on October 1st,, but might as well make the most out of it! You are only a full time Missionary once! "Wherefore, you are called to cry repentance unto this people. And if it so be that you should labor all your days in crying repentance unto this people, and bring, save it be one soul unto me, how great shall be your joy with him in the kingdom of my Father! And now, if your joy will be great with one soul that you have brought unto me into the kingdom of my Father, how great will be your joy if you should bring many souls unto me! Behold, you have my gospel before you, and my rock, and my salvation. Ask the Father in my name in faith, believing that you shall receive, and you shall have the Holy Ghost, which manifesteth all things which are expedient unto the children of men." Hard work pays off!

Elder Daniel B.Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Mission

Close in Monday

Close in Monday

Santa Rosa de Lima

Santa Rosa de Lima

Santa Rosa de Lima. February 9,2015

So...today we traveled around like 3 hours to go see some ruins, and we had to walk a TON to get there as well. We were so excited and stuff and we get there and we find that the gate was closed with a big sign "CLOSED ON MONDAYS". That was almost too comical to be true, but it was also super annoying because we wasted all that time trying to get there. But it gave me something good to write about today, so I cant really complain about that, :) So this week was super good, we had stake conference in San Miguel this weekend and it was very edifying. Plus I got to see some of the members from the my first ward when I started the mission, and wow was it great to see them again! Things in the area are doing great!

We were able to comply with the standards of excellence this week (Which is actually very difficult!) and we are seeing a lot of progress with our investigators. We brought 10 investigators to Stake Conference this weekend! One of these days was super awesome, because we went into a part of our area where no missionaries had gone before, and we just started street contacting and within 2 hours we had 13 referrals, and 6 new investigators. We both had the impression to go there, and we didn't know why, but I think the Lord is preparing something for us in that specific town. It was a good working week, and I expect that this week will be even better! Santa Rosa de Lima is on fire! Literally and Spiritually! Well, that is about it for this week! Talk to you all the next!

Elder Daniel B.Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Mission

Elder Haynie and E.Villalobos

Elder Haynie and E.Villalobos

Elder Haynie and E.Villalobos

Elder Haynie and E.Villalobos

Santa Rosa de Lima, February 2. 2015

"And the Lord said unto them also: Go forth among the Lamanites, thy brethren, and establish my word; yet ye shall be patient in long-suffering and afflictions, that ye may show forth good examples unto them in me, and I will make an instrument of thee in my hands unto the salvation of many souls. And it came to pass that the hearts of the sons of Mosiah, and also those who were with them, took courage to go forth unto the Lamanites to declare unto them the word of God." The heat sure is a trial of faith! As well as having to drop investigators that were once very positive, but it is a part of the work. It was never easy. But the silver lining is that the blessings are always greater than the sacrafices, so in the end it is all worth it! "Now when our hearts were depressed, and we were about to turn back, behold, the Lord comforted us, and said: Go amongst thy brethren, the Lamanites, and bear with patience thine afflictions , and I will give unto you success. "

This week wasn't as great as the last, more than anything because Elder Villalobos fell victom to a nasty virus which thankfully I didn't contract, so we didn't get to work as much as we wanted to. However we made the most out of what we had and we still ended the week with some success. We were able to set in stone some baptism dates, we had a handful of investigators coming to church, and our teaching unity has grown strong. Still a very different style than what I am used to, but the learning curve was a lot shorter than I thought it would be. I have learned that if we are patient and humble in our circumstances, then the Lord will bless us! "And inasmuch as ye are humble and faithful and call upon my name, behold, I will give you the victory. I give unto you a promise, that you shall be delivered this once out of your bondage."

So...I have a slight little announcement to make. Well,it turns out that the date for me to come home is wrong, and that I don;t come home on November 12th...I come home October 1st, so ALOT earlier than I thought. I am not exactly sure why, but for some reason we all got 1 transfer cut off, but I come home on October 1st, so it means I will come home just in time for General Conference! I think I still have the option to extend, but I am still trying to figure what to, how it will affect my plans after the mission and stuff like that. I will probably come home when I am technically supposed to, in October, but I will let you know if that changes at all, but yeah a very odd announcement and I still don't know what to think about that... Oh well, but I love you all and I hope you have a great week!

Elder Daniel B.Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Mission

"I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and I will be until the day that I die"

Santa Rosa de Lima. January 26, 2015

Transfers! The two of us had transfers and Elder Smith went to my last area, Ilobasco 2. Lucky duck, he gets to finish his mission in my favorite area! I got sent to Santa Rosa de Lima, which is way out east in the desert and has the reputation of being super hot (worse than San Miguel which is saying A LOT because it was 105 in San Miguel when I was there the last year) and to think that I came in at the beginning of summer! And boy does the heat live up to the hype! My companion is Elder Villalobos from Honduras. We came to El Salvador together and he is an excellent worker. The work here is good, we are finding many new investigators. The people here are pretty receptive and are very open. There is a lot of potential here for success and here is hoping that we have an excellent transfer!

Santa Rosa de Lima is very hot. It is like one of those Classic Western Cowboy towns that you see in old movies. I am 100% sure that I will lose weight here! It is a complete desert, a HUGE contrast from the city that I was in. And boy do you get covered in Sand every day! The good thing though, is that Elder Villalobos likes to run and there is a soccer field very close to our house, so we have been running in the mornings and wow does that feel good! I feel free and I am not out of shape like I thought I was. I was able to run 2 miles without too much difficulty so I am very excited to know that I can still run. It is going to be a good transfer, and I will make sure to let you know everything that is going on. (It is getting harder to think of new stuff to say so that is why the emails are a lot shorter now) Anyway, that is it for this week! See you all next week! :)

Elder Daniel B.Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Mission

Santa Rosa De Lima, Januart, 2015

Santa Rosa De Lima, Januart, 2015
New companion Elder Villalobos from Honduras.

ILopango 4. January, 2015

ILopango 4. January, 2015

Ilopango 3

Ilopango 3

Ilopango 2015,

Ilopango 2015,

Goodbye Ilopango...January 2015

Goodbye Ilopango...January 2015

Ilopango 2 January 2015

Ilopango 2 January 2015

Ilopango, Januayt 19, 2015

Hello Family! Wow, what a crazy week! People have seen us street contacting so much that they know that if they are in our sight, then we will probably go and contact them...so they literally run away from us! They will walk over to the other side of the street to avoid us (Sometimes we follow them over, and they will cross back over hahaha!), they will warn neighbors that "The Mormons are coming!". Good times, I love being a missionary! Satan is not a passive opponent for sure, but no matter how much he works, the Lord will ALWAYS win and will defeat Satan in the end! I LOVE THE GOSPEL! But life is great, I am loving it! We have transfers again this week, and I think I will be leaving. I already have 3 transfers here, and since Elder Smith leaves next transfer, he needs to show another guy the area, so it makes since! But one is for sure, is that I will leave the area better than I found it!

It has been hard for sure. Valle Nuevo 1 hasnt really been a very productive area, but we had a very good week! We have been very successful in finding plenty of new investigators, and our lessons have been pretty top notch if you ask me. We have been working on our teaching skills a lot in our daily practices, and boy has it really payed off! It is hard to be a good teacher, but boy does it sure help your investigators and one thing that is super cool is that you can often find your investigators need during the practices BEFORE you go and teach said investigator. It is really cool! We had a excellent day with Elder Vallecillo, the asistent that came to work with us. I remember when he started his mission. When I meet him he was but the learner, but now he is the master! It was good to learn from him, he is a great friend of mine and we were able to tear it up for a day just like old times when we did divisions in Ilobasco!

So that pretty much sums up this week! We shall see what happens at changes this week! I love you all! :)

Elder Daniel B.Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Mission

ilopango 3

ilopango 3

Ilopango 2

Ilopango 2



ILopango, January 12.2015

Well...not much new happened this week. We had a few more lessons than normal, we have some investigators progressing nicely...a little slower than I would have liked but always progressing. I think I will probably be taken out of the area next Wednesday and i will not be able to see them get baptized (Like the 4 that I left in my last 2 areas that got baptized the week I got transfered, but the important thing is that they got baptized right?), but oh well. I already have 4 and a half months here. So we are gonna have one of the APs come and work with us this week. This is part of a mission wide effort to strengthen our teaching skills, to give us capacitation and to scout out future leaders since many will be dying in the next 3 transfers. So as a Senior Companion, I have my cut worked out for me to make sure that the area is presentable, but at least it is my best friend Elder Vallecillo that is coming with us. (He told me last week that he chose to work with me when they made the schedule, so pressure´s on!). But still pray for me and my companion to have an AMAZING day on Thursday. :) Well...that is pretty much it, I hope I have more to write about next week, but I have pictures this time so enjoy! Hasta luego.

Elder Daniel B.Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Mission

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie

Elder HAynie

Elder HAynie

ILopango January,5, 2015

Well, it is 2015! With the holidays it was pretty much the same as last week : Almost no people out, kids throwing around fireworks etc. But it was actually much better than last week! We actually had quite a few little victories in being able to find more people to teach. We just talked with almost everyone we could and in the end we were still able to recieve 24 referals from street contacts, 20 of them in 3 days alone so it kinda gives you an idea that the other 4 days of the week were just brutal...But we are still alive! We picked up a few new investigators, including one very prepared one that had recieved the missionaries before but got lost because no one ever wrote his name in the area book (punks), but we found him and he had continued praying to know if the church was true, and that helped be very receptive to us when we taught him, so that was cool! Hard work pays off!

Another cool finding experience we had was on Saturday. We had went to this house with the intent to teach some street contact that gave us his address, but we learned that the reason we went there was not to teach him, but 2 other, much more prepared people that lived there! (They were a part member family actually!). We had a very amazing lesson, and the member that was with was bore a very strong and powerful testimony of the Restoration. The two investigators were very receptive, very positive, and were just SO prepared! Then the best part came, in a complete surprise they both came to church the next day! Talk about miracles wow, God never ceases to help us! God ALWAYS blesses us when we have done everything we can! This last week strengthened my testimony of Alma 32:43 "Then, my brethren, ye shall reap the rewards of your faith, and your diligence, and patience, and long-suffering, waiting for the tree to bring forth fruit unto you.". So yeah good week, hard but good and without the holidays things should be a lot more busy again...and a lot more hot, summer has started here but it is not as bad as San Miguel, thats for sure!

Elder Daniel B.Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Mission

Christmas Day 2014

Christmas Day 2014

December 29,2013

So...Christmas was fun. It was very entertaining to see little kids have firework wars with one another and running around with giant rockets in their hands. That is entertaining to watch until they start throwing them at you though....Yeah Christmas in El Salvador is intense! And it is gonna be the same with New Years so get ready for round 2! We got a lot of food from the members, I was pretty stuffed. But it was really humbling to see the love of the members here and that they are even willing to share a part of their Christmas with us, so that was really nice and something that i will be forever grateful for! Other than that, the week was pretty hard and boring, not really too much to do, but that is part of the job and I know that the Lord will bless us for our efforts.

So in my studies this week I was reading Alma 5...It is a very blunt chapter and on some days it hits you stronger than before and when that happens you know that you have some things you need to change! :) It always hits me, and I think every one that reads this chapter, cause it is so AWESOME! I love verses 14-17 " And now behold, I ask of you, my brethren of the church, have ye spiritually been born of God? Have ye received his image in your countenances? Have ye experienced this mighty change in your hearts? Do ye exercise faith in the redemption of him who created you? Do you look forward with an eye of faith, and view this mortal body raised in immortality, and this corruption raised in incorruption, to stand before God to be judged according to the deeds which have been done in the mortal body? I say unto you, can you imagine to yourselves that ye hear the voice of the Lord, saying unto you, in that day: Come unto me ye blessed, for behold, your works have been the works of righteousness upon the face of the earth? Or do ye imagine to yourselves that ye can lie unto the Lord in that day, and say—Lord, our works have been righteous works upon the face of the earth—and that he will save you?".

Talk about blunt right? But the one that always punches me in the face is verse 27 which says "Have ye walked, keeping yourselves blameless before God? Could ye say, if ye were called to die at this time, within yourselves, that ye have been sufficiently humble? That your garments have been cleansed and made white through the blood of Christ, who will come to redeem his people from their sins?". Makes one reflect on himself for sure and with the new year approaching it is always a good time to look back at 2014 and see what things we did good and what things we want to do better in 2015. I really like self-evaluatiing myself because it helps me realize that I am doing good and not completely wasting my efforts, but there is always room for improvement.

It is weird to think that I was in El Salvador all of 2014 and that I will be able to say that I come home this year, but there is still much to do and I am excited for what 2015 brings! D&C 35:26-27 " Lift up your hearts and be glad, your redemption draweth nigh. Fear not, little flock, the kingdom is yours until I come. Behold, I come quickly. Even so. Amen." The Best is Yet to Come and I will see you guys next year! :)

Elder Daniel B.Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Mission

Christmas DAy

Christmas DAy

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie
Christmas 2014

El Salvador East Mission

El Salvador East Mission
Elder Haynie

December 22, 2013

Hello! (The comp isn't accepting the memory card for my camera right now so next week I will send pictures!)

So this email is going to be a little short since I am going to be talking to you in like 3 days, so yeah. Anyway things are going great here, we are having a blast with Elder Smith! The work is a little hard, but it was never easy to begin with so I am not complaining too much! :) Anyway yeah Christmas is pretty crazy down here, it is almost dead and with nothing to do this week is gonna stink! (Considering that as missionaries we still work on Christmas, so at least we will be doing something good! :) ) We have worked out tails off as a companionship, and we have come home very tired, but very satistfied in the night with our work. There were many days where we had absolutely had nothing until 7-8 in the night, and then for our endurance to the end we would be blessed with positives lessons and new investigators! Enduring to the end is the real deal!

We are having little successes here and there with our current investigators. We are still working with M and he has been progressing! Hasn't accepted Baptism yet, but he is getting there. The light that has started to appear in his eyes is a confirmation that the Spirit is touching his heart. He has changed a lot for the better, and he has seen more of the hand of God in his life. It always amazes me to be able to see that change in my investigators, and to think that thanks to Jesus Christ we can have that opportunity to change and turn our lifes around! That thought makes me very happy! "And now, behold, I say unto you, that the thing which will be of the most worth unto you will be to declare repentance unto this people, that you may bring souls unto me, that you may rest with them in the kingdom of my Father. Amen."

Christmas is a great time of year to remember the birth of our savior Jesus Christ "For God so loved the world , that he gave his only begotten Son , that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life . " Because of Him we can be made clean, we can be forgiven and we can have a second chance. It is amazing to think that God loves us so much that he gives us all a chance to remove our sins and be worthy to enter into His Kingdom. It is amazing to think that Jesus would be so willing to "go forth, suffering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind; and this that the word might be fulfilled which saith he will take upon him the pains and the sicknesses of his people.". This is what Christmas is all about!

Merry Christmas and Hurrah for Israel!!!

P.S. I am not sure how daylight savings works over there, right now it is 4:38 here, so we are planning to skype at 8:00 in the morning if that is fine with you guys! :) See you this week!

Elder Daniel B.Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Mission

"I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and I will be until the day that I die"


I Think he like his presents....

Christmas 2014.

Christmas 2014.
El Salvador


Christmas package

Happy Hump Day

Happy Hump Day
November 27 2014

E. Haynie

E. Haynie

Ilopango, December 15, 2014

Time Flies. I feel like I was writing home 2 days ago. And to think that Christmas is next week as well! The huge package of food that I got really made my day, I bascially have food storage . It is pretty good eating American Food again, although I will really miss the Pupusas when I come home. Anyway, some very good thing happened at Transfers! I got to see one of my former companions, Elder Vasquez go home the right way, I was very happy for him. There were 9 Zones when I first came here, now we have 15 Zones and we even have 4 APs right now, including a very good friend that I made in Ilobasco, Elder Vallecillo. He only has 7 and a half months in the mission and he is already AP! But he is such a hard worker, I told him when he was still being training that we would be an future assistant. He didn't believe, but apparently my prophecy came true! :)

Anyway, so I stayed in the Valle Nuevo Ward, and I (THANKFULLY!) got a new companion: Elder Smith from Holladay, Utah! First Gringo that I have had since my training days in San Miguel (Speaking of which, my trainer Elder Maquin returned to San Miguel as a Zone Leader again!), and that has been very fun! Elder Smith is a great worker, he has been out 21 months and has a a lot of experience! I am really excited to learn from him, he is a awesome missionary! He was a Branch President for 6 months (We used to have 2 areas where the missionaries were Branch Presidents), and he was in the most dangerous part of our mission for 1 year. He is a battle-seasoned veteran, . , and is just better in every aspect. He is happy , so we are getting along just fine!

I am just super excited for this transfer! All four of us in the Ward are Gringos, so we have been having a very good time! We are gonna tear up this place and catch this ward on fire! The members have noticeable been more happy with us , so now we are ready to go hard with the area! We are going to find, we are going to teach and we are going to baptize, that is what we do here! We are Preach My Gospel Missionaries and Disciples of Christ, we convert, we baptize and we retain! I am thankful to finally be in a companionship with so much potential, especially after 2 very interesting and long transfers. I have had to be patient, I have suffered a lot, but boy has it payed off and I couldn't be happier right now! Alma 26:27 "Now when our hearts were depressed, and we were about to turn back, behold, the Lord comforted us, and said: Go amongst thy brethren, the Salvadoranians, and bear with patience thine afflictions , and I will give unto you success.". And I know that the Lord loves each and everyone of us no matter where we are! Alma 26:37 "Now my brethren, we see that God is mindful of every people, whatsoever land they may be in; yea, he numbereth his people, and his bowels of mercy are over all the earth. Now this is my joy, and my great thanksgiving; yea, and I will give thanks unto my God forever. Amen."

Well, I think we will be calling next week, as far as times go we aren't sure so yeah...but by next Monday we will know so we will let you know! Have a great week!

Elder Daniel B.Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Mission

"I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and I will be until the day that I die"

Elder Haynie and Elder Smith

Elder Haynie and Elder Smith

E.Haynie and E. Vasquez

E.Haynie and E. Vasquez



E.Haynie and E.Can

E.Haynie and E.Can



ILopango, December 8, 2014.

Hello Family!

This was a pretty awesome weekend! On Friday we had E´s Baptism and it was a very successful one. It was very well attended, and the program that we had to throw together last minute (Our Ward Mission Leader failed us, so we had to make the agenda on the spot) ended up being amazingly spiritual! All Baptisms are spiritual, but when you have the entire ward supporting you and willing to help, it just makes it even better! I feel like we gained a lot of member´s trust with this baptism, and all of a sudden there is a little more of excitement in the ward. We gotta keep baptizing if we want the ward to be one that the Lord can trust with missionary work! But E was SO happy, and he was able to see the Christmas Devotional and loved it! It was very good! We went the the temple this week, fun stuff. So yeah, we have transfers this week, who knows what is going to happen. President is well aware of my current situation, so I can expect that he takes one of us out of the area, even though I think I will stay...but Transfers are always surprises so I am gonna start packing tonight.

Anyway, that is very fun to hear about the job! I am so excited for Dad, USU is a good place to go! :) I am still trying to figure out how to do with the USU thing, if I want to go up for Spring Semester, or go in the fall. Because the discount doesn't apply until after 2 years, and he will have 2 years in Spring of 2017, so I started Fall 2016 then I could use the scholarship money for that and then use the discount for the rest. If I went in Spring 2016, I would have to pay all of Fall, and then get the discount after, so we will see how that goes. I only lack 3 credits to finish 1 year, and that would be a math class and my initial thought was to just take the math class in the spring or summer at one of the smaller community colleges and then go up to Logan in the summer and start college as a Sophomore. I haven't been thinking about it too much, but I have a little bit planned out haha! Thankfully I have 11 months to figure all of that.But seriously, I am so happy to hear about the job! This certainly is a blessing, and what makes me even more happy is that you did all you could to be worthy of the blessing, so it has been very inspiring to hear that here in El Salvador! Hard Work Pays Off!!!

Anyway, a little short, but there is not too much to write about lately. It kinda stinks, but just know that I love you all! I hoped you enjoyed the Christmas Devotional, because I certainly did! It was great even though I did think alot of home...I miss the Temple Square lights, but I will come home in time for the next ones! Anyway, I am getting fat. I am 145 right now, and we played soccer today and I was dead after 5 minutes. I think I am gonna cut down the pupusas and drinking 7Up all the time hahaha! Anyway, life is great! See you all next week!

Elder Daniel B.Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Mission

"I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and I will be until the day that I die"

E.Haynie and Elder Can

E.Haynie and Elder Can



ILopango, December 1, 2014

Hello Family!

1 year is in the books!!! It has gone by fast, it seems like yesterday that i was in the MTC. As fun as the MTC Experience was, I am enjoying the field experience as well. It has gotten SO COLD in El Salvador. I never thought i would be saying that, but yeah we had a super cold wind come in, and the nights have been very chilly here. (The insulation of our house is worse than a camping tent). Good thing i slept with 5 layers, but I am worried as to how the weather will be next year...Anyway, so we didn't really celebrate Thanksgiving, it was a normal working day, only that we bought a whole bunch of pupusas and I think I got a little more fat on them. I can't send pictures this week sadly, but I will make sure I have a lot this next week! I had actually forgotten that it was Thanksgiving until the evening when we had dinner over at a member´s house and they were watching the Seahawks-49ners football game. Man I miss football! Oh well, people have started playing Christmas Music already! At least they respect the "No Christmas Music until after Thanksgiving policy". :)

This week was super uneventful, other than the super fun and MUCH NEEDED splits that I did with Elder Soza, our DL. for a day was a nice break. Being with an Elder that just LOVES the mission experience makes life SO much better! We had an awesome day (It was Thanksgiving as well, so I cam counting my many blessings there!) that involved fake addresses, getting rejected, running up and down the same hill, running down a mountain getting chased by 2 dogs, spiritual lessons, baptism interviews etc. It was great! So E is SO ready for Baptism! We have it this Friday, and we are all pretty excited for that! We had a little bit of bad luck with some of our other investigators, but the work still goes forward! 3 Nephi 22:17: "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall revile against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord. "

I am so excited to watch the Christmas Devotional! (I think it is this week anyway...) At the same time it will make me super baggy for a day, but thankfully P Day is right after that, so nothing will happen there! :) That is awesome about the USU opportunitity! I will make sure to pray super hard for you guys! Sound like a lot is going on at home, and this is super fun to hear! I am pretty sure things will be way different by the time I get home, but I am fine with where I am at right now! Well, it is a little short, but I am sure we will have a lot more excitement this week. We have a Baptism and a Temple Trip this week, so should be a fun week! I love you all, hope you have a great week! Hold to the Rod!

Elder Daniel B.Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Mission

"I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and I will be until the day that I die"

El Salvador Temple

El Salvador Temple

Ilopango, November 24, 2014

Hello Family :

Well, you can tell what time of the year it is when people start putting up their Christmas Trees and lights. A little sad, but at the same time I am just fine with it. At least El Salvador celebrates Christmas right? I have been really enjoying the winter here, even though it is still 80 degrees. It is kinda chilly to be honest, I have gotten so used to the heat that I am DYING with Air Conditioning. I can only imagine what it is going to be like when I come home next winter...COLD!!! Thankfully, that is a year away, so I can continue enjoying the heat! Speaking of being thankful, HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Gonna celebrate 1 year this Thursday, so it should be a party!

This week has been a little slow, but we are getting by! We had a lot more investigators to church yesterday, so we are starting to see a little more of progress there! Not being able to leave with the youth has really complicated things, but we have been able to win the confidence of some very important leaders of the ward, so we have a good support system! We have been working really hard with M and E. M has come to church 4 times in a row, and is learning very fast! Just has a couple of doubts, but other than that he is great! E has been coming to church as well, and we are making final plans for his baptism on December 6th! Fun stuff!

Finding new Investigators is annoyingly hard here, the people in general seem to be a lot more closed here. Everyone seems to have listened to the missionaries before, so right now it is a matter of harvesting the good seeds already planted. We have a few investigators come into the woodwork that are very good and pretty prepared, what we lack is a whole bunch of them. I would like to have a lot more investigators to be honest, but at the same time we are making the most out of what we have and we will continue finding more! Alma 32: 43: "Then, my brethren, ye shall reap the rewards of your faith, and your diligence, and patience, and long-suffering, waiting for the tree to bring forth fruit unto you. "

I have been looking back on this last year, and i can say that I have really changed for the better. Changed as in a lot more refined, but I feel like a more happy and better person. I can say that I have had some success here on the mission, but not as much as I would have liked to have by now. I am happy with what I have, but i would like to have more and considering I still have a year left and I don't have to worry too much about the language barrier this time around, this year should be a lot better than last! I have really learned what it means to be a missionary, there is a scripture that talks about missionary work that I love! Alma 5:49 "49 And now I say unto you that this is the order after which I am called, yea, to preach unto my beloved brethren, yea, and every one that dwelleth in the land; yea, to preach unto all, both old and young, both bond and free; yea, I say unto you the aged, and also the middle aged, and the rising generation; yea, to cry unto them that they must repent and be born again.". Being a missionary is AWESOME! And to think that my adventures as a missionary end on November 12th 2013 is a little sad, but I still got time! 1 year down and 1 to go! The best is yet to come!

Elder Daniel B.Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Mission

"I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and I will be until the day that I die"

ILopango, November 17, 2014

Hello Family!

A year ago I gave my farewell talk...I will hit my one year mark on Thanksgiving Day, and in a year from now I will be home. Time flies! We had Stake Conference this week and it was AWESOME! President Vasquez and his wife were both there, as well as Elder Alonso of the Seventy. They all gave some very good talks, and invited me to reflect on myself and see how I was doing spiritually and what things I needed to do better in my life. One thing that stood out to me in the talks was that there is a difference between just having a testimony and being converted. Having a testimony is great, but being converted goes so much further than that. Alma explains what it means to be converted in Alma23:6 - "And as sure as the Lord liveth, so sure as many as believed, or as many as were brought to the knowledge of the truth, through the preaching of Ammon and his brethren, according to the spirit of revelation and of prophecy, and the power of God working miracles in them yea, I say unto you, as the Lord liveth, as many of the Lamanites as believed in their preaching, and were converted unto the Lord, never did fall away. For they became a righteous people; they did lay down the weapons of their rebellion, that they did not fight against God anymore, neither against any of their brethren. Now, these are they who were converted unto the Lord:" I can bear testimony of the Gospel, but there are SO many things I can do better in order to be a converted disciple of Christ.

That being said, a very edifying weekend. A nice break from maintaining a hard area in times of uncertainty and increased security protocals. (Being that we cant have members less than 25 years old with us on the streets, and tracting/door to door knocking is BANNED in our zones, a result of the increased gang activity in Soyapango and Ilopango. Sketchy) It stinks but at the same time it is a good challenge for us to think outside the box and find other ways to obtain references and find more new investigators. Tracting was actually working in our area, so our assets have been severely limited, but thankfully the ward is starting to trust in us and we have gotten a handful of positive member references, so there is light at the end of the tunnel! We have made a lot of progress with some of the members, so that has been a highlight of the work in our area. Only problem is that we are Bishopless, since our Bishop was called to be one of the Stake President´s Counselors...And when we FINALLY had a good relationship with him, they take him away from us. But that is okay, the Lord will take care of us! Alma 26:37 "Now my brethren, we see that God is mindful of every people, whatsoever land they may be in; yea, he numbereth his people, and his bowels of mercy are over all the earth. Now this is my joy, and my great thanksgiving; yea, and I will give thanks unto my God forever. Amen."

Wasn't too eventful, so kinda short! But just know that I love you all! See you next week!

Elder Daniel B.Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Mission

"I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and I will be until the day that I die"

iLopango, November 11, 2014

The Work keeps on progressing! We had a pretty fun week! We are working with M O, a investigator that didn't like the church at all when we first met him, but now he has started coming every single week to church! Yesterday before church, he pulled off an all nighter, and didn't get ANY sleep at all. But he STILL CAME TO CHURCH on no sleep at all! "I didn't sleep, but I just KNEW I had to come to church!" Talk about dedication, we can never use the tired excuse as a reason to not go to church anymore! :) He is great! We have a few other investigators that are progressing, we are trying to see how we can help E. out. We have a few that we can baptize this transfer. But other than that, the work is somewhat hard. Especially getting the members to trust us again, but thankfully that has been a good work in progress, and the members do trust us a bit more than they did in the past, but we need to earn their full trust). It is a preparatory transfer for sure, but we can still do great things this transfer, just need a lot more faith and a whole lot of prayer! Mormon 9:21 "Behold, I say unto you that whoso believeth in Christ, doubting nothing, whatsoever he shall ask the Father in the name of Christ it shall be granted him; and this promise is unto all, even unto the ends of the earth. "

We learned how to make pupusas this last weekend! (It was National Pupusa Day yesterday), and they are not all that hard to make. Of course maybe its because I have inherited some of moms AMAZING cooking skills, Just kidding, but I have gotten good at just throwing things on the frying pan and hoping that it turns out good. I have a few recipes that I like using for breakfast! :) Going back to the pupusas, I am slowing getting addicted to them, and with me losing weight, eating a whole bunch of them is my only way to counter that! (These things make one fat). I have eaten over 300 pupusas (Yes, I have been keeping count) this last year, so I made the goal to eat 1000 by the time I come home! Thankfully, we have a 60 pound bar in the back yard to be able to lift some weights, so I don't think I will come home too fat! ;) (Although lets be honest, I don't think I could get fat even if I wanted to...)

You know, you would think that just bringing 8 ties to the mission field will get you by the 2 years...ha nope! You end up with 75 after 1 year. I promise that I wont come home with more than 150 ties. :) Plus the mini earthquakes that we have started to get often have been pretty cool, but any stronger and longer, and then that is when things start getting sketchy. Speaking of sketchy, there is a neighborhood in our area where the gangsters GUARD the entrance. Not anyone can just walk right in, but thankfully the gangs know and respect the missionaries so we can walk right past the guards , and they don't do anything. Of course, we take our precautions .we have planned to go there so we are a little more safe . El Salvador is pretty sweet, I love it here, but it is crazy to think that in almost exactly 1 year I come home. I try not to think about it, but still one cant help but notice! Anyway, I love you guys, thanks for your constant support and prayers. You are in mine as well! I love hearing from what the other RMs have to say! Hey, tell Hermana Foster Hi for me, and that it was awesome to be in the same district in Ilobasco! And tell Elder Going hi for me as well! Fun stuff, well I see see you guys next week!

Elder Daniel B.Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Mission

"I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and I will be until the day that I die"

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie

iLopango, November 3, 2014

Hello family!

This was quite the week! We had transfers this week, and to our huge surprise my companion E.V had changes! He went to the San Miguel Zone to finish his mission, and the biggest surprise of all, he is a District Leader again! I felt so happy for him,. I felt good about the things I did to help him this last change, even though we didn't get the success that we wanted to. Well, I stayed in the area and I got E. C. from Mexico! Hes pretty quiet, . It is a little hard for me getting used to a more quiet companionship, but E. C. is a good missionary. He doesn't say much, but he says enough that I know that he cares.

Anyway, things have gone pretty good with our ward. Our District Leader, E.S and I were trying to make plans of how we could get more success in our areas and how to work better with the members of our ward. We came up with some very good plans which we put into play as soon as this transfer started. We wanted to start off with a bang and I feel like we did just that. The members already have a lot more trust in us and are more willing to work with us now. , but they were really happy to have missionaries that actually wanted to work in the area. That was a nice reliever, and the hard work payed off when Bishop Castro stopped by our house with some Pumpkin Pie, so that we could have a bit of Halloween in our house. It was the greatest tasting pumpkin pie I have had in a VERY long time!

The work has been decent in our area, even though we had some very unexpected twists: Good and Bad. The bad is that our baptism date disappeared when we went to do the interview, so it will probably get pushed back to the 22nd. I feel like he thinks that we are trying to force him to come to church and that he feels obligated, so we are going to try and make sure we teach with more love. The good news is that we have another investigator, M. that was not even interested in the gospel when we found him, but after the first discussion he started feeling the spirit more and a desire to learn more about the gospel, so he told us that he would start coming to church every week with us! And he did yesterday! He loved it, and told us that he will for sure come with us every week. It was just a tender mercy of the lord for that to happen, because only He can help people have a change of heart like that! It makes me more motivated to go out and be a much better missionary so that the people can feel of God´s Love through us. I feel good about our chances.

We had some pretty fun things happen already this transfer. I have been trying to get to know all the members better, because I was at church yesterday and a sister comes up to me and tells me "Welcome to the Ward Elder!" and I was like "I have been here for a month and a half already...", and then she tells me "Really? I have never noticed until now!". Ouch, talk about slap in the face hahaha! I knew that I needed to make a better relationship with the members, we were walking down the street, and a member starts talking to us. I knew she was a member but I didn't know who she was, but she knew who I was. She was inviting us over to pie and everything! She then realized that I didn't know her and tells me "I am the Bishop´s Wife". Another slap in the face. I need to be more social.

Then on Saturday we were walking around, exploring parts of our area . It was very different than the rest of the area, because it was a poorer community, who have a ton of gang members guarding the entrance. Thankfully, they know who we are, and they always let us through (actually show a lot of respect towards Missionaries because we are going around preaching the Word of God."). Perks of being a missionary. Anyway, we were going around, street contacting and everything, and we keep walking until we get to a hill. We walk up this hill and we ended up finding a pretty nice and rich community. So we keep exploring, and then we realized that we just wandered into the Zone Leader´s area!!! We were already lost by the point we realized this and we didn't know how to get back! So, we just found this road that went on FOREVER, and we had no idea how to get to our area. So we called E.S. and he was just laughing at us when we told him what had happened. (He is pretty cool, so he was laughing in the joking manner), and after a half hour we came back to our area. Fun stuff. We were laughing pretty much the whole time as well, so it helped me know that you can enjoy life when everything around you is falling apart!

I have come to realize that all of life's problems can be fixed by one person : Christ. Through Him we can feel the peace needed to overcome all of life´s problems. We are comforted by the fact that He loves us no matter what, that even though we fall and we fall over again, He is there to pick us up and brush us off so that we can keep going forward. He is the only way that we can find salvation, because he has paid the price for us already. He can make us free! Mosiah 5:8: And under this head ye are made free, and there is no other head whereby ye can be made free. There is no other name given whereby salvation cometh; therefore, I would that ye should take upon you the name of Christ, all you that have entered into the covenant with God that ye should be obedient unto the end of your lives.

Well, that is the update for this week! I love you all, and I hope you all get better. Good luck with everything! :)

Elder Daniel B.Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Mission

"I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and I will be until the day that I die"

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie

iLopango. October 27, 2014

Well, this was a fairly disappointing week to be honest. All that momentum that we had the last week just didn't carry over to this, and we had our fair share of bad luck with our investigators and just finding people in general. And to be honest it really does stink, to work your tail off and have it not be enough. I just feel exhausted, along with our District Leader. and we don't know what else we can do. But the good thing is that we ended the week on a MUCH better note, so we are doing fine!

We got to deal with lifes problems by playing soccer and ultimate fristbee. It was good to be able to go all out and for playing ultimate fristbee for the first time in 11 months (Oh yeah, today is 11 MONTHS!!!), I still got my touch, only i am actually a lot faster and better this time around (Hurray for running in place and doing leg squats everyday!) I got the majority of our scores, helping us win 15-6 (9 of them were mine, not to be braggy or anything ;) ), but I was able to get some passes to Elder V. for scores, and he can play! It was his first time playing and he did awesome. It was great to play frisbee again, however I cant say I am as good at soccer as I am frisbee. It was a good way to humble me after frisbee hahaha, but it was great! We have a fun zone and we got to play in an indoor facility with turf! The first time where the field is big enough to be able to do all out sprints. It was great!

Anyway, we have transfers this week, but I feel like we will probably stay as companions which would be really interesting. Or President takes us out of the area because we didn't do so good, which probably won't happen because as bad as our numbers are, the average of the mission isn't that great either and there are plenty of areas worse than our. bit l, but anyway that is my rant for the week! The good thing is that it was pretty cloudy all week, and somewhat cold. It felt like Utah Fall, that was for sure! It was nice, but at the same time reminded me a lot of home. Oh well, a little over than a year and I will be home.

I feel like my faith and patience has been tried so much this transfer. This process really stinks but at the same time all I can do is learn from it, and I am pretty sure that God is preparing me now so that I can have the faith, patience and diligence to deal with more of life´s problems for after the mission. In the end, everything works out. “It isn't as bad as you sometimes think it is. It all works out. Don't worry. I say that to myself every morning. It all works out in the end. Put your trust in God, and move forward with faith and confidence in the future. The Lord will not forsake us. He will not forsake us. If we will put our trust in Him, if we will pray to Him, if we will live worthy of His blessings, He will hear our prayers.” - Gordon B. Hinckley .

I also feel like I need to have a better attitude about my trials, because attitude really can make a difference when the entire world around you is falling apart. I noticed that even just keeping a decent attitude is a much nicer feeling that just being negative. Yeah we still have to deal with reality, but as long as you smile you will be just fine! There is always more bad than good, and speaking of good we found out that there was an investigator attending church for 2 years that no body has ever known about (and the members didn't know either, but we have seen her there for a while so we know that she has attended with us) and finally she came up to us and asked if we can give her the discussions. Talk about extreme luck there and she looked super positive! So things are looking a lot better now than they were before Sunday. Miracles still happen, and it is evident that our struggles haven't gone down in vain and that God is watching over us! So we shall see what happens with Transfers! I love you all, thank you for your prayer and support! Talk to you next week!

Elder Daniel B.Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Mission

"I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and I will be until the day that I die"

Elder Haynie P.day

Elder Haynie P.day

Zone 1

Zone 1



Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie

Nice socks E. Haynie

Nice socks E. Haynie

Elder Haynie and Elder Vasquez

Elder Haynie and Elder Vasquez

iLopango, October 20, 2014

ola Familia Haynie!

The Lord truly does watch over his sheep. This week has been a life changing one for a variety of reasons, but more than anything I have been able to receive a stronger testimony on the love that God has for us. We were really down to be honest with our area, and we just weren't seeing how this area could really progress. The rumors were that they´d probably close this area for lack of productivity the last year. I didn't want them to close this area, and neither did Elder Vasquez, so we just went ham with our work effort this week, and we were able to get much more success this week. Our numbers were the highest that the area has seen in a while, and tracking actually does works! We found various new investigators and families that have been looking pretty good so far, so we hope we can make some progress with them! We applied this quote a lot this week when we were working and having that focus I feel like is what helped us to have so much success this week. "Keep moving forward" yeah, it is still not where we want to be by any means, but with constant improvement eventually this area will be on fire!

Anyway, things are looking better here in Ilopango! We might have a baptism this week, but that is unconfirmed for the moment, so we will see what happens there. Other than the unsually busy week, not much else happened this week. Some days it rains, some days blazing heat. The weather here is almost as crazys as Utahs! But it is cool, I am somewhat more used to the heat than I was when i first came here to El Salvador. So yeah it has been pretty good, we are making some more progress with the area this week! We just got back from playing soccer as a Zone with President Vasquez and the APs, it was pretty awesome! President Vasquez used to play on a team and he was able to beat us a lot in one to one match ups. He got hit a couple times by the other Elders, so they are going to have an extra interview ;) Haha, it was great we got to play on turf, which is much less painful to fall on than the cement :) I have a variety of scars on my knees haha!

Oh yeah, not sure if you guys heard about the earthquake that we had! It was a 7.3, and it was pretty legit if you ask me. If was off the coasts, and we were pretty far inland so it was a 7.3 where we were, but we were completely caught by surprise! It actually scared me a bit, but at the same time it was pretty cool. It didn't cause damage over here, just rocked our house a bit, and had it been a tad stronger I think more things would have started to fall. Other areas were hit harder, but the damage wasn't too much and all the Elders and Sisters are safe. But yeah, tomorrow President Vasquez is going to call the trainers for the next Transfer. We have really been pushing for Elder Vasquez to train, because he has never done it before, and he is going into his last transfer so we want him (us, our District and our ZLs) to end his mission on a awesome note. He certainly has that potential, and as the senior companion I recommended him for training, and everyone seems to agree. We shall see what happens there! :) So life is going pretty good here, I am really enjoying my time here on the mission. It is weird to think that next Monday I will have 11 months. I am almost at the half way mark! Wow.

Anyway, I wish the best of luck to you all this week, and talk to you guys soon! :) I LOVE YOU ALL!

Elder Daniel B.Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Mission

"I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and I will be until the day that I die"



Elder Haynie kichen

Elder Haynie kichen

Elder Haynie dinner

Elder Haynie dinner

iLopango,October 13, 2014


Haha, oh the Chikengunya, that is what my companion and our District Leader had. They are feeling better now, but still it wipes people out. Many of the members have it here, but thankfully it is not contagious! We are being told to basically bathe in OFF repellent, so I think I am fine there! :) . The truth is, I haven't lost weight really, I am still about where I was since I left. I lost the 10 pounds of fat that I gained eating nachos and cookies every night watching College Football, but other than that I am fine... :) Those were good times. We had nachos the other night, and I was getting Baggy just remembering College Football, but I am fine. I am hearing how BYU, Utah State, and Utah are doing, so I am not being driven too crazy! It rains a lot down here, but the ponchos have really helped us out a lot!

Well, this has been a week where we have really learned about ourselves and we we need to do in order to do the things that we need to do. The work is difficult, we can hardly find anyone that is willing to listen to us. The investigators that we have are good, we just need more of them, and as soon as possible. The only hope that we have at baptizing this transfers lies in E, They are a very good family, they have 4 kids (I believe, I have never counted them all), and this is a family that has gone through a lot of hardship. Yet, they always seem to be happy, and despite their challenges they just keep moving forward!

I am reminded of a quote I read somewhere in the Mission, and I had it written down. “All human beings experience disappointment. If this hard fact of development were not so, it would be very difficult to explain the joy of personal growth that often follows setbacks.” by Elder Jacob de Jager, First Quorum of the Seventy. I feel that this is very true, because there is always something to be learned from the disappointments that we have in life. It is up to us to let ourselves be humble and learn. I feel like I haven;t reacted as well as I should have to disappointments, both before and during the mission. It is a lot better right now, but I feel like I had a lot of missed opportunities in the past, and that really stinks to be honest. But the past is the past, and all that we can do is learn from it and keep moving forward!

We had interviews with President Vasquez, and he gave me some great counsel of things that I can apply in my area and in my life. I was able to feel the love that he has for me as a Missionary and a child of God, and he made it clear that I am not just some any other missionary, that he really knows me and cares about the things that are going on and wants to me out. He told me somethings that the Lord expects of me and has helped me realize the promises that I have in my Patriarchal Blessing. It has really encouraged me to be a better missionary, and I don't feel like I will ever be a perfect one, in fact I am FAR from perfect, but I still want to be better so I can be worthy of those blessings. "Brethren, it’s time for each of us to step up; to live lives more worthy of this divine power and privilege. This is our work and the great task of our lives." Elder Kevin W. Pearson, 1st Counselor, Pacific Area Presidency.

The area is hard, but there is potential here. We just need to motivate ourselves more, and step up our game. We cant win the hearts of the people here with only 95% effort. We might not be able to make this area go forward with a 110% effort, but in this case we will be comforted to know that the Lord is pleased with everything that we are doing. We have a good Ward and some very good members. Yeah, they are not always available to help us, but they are willing to help us and we need to be better working with them! This is not old news, that is somethings that we have been commanded to do by the Lord himself. D&C 124:110 "Verily I say unto you, even now, if he will hearken unto my voice, it shall be well with him. Even so. Amen."

I am so glad to hear about your experiences at home. I can't wait to be able to Home Teach when I get home, I feel like it will be a lot easier to just set apart a little time to be a 100% Home Teacher. I hope that the seeds that you are planting in that family are good, even if they don't want to hear about the Gospel yet it is good to still visit them. Sometimes, you need to win the hearts of the people before you can start teaching. Ammon did that with King Lamoni by giving service, and THEN teaching the Gospel. We all know the results and the success that Ammon had among the Lamanites. Maybe doing a service project for them would be good, but not exactly with the motive to try and get the missionaries over there. One thing that I have learned that if we really just focus on the people themselves, and not worry so much about if this will give us more investigators or more lessons, then the Lord blesses us with success. It is a good way to find new people to teach, but we should be focused on helping the people. :) Just a thing that I learned, but you will have to keep me posted on that family!

Take care! Hope you all have a great week! :)

Elder Daniel B.Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Mission

"I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and I will be until the day that I die"

Elder Haynie house...

Elder Haynie house...

E.Haynie and Elder Vasquez

E.Haynie and Elder Vasquez

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie
Love that smile, Miss my boy.

El Salvador temple

El Salvador temple

iIlopango, October 8, 2014

Wow, this was quite the roller coaster week. Well, we both got super sick this week and we couldn't work for a couple of days. It was pretty awful to be honest, and I am still trying to decide if I should say exactly what it was...but I don't want to worry you guys too much, so I think I will keep that to myself! But I am fine, it was just a physically rough week, and the medicine that our Mission Doctor gave to us is working wonders. Still feel a little iffy, but the medications are doing their job and keeping (said sickness) from spreading. But now our District Leader has been completely taken out by sickness as well, and almost cant get out of his bed, so the sick bud has been taking its toll on our District. Anyway, there is much to be learned by this experience, and everything happens for a reason...No matter how hard or painful these experiences are. Alma 17:5 "Now these are the circumstances which attended them in their journeying, for they had many afflictions; they did suffer much, both in body and in mind, such as hunger, thirst and fatigue, and also much labor in the spirit"

So General Conference was AWESOME! I finally got to see it in English, although it was awesome that some of the speakers spoke in their native tongue. That is a great addition to General Conference! There were SO many things I loved about this General Conference, but I really loved how blunt the speakers were. There were SUPER direct and machete with everything, but it was very good. Gave me a lot of motivation to be a better person. I don't have a favorite talk to be honest, they were all super awesome! However, I really enjoyed Elder Jorge Klebingat´s talk about the things that we can do to have Spiritual Confidence. "Acknowlege your weaknesses but don't be paralyzed by them.". Then President Uchtdorf touched on the same topic in the Priesthood Session. It was great, helped me a lot. I took a bunch of notes...I think the first time I was actually able to pay attention all of General Conference...too bad it is already over! :(

Speaking of which, that was so awesome that the Grantsville, Stansbury, and Tooele choirs sang in the Conference. I had heard that they were gonna sing last week, so I was ready for it, but it was still fun to see so many people that I knew! They really liked showing Brother Mouritsen, I felt like the camera was always on him, but that was fun! Seeing a bit of home really made me Baggy this weekend, but I think I recovered since then hahaha! Anyway, yeah that has been our week, it is pretty hot down here...I miss the grass...Anyway. We got to eat with some members after General Conference, and we were fed very well. Reminded me a lot of the dinners that we would have after the Priesthood Session. Those were some good times, but hey with my current plans we should be able to do that in April of 2016 before I head off to Utah State. That will be fun, but there is still work to be done here!

Elder Daniel B.Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Mission

E. Haynie Distric

E. Haynie Distric

E.H and E.V

E.H and E.V

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie



ILopango. September 29, 2014

Dear Family,

Sorry for the late email, we had a Zone Pday today so we didn't get to write in the morning like normal. Anyway, how goes life at home? General Conference again this week...wow, time goes by way too fast hahaha! But it is okay, we are sure to recieve a lot of answers to prayers this week!

Well, this was a a very long week that is for sure haha! Mentally, Physically, and just about every other way, this was the hardest week that I have had on the mission. It was so depressing at some points, not even joking. Plus to get sick (Well, the both of us actually) with a insane stomach virus to end the week did not help at all. But there are things to be learned from all of these experiences, even though they are not what I would like haha! I remember reading the story of Joseph Smith when he was in Liberty Jail, and the Lord is telling him that ‘If thou art called to pass through tribulation; if thou art in perils among false brethren; perils among robbers; perils by land and sea; if fierce winds become thine enemy; if the billowing surge conspire against thee, if the very jaws of hell shall gape open the mouth wide after thee, know thou, my son, that all these things shall give thee experience and shall be for thy good."

As far as things goe, the work is kinda slow here, we don't have too much to work with here. We have been trying to work with the less actives, and trying to get member references, and those have worked out pretty well. Only that the Zone Leaders were a bit annoyed that we were having a lot of lessons with the less actives and not with the investigators (although to defend ourselves, no one here really wants to hear us and most of the investigators that we have cancel on us, so we are left with no other real option, and tracting isnt exactly the solution all the time), but if we are reactivating then obviously we are doing something. We have people coming to church that havent in years, so I feel like we are doing okay. In Ilobasco, we had to reactivate, and then thats when the blessings started to come, wouldn't be surprised if that was the case here because we have several less actives. Still, we are trying to make the most out of every opportunity to find new investigators and teach because that is our calling as well. Anyway, the two of us being sick has slowed down the work a bit, but I feel like we are gonna need some bed rest considering that my companion got chicken pox and this sickness is really putting the hurt on him, so...Yeah we will see how that goes. This week will be better than last week!

Elder Daniel B.Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Mission

"I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and I will be until the day that I die"

Elder Haynie and Elder Rios

Elder Haynie and Elder Rios
September,17 2014



ILopango, Sepmber 22,2014.

Dear Family

Wow this has been quite a week. After 6 months, I finally got transferred from Ilobasco. It was pretty sad to be honest because I had a very good relationship with some of the members, and they really helped me feel at home there. I am really gona miss all of them and the small town feeling of Ilobasco, but all the more reason to return after the mission! Well, my trainee Elder Rios has control of the area now, and I know he will continue doing good work there. I am gonna miss that Panama kid, he was so fun! But yeah we went to Transfer meeting, and at the beginning President Vasquez told us not to be surprised if we got an old companion or area. Out of the 150 missionaries that had transfers, only two of them were my old companions, so the odds of me getting one of them were not that good, there is no what that would happen right?

My new area is Ilopongo, in the Valle Nuevo (New Valley) Ward. It is a city area, so going from an area that is almost like Grantsville to a city setting again was quite a change. I had a rough adjustment, and I was feeling homesick for Ilobasco to be honest, but I am over that now and finally starting to find my way around. As far as companions goes...you will not believe who my companion is, Elder Vasquez. He is in his last 2 transfers, but President made me Senior Companion, so yeah. It is cool, we know what expectations are, so we are ready to work. Plus I already know how to work with him, so it is pretty good.

The area is quite different here, we have a very supportive ward. I already like the members here, they are pretty nice and more often than not we members willing to teach lessons with us. We need to really take advantage working with the members here, because many people are super stubborn. Like they get all offended if we give them the time of day, and everyone here has heard the missionaries before and just don't want anything. It is hard to baptize here as well, I feel like getting sent to harder areas has been my purpose here. But after seeing the change in Ilobasco gives me a lot of hope for Ilopongo, especially considering that we have more Ward Support. Street Contacting doesn't work here, so we need to work with Member Referrals and the super prepared Investigators. We have a lot of less actives in the ward, so we have been working with them as well. Yesterday alone, just from our side of the area we had 16 less actives come to church! I see a lot of potential here, and I really like the other Elders in our ward as well.

Elder Soza is our District Leader, and he just got out of the Mission Office after being there for a WHOLE YEAR. He is cool, probably the most humble person I have ever met. He is a HUGE BYU and football fan, so we talk about that a lot. He also has a companion that he had before, so it has been quite common to have old companionships together again. So yeah, it is pretty cool here, it has been SO COLD in the nights and morning! I have had to use my sweats, shirt, my winter underarmour, a sweater AND the robe at night because it gets so cold...and even them I am still pretty chilly in the mornings! It is a completely different story in the day time, but I guess it makes sense because we are in the dead of winter here in El Salvador, just that the seasonal winds haven't started yet. Wow, I have been out for almost 10 months. Time goes by so fast as a missionary! But I am doing great, I see a lot of potential here, and we just have to do our part to make sure we qualify for the blessings!

Well, I hope you all have a great week! It is so good to hear about what is going on back home! I love you all!

Elder Daniel B.Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Mission

Elder Haynie new old companion E.Vasquez

Elder Haynie new old companion E.Vasquez



Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie

E.Haynie and E.Rios

E.Haynie and E.Rios
E.Haynie was the trainer of E.Rios

ILobasco, September 16, 2014

Hola Familia!

Sorry for the delay, we had the El Salvador Indepedence Day yesterday so it was pretty crazy and President told us not to leave our house until the afternoon...so we have P Day today! I am pretty sure I get transfer tomorrow so I have already packed most of my stuff just in case haha! Hey did you guys get rid of the blog? One of the members was telling me that they couldn't find the blog anymore, so I don't know if you deleted it or not but that is okay.

So yeah it has been good week, the truth is that I am kinda sad because the baptism didn't work out, but I am fine sitting tight. There isn't too much to write about this week to be honest but with transfers this week I think there will be much to tell! I am so thankful for the opportunity that I have had to train Elder Rios. We finished training yesterday and even though I don't feel like I did too good of a job training, but he turned out a lot better than me so I feel like I did okay! :)

This is the first transfer that I didn't baptize anyone, but that is okay because I felt like I put in my effort and did everything that I needed to do. The baptisms didn't come but I know that the Lord is preparing me for something even greater, and I feel like I have hope with my new area and new companion. Then again, I could be in a much worse situation but there is a reason and purpose for everything! 1 Nephi 3:7 "And it came to pass that I, Elder Haynie, said unto my father: I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them."

That is my short letter for this week, I will have more to write next week! I LOVE YOU ALL!!! :) Oh yeah, could you send me a list of what needs to be in a 72 hour kit. President commanded us to have one, so...yeah :) Good Bye! :)

Elder Daniel B.Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Mission

"I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and I will be until the day that I die"

E.Haynie District

E.Haynie District


Goodbye to Ilobasco tree....

E.Haynie and E.Rios

E.Haynie and E.Rios
September- 2014

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie 2

Elder Haynie 2

ILobasco, September 8, 2014

Hola Familia!

Wow, the bedroom is looking good! I am already excited to see what life is like after the mission, but that excitement ends at the end of every P Day. After that,it is time to hit the pavement, find people, teach people and baptize people! That makes me happy that you were able to at least plant a seed. I have learned that planting seeds is legit! It is not the right time for everyone, but if we do our part to at least try and plant the seed, we are blessed for our efforts as well.

I hope you had an AMAZING week! This week has been super eventful in so many ways! The area is doing good, we don't have too many progressing investigators but we are learning to find the chosen and ready investigators. We have dropped several that in the end did'n progress too well, because we aren't here just to talk about God with people, we are here to preach the Restored Gospel and cry repentance unto the people and Baptize with the Priesthood Authority of God. Mark 16:15-16 " And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.". That is our purpose and why we are here, not just to have a good conversation about God. :)

We have a baptism this week, but that is up in the air for some very interesting reasons, so who knows what will happen. This is my last full week in Ilobasco, as transfers are already 10 days away. (I am pretty sure I get transfered out of the area, I have already been here 4 transfers, and almost 6 months). But things are going great with Elder Rios, we are working hard to finish this Transfer with a bang. Some days have been pretty hard and pretty boring, but we have learned to make the most out of everything and to just have fun. Smiling is fun! :)

I have really learned to appreciate The Atonement in a way that I have never really felt it before. Just the feeling to be clean is AMAZING! Seriously the peace and comfort that one feels after Repentance makes you feel like a new person, even if you are repenting for just the little things everyday. I remember reading in Alma this week, about the importance of repenting NOW. Alma 34:32,33 "For behold, this life is the time for men to prepare to meet God; yea, behold the day of this life is the day for men to perform their labors. And now, as I said unto you before, as ye have had so many witnesses, therefore, I beseech of you that ye do not procrastinate the day of your repentance until the end; for after this day of life, which is given us to prepare for eternity, behold, if we do not improve our time while in this life, then cometh the night of darkness wherein there can be no labor performed." We are here to help people come unto Christ through Faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, Repentance, Baptism, recieving the Holy Ghost and enduring to the End. It is important that we do a self check every once and a while (Or everyday is better) because we cant help anyone repent if we ourselves haven't repented of our sins.

In our lessons this week, a lot of them have had to do with Repentance just with the various problems that our investigators have, and being able to testify about Repentance with power has really given me a great appreciation of the Atonement. It has given me a greater understanding and helped me in my life so much that I can with power and authority help others as well! And how amazing is to see an investigator make changes in their lives and repent! How amazing is to be clean! I am reminded of the conversion of Alma, and how he was a wicked man before, but through the Atonement he became a new man and an awesome Missionary! Alma 36:17-21 "And it came to pass that as I was thus racked with torment, while I was harrowed up by the memory of my many sins, behold, I remembered also to have heard my father prophesy unto the people concerning the coming of one Jesus Christ, a Son of God, to atone for the sins of the world. Now, as my mind caught hold upon this thought, I cried within my heart: O Jesus, thou Son of God, have mercy on me, who am in the gall of bitterness, and am encircled about by the everlasting chains of death. And now, behold, when I thought this, I could remember my pains no more; yea, I was harrowed up by the memory of my sins no more. And oh, what joy, and what marvelous light I did behold; yea, my soul was filled with joy as exceeding as was my pain! Yea, I say unto you, my son, that there could be nothing so exquisite and so bitter as were my pains. Yea, and again I say unto you, my son, that on the other hand, there can be nothing so exquisite and sweet as was my joy."

I know that this Gospel, the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ changes lives! It has changed my life and I have seen it change other peoples lives, and that keeps me going, knowing that I am out here in El Salvador for a reason and that I have been called by a living Prophet of God to preach His Gospel! I have been here a little more than 9 months already, but I am not ready to finish just yet. I have learned more of who I am, and who God wants me to be. I have seen miracles out here, and i am not done yet! In fact I am just beginning, despite the language barriers that I have had, I feel like I am on the launching pad and am ready to take off. I am the person I am today because of Him, Jesus Christ. He has made the difference when I have failed, and with Him I can be awesome! The Best is Yet To Come!

I love you! I hope this week is equally amazing for you all!

P.S as far as clothes go, I am just fine! I haven't lost, or torn any of them yet, a few holes in my socks for playing soccer, but just those. I feel like the first thing I would have to replace are my running shoes, but they can still hold up for a bit longer and I think I can just buy them down here, they are quality but they are super cheap in price. (Like 10 bucks brand new) so I think I am good! :) Thank you!

Elder Daniel B.Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Mission

"I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and I will be until the day that I die"

Show message history



Elder Haynie 3

Elder Haynie 3

Elder Haynie 4

Elder Haynie 4

ILobasco. September 3, 2014

So this week was a good week. 9 MONTHS IN THE MISSION!!! We got off to a fast start getting references on the street, so we had many options of investigators to visit when we were doing our planning sessions. We were able to find some new investigators that were really positive and we had some great success with that! We started following the PMG method of inviting to baptism, and we have found that it works out SO much better than normal and that the investigators are a lot more receptive. The first visit with an investigator is really important because it sets the foundation for the entire relationship, so it is important to be able to leave a good first impression with that investigator. We have been working to really improve that one point of our teaching, and as a result it has really helped out our relationship with our investigators and we have a lot more progressing. It doesnt feel like we are doing anything special, but I learned that when we do everything that we can and we still cant obtain our goal, the Grace of the Lord will take care of the rest! Jacob 4 verses 6 and 7. "Wherefore, we search the prophets, and we have many revelations and the spirit of prophecy; and having all these witnesses we obtain a hope, and our faith becometh unshaken, insomuch that we truly can command in the name of Jesus and the very trees obey us, or the mountains, or the waves of the sea. Nevertheless, the Lord God showeth us our weakness that we may know that it is by his grace, and his great condescensions unto the children of men, that we have power to do these things."

It has been raining a lot, so it is cool. Sometimes I feel like I am in Utah, I dont feel like I am in a different country. I am so used to the culture, to the language (I still talk like a hardcore Gringo). Being in Ilobasco for almost 6 months has really made me feel at home...only with out AC, running everyday, watching Football every weekend, I still miss it but that time will come again! One thing that has really helped me a lot is my desire to be a better missionary, to recognize my imperfections and do my best to try and better myself. I have this scripture that I read everyday that helps me realize that I can reach my potential and that anything I do wrong I can erase through the Atonement of Jesus Christ! Moroni 10 32and33 "Yea, come unto Christ, and be perfected in him, and deny yourselves of all ungodliness; and if ye shall deny yourselves of all ungodliness, and love God with all your might, mind and strength, then is his grace sufficient for you, that by his grace ye may be perfect in Christ; and if by the grace of God ye are perfect in Christ, ye can in nowise deny the power of God. And again, if ye by the grace of God are perfect in Christ, and deny not his power, then are ye sanctified in Christ by the grace of God, through the shedding of the blood of Christ, which is in the covenant of the Father unto the remission of your sins, that ye become holy, without spot."

This was an awesome week, because I really got to see how the spirit works, not only in myself but in my investigators as well. Almost everyone of our new investigators that we found this week accepted the invitation to be baptized, by someone that held the Priesthood Authority of God. The lessons that we have had have been pretty awesome. Yesterday was actually one of the most successful days that I have ever had in mission. We were teaching this family that had been visited by a ton of other missionaries before, but never really progressed because the other missionaries had failed in answering their needs and explaining the doctrine clearly. They were a little reluctant before letting us in, but they took a chance so we got to teach them about the Restoration of the Gospel. They had a bunch of really good and inspired questions, and some of them were questions that were completely new to us. We felt the spirit during the lesson, so we trusted that if we just opened our mouths and said what we know, then the Lord will take care of the rest. And he did, with His help we were able to resolve the doubts that they had about Joseph Smith and other doubts. They told us that they were convinced, because we were the first pair of missionaries that came with a desire to teach them and not just a lesson, that they felt something that hadn't really felt before. Finally they didn't have any doubts, and we as missionaries learned a whole lot of things that we didn't really know before. The Spirit works in a way that is just so awesome, I love this work! It strenghens my testimony of this church and that this is the Restored and True Church of Jesus Christ, that we have the Priesthood Authority of God to act in the name of Jesus Christ and that we are the only ones with His Permission to do so! I love this Gospel! This Gospel changes lifes and is true!

Elder Daniel B.Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Mission

"I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and I will be until the day that I die"

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie

ILobasco, August 25, 2014

Hola Familia!

Well, the SD card to my camera is basically fried because it got a virus and the files all disappeared here on the computer. They still show up on the camera just fine, so they are their but they won't show up on the computer, so onto the next SD Card! Anyway next week yeah I will have some more photos, but at least they aren't all completely erased.I can still go in and print them off but oh well. :/ So yeah we have had quite the hard week, it is super hard not to get demotivated here.We had SO many disappointments with our investigators not coming to church and not being baptized. It is SO frustrating with some of them, but I will go into details other than sometimes I just want to grab and tell them "Just come to church!". Rant over. :) If you watched The District, that pretty much tells you everything about Missionary Life. I remember I hated that show because I felt like it was just a drama series about Missionaries, but being on the field has made me realized that it is exactly the same. Only difference is that those missionaries had cars and air conditioning...Mission Envy over, I still have the best mission in the world! :)

We have been trying to just street contact a lot more, and we even decided to start tractking just because we had so many days where our planners were full, back up plans and everything and still at 4:00 we had nothing to do because all of our appointments fell, so we had a lot of time to just go out and find more people to teach. It is super common to get a false address, so we have had some adventures trying to find houses that end up not existing. It is pretty fun actually, we found a whole bunch of roads that don't even show up on our maps. But at the same time, we found some really positive and friendly people that have a sincere desire to learn more. We even got the Head Preacher of a local church to come over, because he has a son that is an alcoholic and he has tried everything to try and get him back on the right track, so he turned to us and told us "The truth is that I am not too interested in your message, but I need you guys to work on my son". There we have it. :) We just need to trust in the Lord more and make sure we are doing our parts with our obedience and our diligence. 2 Nephi 10:23-24 , "Therefore, cheer up your hearts, and remember that ye are free to act for yourselves—to choose the way of everlasting death or the way of eternal life. Wherefore, my beloved brethren, reconcile yourselves to the will of God, and not to the will of the devil and the flesh; and remember, after ye are reconciled unto God, that it is only in and through the grace of God that ye are saved."

Our Companionship has been pretty good with Elder Rios. We are learning a lot everyday, and trying to make the most out of the Tender Mercies of the Lord that we have. One of those is the Lopez Family, a family of 3 that has a single mother, a 20 year old athletic son, and a 18 year old daughter. They are such a special family, they were a reference from the Sister Missionaries and we have been teaching them a lot. They are a prepared family, because they love the message that we are bringing to them! We have made some very good progress with them, we have walked out of their house with all the coffee that they had (They gave it to us to throw away :) ), they read the Book of Mormon, keep the commitments for the most part, only problem is that they work on Sundays and trying to get around that has been really difficult, so we will see what happens with that...but taking out that problem, they are 3 baptisms easily. They have got to go to church 3 times before they can get baptized, so yeah "Just come to church!". Mosiah 4:27 "And see that all these things are done in wisdom and order ; for it is not requisite that a man should run faster than he has strength. And again, it is expedient that he should be diligent, that thereby he might win the prize; therefore, all things must be done in order. "

If there is anything that I need to work on, it is my patience and my humility. I feel that I have come to be too casual with having success that I got a little prideful and I feel like this hard week came as a way to make me more humble. It has been really hard, and I got discouraged in some parts, but it really helped me to try and be closer to God, to put more of my trust in him. I was reading in Personal Study one day, and this scripture really called my attention in Mosiah 4:9-12 "Believe in God; believe that he is, and that he created all things, both in heaven and in earth; believe that he has all wisdom, and all power, both in heaven and in earth; believe that man doth not comprehend all the things which the Lord can comprehend. And again, believe that ye must repent of your sins and forsake them, and humble yourselves before God; and ask in sincerity of heart that he would forgive you; and now, if you believe all these things see that ye do them. And again I say unto you as I have said before, that as ye have come to the knowledge of the glory of God, or if ye have known of his goodness and have tasted of his love, and have received a remission of your sins, which causeth such exceedingly great joy in your souls, even so I would that ye should remember, and always retain in remembrance, the greatness of God, and your own nothingness, and his goodness and long-suffering towards you, unworthy creatures, and humble yourselves even in the depths of humility, calling on the name of the Lord daily, and standing steadfastly in the faith of that which is to come, which was spoken by the mouth of the angel. And behold, I say unto you that if ye do this ye shall always rejoice, and be filled with the love of God, and always retain a remission of your sins; and ye shall grow in the knowledge of the glory of him that created you, or in the knowledge of that which is just and true." That explains to pretty well, and I love it because it gives me hope that good things are to come.

We had a special Multi-Zone Conference with President Vasquez, and one of the Area Seventy Elder Ochoa. He said a lot of things about Missionary Work that really answered a lot of questions that I had about how to go about and be an effective missionary. It was very encouraging and really helped me to try and do better, even though it seemed like everything around me was falling apart, which in a way still did, but we are moving on and pressing forward! The Best is Yet to Come!

Elder Daniel B.Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Mission

"I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and I will be until the day that I die"

ILobasco August 18, 3014

Hola Familia!

We had a very cool experience today! President Vazquez came to our Branch to set apart a Sister Missionary. She is a good friend of all us missionaries here, so she invited us to the setting apart, we got to see President Vazquez and it was great! When he was ready to set apart the Sister, and to our great surprise he invited us Elders to participate in the setting apart. I had no idea that we could do that, but what an wonderful experience! So we had a pretty boring week to be honest, it has been the same stuff just different days, so...there is not too much to write this week and this email is probably going to be shorter than most, but hopefully things are better and less boring this week so I can write a novel like I have been doing. Only thing is that my emails will already be shorter now, because I cant just copy and paste my letters to President, since he has asked for them to be in Spanish so...Yeah sorry about that.

Anyway, things are going great here in Illobasco. We are working really hard with some of our positive investigators, but we have the problem of them working on Sunday which makes them miss church, so we are trying to see what we can do there. Anyway, yeah not much to write this week sorry. I hope all is well with the family and I hope that you all have a great week! Plus I can't send pictures this week, for some reason the computer won't accept my USB so yeah sorry

Elder Daniel B.Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Mission

"I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and I will be until the day that I die"

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie
BYU dream....

Ready for PDay

Ready for PDay
Elder Haynie and Elder Rios

ILobasco. August 11, 2014.

Hola Familia!

So, I survived transfers and am starting my fourth transfer here in Ilobasco, finishing the training of Elder Rios. After my first transfer in Ilobasco, I was just SO ready to leave to be honest, but now I would not mind finishing my mission here. But, I have already accepted the fact that this is my last transfer here, and the Lord will call me to another area after the training of Elder Rios is complete. But, that is 6 weeks away! This week was a pretty good week, we actually started off very strong. We have developed a good teaching pattern, and our unity has been pretty good. I was actually sick this whole week, and I lost my voice for 3 days, so I was mute while my companion did all the teaching. It was good for him to get extra reps of teaching, that has accelerated his learning process. As far as our hopes of everyone in our District Baptizing, everyone one of the baptisms that we had fell...so yeah that was pretty sad, but we are not getting down on that!

We have a everchanging investigator pool, I feel like we keep cycling out the old investigators for new ones. Our only problem is that we have a consistent number of investigators, we are neither losing or gaining numbers, which is normally a good thing...It is just that we would like to have many more investigators. It is not like we don't have anything to do, we can fill up our planner with names, but trying to get back up plans and the back up of the back plans has been a difficulty. We shifted gears a bit and are now focused on just finding more people, as well as focusing on our super positive investigators that we have. We have some good potential, so we will work with what we have. But we started this transfer off pretty good, it was actually better numbers-wise than any other week that I had in my 5 months in Ilobasco. Quality is the thing that we are struggling to find, but we have made some positive strides to this point and we are hungry for more success.

We are trying to find those that are prepared, and to do that we are praying for the Lord´s help. He will lead, just like he did with Nephi when he was faithful and doing the things that he was supposed to. 1 Nephi 2: 19-20 "And it came to pass that the Lord spake unto me, saying: Blessed art thou, Nephi, because of thy faith, for thou hast sought me diligently, with lowliness of heart. And inasmuch as ye shall keep my commandments, ye shall prosper, and shall be led to a land of promise; yea, even a land which I have prepared for you; yea, a land which is choice above all other lands." That is our recipe, if we seek diligently, then the Lord will lead us to the "Land of Promise" where he has people prepared for us! We have much promise for this transfer, and I feel that we can do big things, but we will need miracles for that to happen, and miracles come from exact obedience, so that is something we are really striving for this transfer!

Scripture study is such a powerful thing that we have in our lives, we literally the entire word of God in our hands! I wished I was a little more diligent studying the scriptures before the mission, but better late than never! There are many blessings and power that comes from being edified from the good word of God. I remember one thing that I learned in the MTC from my teacher about scripture study, and some of the blessings that come from it. Helaman 3:29,30 and 35. In verse 29, we have the COMMITMENT which is "Yea, we see that whosoever will may lay hold upon the word of God, which is quick and powerful, which shall divide asunder all the cunning and the snares and the wiles of the devil, and lead the man of Christ in a strait and narrow course across that everlasting gulf of misery which is prepared to engulf the wicked". Verse 35, the CONVERSION: "Nevertheless they did fast and pray oft, and did wax stronger and stronger in their humility, and firmer and firmer in the faith of Christ, unto the filling their souls with joy and consolation, yea, even to the purifying and the sanctification of their hearts, which sanctification cometh because of their yielding their hearts unto God.", and finally the PROMISE which is"And land their souls, yea, their immortal souls, at the right hand of God in the kingdom of heaven, to sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and with Jacob, and with all our holy fathers, to go no more out." This not only applies to Scripture Study, but to the commandments of God in general. If we do what we are supposed to do, we are promised these blessings and just by reading my scriptures daily, I have seen a great change in my life and I am just a lot happier than I was before! Being on a mission is just a very happy experience and I love being here!

Elder Daniel B.Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Mission

"I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and I will be until the day that I die"

Elder Haynie 1

Elder Haynie 1

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie

E.Haynie and E. Rios

E.Haynie and E. Rios
E.Haynie favorite picture of his week.

Nice shade after a long walk ....... 105 degress

Nice shade after a long walk ....... 105 degress

E. Haynie and E.Rio

E. Haynie and E.Rio
Missionaries house... Love that smile...

ILobasco, August 4, 2014

Hola Familia!

Wow, what a small world. You guys are getting to know EVERYONE! And with Elder Rios, everything is great! We are having a fun time and it is like having a brother here in the mission! You guys have Facebook now...? Wow, how things have changed since I have left! Oh Elder Lowry, I love that missionary! He is in charge of Migration, and he is probably the happiness, most positive missionary that I have ever met! He is a good friend of mine! Yeah, in the pictures I can see that they are getting a bit taller. I have already accepted the fact that CJ will be the tallest when I come home. He has 15 months to gain on me!

We had a very rough start to our week. Nothing seemed to be going our way, we lost a handful of investigators, no one seemed to be progressing, we wasted time trying to find phantom references, it was very hard. We were so lost and we had no idea where we needed to go and what we needed to do. But, in the end everything was fine! Good things started to happen on Friday, and the blessings that we were able to see were just so amazing. To have an area turn completely around in just 1 day is just a miracle. We were actually getting frustrated with everything that was happening, but we decided that we needed to be more faithful and sincere in our prayers, to put more trust in the Lord and let him take it from there. We had a very good and edifying District Meeting about the Missionary Purpose, and even though I basically had it memorized, I don't feel like I was making the most out of my opportunities. It is one thing to read and learn something, but it is another to actually apply. Some days I feel like I am just going through the motion and these days tend to be a tad more depressing than most. Just a change in mentality from being just a missionary to a good mission can change one´s perspective. Then that is not even the end, the transition from being just good to better to the very best we can be is a very steep road, but definitely an obtainable one.

That attitude helped us a lot in the weekend, we were able to find some pretty prepared people and make a whole bunch of new friends! Although we might have been soaked by the rain, we always had a smile on our face! Only being in the Lord´s service can bring this much joy! To think that we almost gave up on the area is just a horrible thought, considering the success that we had when we decided to endure to the end. Alma 26:27-31 "Now when our hearts were depressed, and we were about to turn back, behold, the Lord comforted us, and said: Go amongst thy brethren, the Lamanites, and bear with patience thine afflictions, and I will give unto you success. And now behold, we have come, and been forth amongst them; and we have been patient in our sufferings, and we have suffered every privation; yea, we have traveled from house to house, relying upon the mercies of the world—not upon the mercies of the world alone but upon the mercies of God. And we have entered into their houses and taught them, and we have taught them in their streets; yea, and we have taught them upon their hills; and we have also entered into their temples and their synagogues and taught them; and we have been cast out, and mocked, and spit upon, and smote upon our cheeks; and we have been stoned, and taken and bound with strong cords, and cast into prison; and through the power and wisdom of God we have been delivered again. And we have suffered all manner of afflictions, and all this, that perhaps we might be the means of saving some soul; and we supposed that our joy would be full if perhaps we could be the means of saving some. Now behold, we can look forth and see the fruits of our labors; and are they few? I say unto you, Nay, they are many; yea, and we can witness of their sincerity, because of their love towards their brethren and also towards us."

I could talk about how awesome this week ended up being, but I feel like this scripture sums it up pretty good, although we haven't been stoned and thrown into jail...yet. Anyway! So those fruits that have been starting to come forth are to come in the form of every companionship baptizing this weekend. That is going to be a awesome! Our District Leader, and the Sisters have baptisms set in stone, while ours is a little sketchy at this point. The family of this investigator doesn't know that she has been taking the missionary discussions OR attending church with us (They live separated). They don't know ANYTHING, and the worst part is that the family is SUPER(Other Religion), so that makes things something complicated. She went to the family yesterday to try and talk to them, but as of now we have no idea what happened. So, we are PRAYING like none other that everything went okay and that she actually talked to her family about her decision to be baptized. And she FINISHED the Book of Mormon, and is halfway through Doctrine and Convenants, and UNDERSTANDS EVERYTHING! She has a very strong testimony and she knows that it is the truth, but the family is an obstacle, so we are praying and hoping for the best...But it would be awesome to have everyone in the District baptize this week. :)

One thing I have noticed in our very good lessons is that when we are so united in the Spirit, we have the same thoughts. Many times this week, I have wanted to say something that was on my mind and my companion ends up saying the EXACT same thing that I was thinking. And the other way around, I say something that Elder Rios recieved in his mind as well so that is pretty cool! To be super united in lessons makes life SO much easier! And it is the way that we have been trained to teach, but I can say that when we are doing the things we should be doing then the Lord will help us! D&C 68:3-5 "And this is the ensample unto them, that they shall speak as they are moved upon by the Holy Ghost. And whatsoever they shall speak when moved upon by the Holy Ghost shall be scripture, shall be the will of the Lord, shall be the mind of the Lord, shall be the word of the Lord, shall be the voice of the Lord, and the power of God unto salvation. Behold, this is the promise of the Lord unto you, O ye my servants." This makes the work so much more enjoyable and even though the start of this week was horrible, we are still having the time of our life!

The words have the Prophet Alma has really inspired me to be a better missionary, to make the changes needed to have a better life. Alma 36:24-28 "Yea, and from that time even until now, I have labored without ceasing, that I might bring souls unto repentance; that I might bring them to taste of the exceeding joy of which I did taste; that they might also be born of God, and be filled with the Holy Ghost. Yea, and now behold, O my son, the Lord doth give me exceedingly great joy in the fruit of my labors; For because of the word which he has imparted unto me, behold, many have been born of God, and have tasted as I have tasted, and have seen eye to eye as I have seen; therefore they do know of these things of which I have spoken, as I do know; and the knowledge which I have is of God. And I have been supported under trials and troubles of every kind, yea, and in all manner of afflictions; yea, God has delivered me from prison, and from bonds, and from death; yea, and I do put my trust in him, and he will still deliver me. And I know that he will raise me up at the last day, to dwell with him in glory; yea, and I will praise him forever, for he has brought our fathers out of Egypt, and he has swallowed up the Egyptians in the Red Sea; and he led them by his power into the promised land; yea, and he has delivered them out of bondage and captivity from time to time."

So...transfers are this week. I am pretty sure I will stay here one more transfer to finish the training of Elder Rios, but anything can happen! But whatever happens, I am ready to keep moving forward, to do the things that the Lord has for me to do. If I do have Transfers, I want to say that I am thankful for the opportunity that I have had to train a new missionary. As much as he has learned, I feel like I have learned a lot more. It is a great learning experience to train a new missionary, and even though it has been a trying, and sometimes difficult experience, it has been great and I hope that I can stay in Ilobasco just one more transfer to finish the work that I have started. But that is in the Lord´s hands now, and my trust is in Him. Hurrah for Israel!

I love you all! Have a great week and best of luck with the work and with the family!

Elder Daniel B.Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Mission

"I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and I will be until the day that I die"

E.Haynie and E.Rios

E.Haynie and E.Rios
E.Haynie favorite picture of the week

E Haynie

E Haynie

E. Haynie house

E. Haynie house
He look so tired ............

E. Haynie

E. Haynie
Look tired after a long day...

E. haynie and his district

E. haynie and his district

Nice rest after a long walk.........

Nice rest after a long walk.........

ILobasco, July 28, 2014

Dear Family

To be honest, I think Utah is the only state that celebrates the 24th of July. And to be honest, I actually forgot about it here. Sorry. Hey, I heard that they are making a Planes 2, How to Train Your Dragon 2, and a bunch of other movies. The Advertisements here are very hard to not notice. Yeah, this was pretty uneventful week for us too. Sometimes it is the same thing, just a different day. Sometimes it is insane, but others it is very boring. You experience basically every feeling here. It stinks sometimes, but at the same time you learn a lot! :)

I feel like the hardest weeks of the mission are when we have baptisms...But that is okay because we can end the week with a baptism and we are all happy! Before we get to the baptism, it is needful to say that our days this week have been as crazy as ever. It is kinda frustrating to be honest and can be demotivating, but I think by this point we are used to disappointing days. That is the life of a missionary. We have a very interesting situation. Our investigators that have a baptism date have no church attendances and those with their church attendances don't have baptism dates. Plus we can have a very good first visit with a new investigator and then they will disappear...now that is pretty annoying. But we are doing great! :) We know that the Lord has a purpose for us and that despite these challenges, there is something to be learned. We are still trying to find what that would be, but that has helped us come close to the Lord in prayer.

2 Nephi 28:30 "For behold, thus saith the Lord God: I will give unto the children of men line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little; and blessed are those who hearken unto my precepts, and lend an ear unto my counsel, for they shall learn wisdom; for unto him that receiveth I will give more; and from them that shall say, We have enough, from them shall be taken away even that which they have." So we were able to baptize Rene this week! He was so happy and the baptismal service was very good. He is going to be such a strong member, and you can tell by the testimony that he shared at the close of the service. Everyone there could feel the SpƬrit and it was so awesome to be able to see how happy he was!

One thing that I learned in my personal study is the importance to share or defend our Faith. I was reading Elder Jeffrey R. Holland´s talk that he gave this past General Conference and as usual there is much to learn from his talks. "Be Strong. Live the Gospel Faithfully even if others around you don't live it at all". I like this a lot because it is something that I need to be able to apply to my life more. To be a constant Disciple of Christ can be hard, with all of the worldly opposition that we receive, but it is the best thing to do and the Lord has always blessed those that have remained faithful to the End. I remember that something that I learned in seminary my Sophomore Year is that "Elder" can mean "Defender of the Faith". I always thought that was a cool title, but never realized that as Elders in the Priesthood, that is our calling. To testify of the Truth and always defend It. To ALWAYS take upon yourself the name of Christ. What a calling! Plus we have the Lord on our side when we are keeping the commandments, so i think we are in some good hands here. D&C 32:3 "I myself will go with them and be in their midst ; and I am their advocate with the Father, and nothing shall prevail against them. "

We hope for a much better week, but we know that if we ask in faith, the Lord will help us. The Lord didn't send us here to fail, he sent us here to SUCCEED! To be able to baptize in a very hard area of the mission is quite the blessing, and I am thankful for everything the Lord has given me. Yesterday, I complete 8 months in the mission. It has been quite the 8 months of my life, but I have learned SO much! I still have a bit to go before I finish, but time flies! Plus I know that the Lord still has work for me to do, so I am happy with where I am! :) HURRAH FOR ISRAEL!

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie
July 26, 2014

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie
"God does no call the qualified, He qualifies the called. "

ILobasco, July 21 2014

Hey guys!

That is great that you have been able to go and meet President and Sister Glazier! And Elder Holmstead too, that is awesome. He is probably the companion that has most influenced the person that I am now, and the type of missionary that I want to emulate. (Of course, I don't think I will be as awesome of a Zone Leader, OR Assistant to the President as he was, but that is only considering if I even get to that point. For now, I am just fine being a trainer. :) ) He is great! The van is still having problems huh, surprised that it has even lived as long as it has!

Wow, has this been a week of opposition. Normally we are able to have much higher numbers than we got this week, but for some reason we just could not find any of our investigators in their homes, but we were able to spend a little more time contacting on the street so we increased our reference numbers. So it wasn't too bad, but it was pretty demotivating at some points. We have had a lot of people asking us about the Eternal Family, by using the parable that is used in Mark 12:18-27. They always asked us which of the 7 husbands would be the husband of the widow, to to be honest before this week I had NEVER heard of this story, neither did my companion. So we had NO IDEA of how to answer that, and it was pretty difficult because not one, not two, but THREE of our investigators asked us the same question. In addition to focusing on the subject for my personal study, I asked my District Leader, Elder Zabaleta for help and we did companionship exchanges for a day. We were able to talk about it, and he helped me to be able to overcome that question, because it is a pretty confusing one. Anyway, we got that taken out of the way.

So we changed our focus to helping strengthen the branch more. As good as things have been, we have got to help them recognize their missionary duties because as much as we can do, we cant do this work alone. We need more help, and to do that we are starting to do visits with the members to help them strengthen their testimony and help them feel the love of God. Elder Kevin R. Duncan told us back in January that with or without the members we are going to baptize. The only difference is that we will baptize more WITH the members. One of my topics of study has been how to help build a branch/ward that the Lord can trust. If the Lord doesn't have trust with the members OR the missionaries, then there is NO WAY that he can put someone in our path that really needs the gospel, because who knows if we will even recognize the opportunity. Trust in the Lord has always been key in the Gospel, but if we want success the Lord needs to have trust in us and we need to be worthy in order to receive his blessings. D&C 82:10 "I, the Lord, am bound when ye do what I say; but when ye do not what I say, ye have no promise."

Anyway, despite the challenges we had a fun week! We have been giving service to the members and in addition to helping other people, it has been a great stress reliever. Anything with a machete is fun. :) A lot of people have been trying to contend with us lately, but if there is anything I have learned is that you cant deny the gospel. Personal Study has been my best friend since the start of my mission, and I can truly say that preparation is KEY to be a successful missionary, and to have success is the reason that we are called! D&C 71:3-6 "Verily this is a mission for a season, which I give unto you. Wherefore, labor ye in my vineyard. Call upon the inhabitants of the earth, and bear record, and prepare the way for the commandments and revelations which are to come. Now, behold this is wisdom; whoso readeth, let him understand and receive also; For unto him that receiveth it shall be given more abundantly, even power." When we study, we edify ourselves with the good word of God, and when we do this we are made missionaries that have even more powerful. The same sections continues on,"For unto him that receiveth it shall be given more abundantly, even power. Wherefore, confound your enemies; call upon them to meet you both in public and in private; and inasmuch as ye are faithful their shame shall be made manifest. Wherefore, let them bring forth their strong reasons against the Lord. Verily, thus saith the Lord unto you—there is no weapon that is formed against you shall prosper; And if any man lift his voice against you he shall be confounded in mine own due time. Wherefore, keep my commandments; they are true and faithful. Even so. Amen." It is pretty awesome if you ask me. :)

God continues to bless us, just as he has blessed His Children of old. He will ALWAYS be the same, and is a God of miracles! If we are faithful to him, we are entitled to receive his blessings. D&C 68:6 "Wherefore, be of good cheer, and do not fear, for I the Lord am with you, and will stand by you; and ye shall bear record of me, even Jesus Christ, that I am the Son of the living God, that I was, that I am, and that I am to come." We are in the Lord's Work, the Obra de Salvacion and the job isn't finished until it is finished. 2 Nephi 29:9: "And I do this that I may prove unto many that I am the same yesterday, today, and forever; and that I speak forth my words according to mine own pleasure. And because that I have spoken one word ye need not suppose that I cannot speak another; for my work is not yet finished; neither shall it be until the end of man, neither from that time henceforth and forever." I KNOW THE LORD LIVES! We will always have opposition, but the winner has already been decided. It is always good to be on the winning side. In fact, there is nothing better than to be on the winning side. HURRAH FOR ISRAEL!

Elder Daniel B.Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Mission

"I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and I will be until the day that I die"

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie Mission president

Elder Haynie Mission president
We meet The Glaziers...


making the days count.........

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie

Having fun with his breakfast....

Having fun with his breakfast....
Be happy..........Don't worry.

ILobasco July 14, 2014

Dear Family

I feel so old, I can't believe that I am 19 years old...wow.

To be honest, not much really happened this week. It was pretty boring to be honest, we had some good days and we had some really awful days...But the good thing is that we were always happy and always motivated to keep working. Even though we didn't get the results that we wanted, we can say that we worked 110% this week, and that is what matters the most. But life is great! I am finally 19 years old, but the sad thing is I am no longer a 18 year old missionary...but that is okay, I am content with life right now. We had some good success this week though, we were able to put 2 more baptism dates for some pretty positive investigators that we found. We are praying that they will be able to continue progressing. We did ourselves a favor and contacted the references that we had...and only got 1 new investigator. The others didn't want anything to do with us. But the 1 that we found was one of the ones that we put the date, so we are doing something right! :)

My District threw a little party for me on Saturday. We ate out for lunch and they told the staff it was my birthday so....yeah I think I am gonna leave it at that hahaha. And I came on here, and President Glazier sent me a email saying happy birthday as well!!! Hey you guys HAVE to go to their Mission Homecoming! I sent the address the last week, but it is a commandment! :) It rained a lot too, and the power went out. Pretty epic day if you ask me! Anyway, yeah, we ate out and we gave service in the morning for a member. Service projects here are so fun, but then again anything with a machete is fun. :)

We have had some pretty epic thunderstorms here. The umbrellas have been very useful as of late, but we still manage to come home soaking wet. The weather here is almost as crazy as it is in Utah, and that is saying something! Only difference is one is always wet...with sweat, with rain, and the two at the same time. That is the thing I miss about Utah,is when it rains it is cold rain...Sometimes is semicold down here, but most of the time it is hotish rain. Life of a missionary for you! My companion is super crazy, but super fun! We are always laughing and having a good time, even when everything around us is not doing so good. To keep a positive attitude is the way to good, because life is SO much better that way. Things are great, and we see a lot of good things happening in the near future. Ilobasco is a hard place to baptize, many come and go without baptizing, but I have loved the challenge. Our branch keeps on growing, we had 106 in attendance this week! 90, 97, and 106 the last 3 weeks is a very good trend. When I came to Ilobasco, the attendance was only 60 and now we are over 100. What a honor has it been to help raise the branch!

We were asked to think of a scripture about the Atonement and share it. I can say that the one that I love is in 2 Nephi 26:24-25, that talks about the love that our Savior has for us. "He doeth not anything save it be for the benefit of the world; for he loveth the world, even that he layeth down his own life that he may draw all men unto him. Wherefore, he commandeth none that they shall not partake of his salvation. Behold, doth he cry unto any, saying: Depart from me? Behold, I say unto you, Nay; but he saith: Come unto me all ye ends of the earth, buy milk and honey, without money and without price.". I love this scripture because it is true! EVERYONE of us has the same opportunity to be able to come unto Him and through his sacrafice we have this opportunity! I have seen the power of the Atonement not only in my life, but in the life of those that we have been able to teach, and to see the change that it brings in people is like "Wow!". It is so awesome to see! I know that Christ lives, and the Because of Him we can be cleansed and perfected!

I love you guys! Have a great week and thanks for the Birthday Wishes!

Elder Daniel B.Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Mission

"I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and I will be until the day that I die"

Happy B-Day Elder Haynie

Happy B-Day Elder Haynie
WE love you so much.........



E.Haynie and E. Rios

E.Haynie and E. Rios

E, Haynie P-Day

E, Haynie P-Day
July 14, 2014

E.Haynie P-Day 2

E.Haynie P-Day 2
July 14. 2014

E.Haynie and E Rios

E.Haynie and E Rios

Happy B-Day E. Haynie. lLobasco. July 7, 2014

Hola Familia! And Happy Birthday CJ!!!

Wow, I am gonna be 19 this week. Time flies when you have fun! We had a Multi Zone with Presidente Vasquez. He put his motivational speaker mode to the test,and I can say that he passed/dominated the challenge. I got to see my trainer, Elder Maquin. After 7 and a half months in San Miguel as a Zone Leader, President finally gave him a break and he transfers to La Espiga as a District Leader. I took a picture with him, and Elder Rios. (My father and my son.) Missionary Logic: The Mission is represatative of the Plan of Salvation: We were with our father in heaven (home) before we came here on earth (the mission). One of our purposes here in life is to have a family, and I was born of goodly parents. (Elder Maquin: My Father, Elder Holmstead: My Godfather. Elder Sant: My Step-Father). And now I am the father of a good son (Elder Rios.) And when one finishes the mission, he dies. Yup, it is pretty crazy! I saw my former companion, Elder V. I don't think I ever mentioned that despite the problems that we had, we finished the transfer on a very good note and we are good friends again! He is doing all he can to finish his mission with a bang and he thanked me for helping him to focus on the important things of life. :)

My week has been pretty interesting. It was very hard, probably one of the most frustrating and faith trying weeks that I have had, but at the same time it was one of the most rewarding weeks in my 7 and half months to be out in the mission. We ended on a very good note with 4 investigators coming to church, 6 less actives, and our little branch almost broke 100 in attendance. We were 97, so it is our goal this week to bring the people needed to break 100. Our branch is doing pretty awesome, the members are a lot more motivated to do missionary work and our relationship with them has been getting better every day. We are now able to coordinate missionary efforts with our branch presidency, so it is very nice to have the support and help from them. Despite a very rough start to the week, we finished strong with receiving many references and many people accepting us on the street. It is amazing how the Lord works blessings! D&C 58:2-4 " For verily I say unto you, blessed is he that keepeth my commandments, whether in life or in death; and he that is faithful in tribulation, the reward of the same is greater in the kingdom of heaven. Ye cannot behold with your natural eyes, for the present time, the design of your God concerning those things which shall come hereafter, and the glory which shall follow after much tribulation. For after much tribulation come the blessings. Wherefore the day cometh that ye shall be crowned with much glory; the hour is not yet, but is nigh at hand."

My companion, Elder Rios is doing awesome. He only has about 3 and half weeks to be in the mission, but he is such a fast learner. He is actually doing most of the street contacting and it has been pretty effective. I am there to help him, give suggestions and correct him if needed. It is the way that Elder Maquin trained me, and it worked out pretty good! But Elder Rios is a very good companion, we have a lot in common and he is the first missionary that I have met that is younger than I am. We are both 18 right now, but that will change with my birthday this saturday. (Sigh) I won't get to get to baptize on my birthday, but we set a date with Rene on the 19th. But baptisms are still baptisms, and at this point that is all that matters. :) Going back to Elder Rios, we actually had some challenges working with each other, but after much needed talking, adjustments we are now able to work as a team and as a result the Lord has blessed us greatly! I see many great things happening in the future!

One thing that I have been really grateful this week is to feel the love of God for me in my life. This was a challenging week, but to have the knowledge that I was never alone helped me to keep pushing forward, and in this moment I am just so happy with life! To be able to share that happiness with everyone is even more satisfying! Alma 26:37 "Now my brethren, we see that God is mindful of every people , whatsoever land they may be in; yea, he numbereth his people, and his bowels of mercy are over all the earth. Now this is my joy, and my great thanksgiving; yea, and I will give thanks unto my God forever. Amen.". We have many people that we are looking to put a baptism date, that already have their church attendances needed. We have a investigator named Rono that has been coming to church and he lived in the U.S for a time, and learned English. So every time we have a chance, we talk to each other in English...I must say that I am slowly forgetting how to talk (Speak?) English and I can only imagine what it will be when I come in in 16 ish months. :) But that is fine, I like speaking Spanish. I would like to continue speaking it after my mission.

Missionary Work is a work that is that pretty hard to describe. The feelings that are associated with it are feelings of joy that is just more than you could imagine. I don't think I have ever been so happy in my life as I am now. I have had happy moments running track, being with my friends and family, and those will always be happy times, but now that I have grown close to our Savior, Jesus Christ, my happiness can now be complete! I only wish that I could be a better missionary than I am, but who said that we were perfect to begin with? Alma 29:1-3 "O that I were an angel, and could have the wish of mine heart, that I might go forth and speak with the trump of God, with a voice to shake the earth, and cry repentance unto every people! Yea, I would declare unto every soul, as with the voice of thunder, repentance and the plan of redemption, that they should repent and come unto our God, that there might not be more sorrow upon all the face of the earth. But behold, I am a man, and do sin in my wish; for I ought to be content with the things which the Lord hath allotted unto me." I really feel like Alma in this scripture. I am not as spiritually awesome as he was, but I can share the feeling that he had. The desire to be able to bring many others to Christ. But I am happy to be here in this moment, and I am thankful for all of the blessings that I have seen in my life! And I will forever be grateful for the miracles that I have. What greater happiness can one feel? I love being a missionary!

Before President Glazier left, he invited the parents all of the missionaries to come to their Homecoming. So you guys are invited, and I am inviting you guys to go and meet President and Sister Glazier. :) They are amazing!
They will speak in church on July 20th, at 11:00am.
Orem Canyon View 2nd Ward
1100 N. 400 E. Orem, Utah

I hope you all have a great week! I love you all so much!

Elder Daniel B.Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Mission

"I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and I will be until the day that I die"

E.Maquin. E.Haynie and E.Rios

E.Maquin. E.Haynie and E.Rios
E.Maquin. was E.Haynie trainer.E.Haynie is the trainer of E.Rios.


Nice break......

E.Haynie Happy B-day 19.

E.Haynie Happy B-day 19.
July 12,

New Mission President

New Mission President
E.Haynie and President Vasquez from Guatemala

Ilobasco, June 30 2014

Hola Familia!

WHAT!? Jairon is going to the Domincan Republic??? Whoa, that is pretty amazing! You guys are not gonna believe what has gone down in Ilobasco this week. President Vasquez, the new Mission President CAME TO OUR BRANCH for church yesterday! We are the first ones that got to meet him and his family, so that was pretty sweet. He was a motivational speaker before he came, so I am very excited to be at the multi zone opener with him this Thursday. He is a powerful teacher, and was involved in a lot of the classes too. He came to our Missionary-Investigator Gospel Principles class, and his comments really brought in the spirit. More importantly, our investigators felt the spirit, so that was a great boost for us! He is a great guy and I am pretty excited to have him as my Mission President. It was sad to see President Glazier go, he really helped me learn to appreciate the good things in life and to have a long term vision, but at the same time President Vasquez was called by a prophet of God and will help us like President Glazier did!

So this has been a very weird week. Any hopes that I had to be companions with Elder Bustillo were shot down and went to flames when President Glazier called me last Monday and extended the invitation to train a new missionary. Yup. I am training. So that was pretty sad, but I was pretty happy for this unexpected opportunity that I had. I got to stay in Ilobasco, so I will be starting my third transfer here. I got my new companion, fresh from the MTC : Elder Rios from Panama. He is pretty cool, he likes sports so he already passed my requirement to be a good companion. (This is a joke). Training is quite the experience! It is pretty stressful to be honest, I haven't slept too well since the beginning of transfers, but we still had a very good week. Elder Rios is very motivated, wants to have success, and a very fast learner. He loves to talk to people on the street, so we should be able to have a bigger pool of investigators.

The area is going good for the moment, we actually dropped many of our investigators because they weren't progressing, too interested etc. But the people that we do have are very good people with a lot of potential. A great majority of them are progressing, coming to church. The only challenge that we have is being able to put baptism dates. The ones that we had on July 12th fell due coffee, but we have high hopes for them. I was really hoping to be able to baptize on my birthday, but it doesn't matter, as long as they get baptized I will be just fine. We are going to keep pushing forward! Elder Rios is doing a good job making friends with the members and investigators. One of the things that I have learned that though our family aren't with us, the members and investigators are our extended family. I remember when I started the mission,I didn't have that kind of love for the people. But now they are my family, and to have them as friends is a pretty awesome thought. It helps the mission a lot too. I have told my companion to be exactly obedient to the mission rules, but to have fun at the same time. If you are not having happiness serving the people in your mission, then that really stinks. Moroni 7:46-47 "Wherefore, my beloved brethren, if ye have not charity, ye are nothing, for charity never faileth. Wherefore, cleave unto charity, which is the greatest of all, for all things must fail— But charity is the pure love of Christ, and it endureth forever; and whoso is found possessed of it at the last day, it shall be well with him."

This has actually been a very trying week for me. Having to go to Migration this morning and coming back at around 3 today didn't really help either... But I am doing great! Prayer has been my really good friend lately, and the peace that comes from prayer is just a peace that is very hard to describe. It is like having a burden lifted from your head and being spiritually recharged again. It is great! I was reading the Doctrine and Covenants one day during personal study and I found a scripture that hit me pretty hard. I was feeling a bit down, stressed, tired, overwhelmed, but not too bad when I found this. D&C 54 "And again, be patient in tribulation until I come; and, behold, I come quickly, and my reward is with me, and they who have sought me early shall find rest to their souls. Even so. Amen.". Pretty sure that answered my prayers. It was great to be able to read this, and my testimony grows every day. 7 months in the mission...I feel like home is just a dream, but yet it feels like yesterday that I came to Ilobasco 3 months ago. I love being a missionary! Hurrah for Israel!

Elder Daniel B.Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Mission

"I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and I will be until the day that I die"

E.Haynie favorite place.........

E.Haynie favorite place.........

New companion

New companion
E. Haynie is the trainer of E.Rios from Panama

E. Haynie

E. Haynie
We miss our Boy...

E.Haynie District

E.Haynie District
June, 2014


Goodbye E.Bustillo

lobasco, June 23, 2014

Hola familia mia, buenas dias!
Thank you very much for package, it was a lot...bigger than I thought it would be. But I really enjoyed the contents, and Elder Bustillo says thank you for the package of cookies that you had for him! The speakers are very nice! And I really like the new camera too, thank you so much. Plus it was great to be able to have a English copy of the General Conference talks. I only had them in Spanish, so this will be my first time receiving the talks in English! My only concern is with transfers this week, if I have to do, space is a HUGE issue for my suit cases, so....we shall see what happens with that. I am pretty sure I am staying, and we are praying that Elder Bustillo can stay too, but I think he is going to another area considering he has been here his entire mission (4 and a half months). So yeah.
Things are going fantastic here; we were able to baptize Ana and Naomi this last weekend. What an amazing feeling! The service was a very good and spiritual service. To be able to see the happiness in Ana and Naomi, was just a very humbling and satisfying thing to see. It is amazing what true happiness does to a person and how contagious it is. We are continuing to work with the investigators that we have and had 6 more in Sacrament Meeting yesterday! We are hoping and praying for much more success this next transfer that comes. I feel like we have a never ending supply of less actives, because even though we activated several of them, and didn't need to count them as less active, we were able to bring more, new less actives to church. We are working very hard with them and having much success!
As good as this week has been, we have had our various challenges. Many events have prevented us from being able to work the whole week (Not companionship problems by any means, in fact we are doing pretty awesome), but many trips to the capital for multi zones, doing migration stuff, having to prepare the baptismal service, giving service have really cut down our working time, so our numbers weren't exactly the best, plus we were very stressed out with how busy we were. BUT, it was still a very good week, we tried to keep pushing forward, and as hard as this week was, it will be a very memorable week for all of the good that has happened and the many adventures that we have has.Gotta love Missionary Work! Alma 27:18 “Now was this not exceeding joy? Behold, this the is the joy that none recieveth save it be the truly penitent and humble seeker of happiness”. Speaking of news, this is President Glazier´s last week here, and President Vasquez from Guatemala is going to come on Friday. He is a motivational speaker, so I am really looking forward to meeting him! We had our Multi-Zone with President Glazier on Wednesday. It was very edifying and it was the same day as his and Sister Glazier´s Anniversary, so we were very lucky to be one of the zones with them on that day (We got a lot of cake so that is why we are so lucky! J). So, we got talked a lot on marriage, and to be honest, the only notes I took were on the post-mission dating advice! J
In the midst of those challenges, we have been trying to apply the phrase “Members and Missionaries” and have been visiting various families in our branch, helping them strengthen their testimony on the Book of Mormon, motivating them to be a part of the Work of Salvation, and just making the most of our opportunities to make more friends. Our efforts have certainly paid off. Members that didn't want to leave with the missionaries at first want to leave with us as often as they can, the motivation to do missionary work is much higher than it was when I first came to Ilobasco, things are just very great here! To be honest, it is not like we did anything super great, we just did what we had to do! I certainly don’t feel like we did anything special, but the results are the results of miracles. The Lord has blessed us so much! This confirms what is said in Alma 37:6-7 “Now ye may suppose that this is foolishness in me; but behold I say unto you, that by small and simple things are great things come to pass; and small means in many instances both confound the wise. And the Lord God doth work by means to bring about his great and eternal purposes; and by very small means the Lord doth confound the wise and bringeth about the salvation of many souls”
I know that the God is a God of Miracles, that it is by His hand that we are able to do anything. That has been the biggest lesson that I have learned in my almost 7 months to have been a Missionary: That if only we put our trust in God, he will deliver us. He will help us. I know that through the atoning sacrifice of Christ, we can always have a second chance to better ourselves. That the things the in the past really don’t matter. We can’t change the past, but we can change what we do now, and we can look forward to the future with an eye of faith! I bear testimony that Jesus Christ is our Savior, that through his Grace and Mercy we can all be saved. I know that this is one true church, and that God has restored the church of Jesus Christ through the hands of a young boy named Joseph Smith. I know that God calls prophets to guide us in these latter days, and that if we follow their counsel, God will bless us. I know He lives!

Elder Daniel B.Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Mission

"I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and I will be until the day that I die"

E.Haynie and E.Bustillo

E.Haynie and E.Bustillo
President Glazier last meeting...


Mission President Glazier is from Utah



E. Haynie

E. Haynie

E.Haynie and E.Bustillo

E.Haynie and E.Bustillo
June 21, 2014

ILobasco June 16, 2014

Dear Family. (Get ready for a novel, cause there is much to say)
But first, I wanted to say Happy Father's Day! I had a picture I wanted to send, but the USB-SD adapter has been doing the thing where it put the lines on select photos, so I am gonna have to find and buy a new SD adapter with a USB slot. Next week I will make sure to send it! We have our final Interviews with President Glazier this week (He leaves on the 27th), so I will probably receive my package there. I am looking forward to receiving it! :)
We had a very good week. At first we were a little disappointed with the numbers, but we had some VERY good things happen also. We had 3 investigators at church, as well as 8 less actives. We have really been working with the less actives and having much success with them! Hugo, a former less active has been leaving with us to visit almost every day and he has a desire to serve a mission. He found a job so he can start making money and saving up to pay for his mission. Only problem is that he works every day in the week, so we lost our number one person to accompany us with our investigators. But he is getting ready for his mission, so we are very happy for him!
Elder Bustillo finally overcame his fever! He can finally work 100%! Only thing is well…I ended up with the fever and stomach virus. It wasn't as bad as my companion´s, so I am very grateful for that. I am not sick anymore but we had to stay home a couple of days when I was, since Hugo was working and President Estrada works on the week days...It is quite demotivating and boring to have to stay home, especially when much of the day is spent in the bathroom, and the nights are spent not being able to sleep until 6 in the morning. It is quite awful, I never want to get sick again. To be anything lower than 100% efficient stinks, but this P Day should help me rest and be ready to work this last full week of transfers.
So, the World Cup has officially started. It is like having the Super Bowl here in El Salvador, and the thing that stinks. It´s EVERYDAY for the next few weeks. People are all in their homes watching it. The streets are actually a lot more vacant, and to have people wanting us to come in to their homes is rather difficult. We haven’t had success finding many new investigators to teach, so we have been trying to focus on the ones that we have, especially the 5 that had baptism dates. As of now, we only have 3.
D, was given back to the Sister Missionaries, because they returned early this week. M, (The one that we have been playing baseball with) hasn't come the last few weeks and we are trying to figure out what we need to do to get her to come. She knows that baptism is the way to go, but she has a sister that was baptized after knowing the church 3 weeks, and she ended up going inactive right after, so that example hasn't been good for M. She has her church attendances, but hasn't gone once this transfer, so she wont be baptized this Saturday, but we will keep working on her.
R has his moved to July 12th. He is MORE than prepared to be baptized. One would think that he is a member given his knowledge, his attendance, his class participation, his friendship with the members, but he feels like he isn't that prepared, that he needed to know more of the doctrine to be baptized. We have tried to reassure him that faith and repentance were the two basic principles that one needs to be baptized, but at the same time we didn’t try to pressure him at all. It is on his timeline, not ours and the last thing we want to do is force him, so we pushed the date back to give him some more time. Other than that, he is a very good friend of ours, and has been very kind to us. He is great!
A and N have their baptism set for this Saturday still, but to call it 100% percent would not be wise. Crazy things have often happened in the week leading up to baptisms, so we are crossing our fingers and praying hard for everything to work out. But I have a good feeling, and they have completely dropped coffee, so that is a great sign. They are very positive in the lessons, and the progression that they have made has been pretty amazing to see. The gospel has changed the lives of them, as well as many more of our investigators. It is so amazing to be a part of that change in their lives.
Speaking of changing lives, there is the possibility that we could have a third baptism this Saturday! M, who has a very catholic background, has expressed desires to be baptized! And as soon as possible as well! She got her attendances, is finishing 2 Nephi, has a testimony of the Book of Mormon, read Our Search for Happiness, Our Heritage, and is just super positive and wants to change her life, no matter what happens with her family. She wants to follow the example of Christ, but at the same time we were not able to put the baptism date quite yet. We will have our answer tonight in a lesson, so we are praying like crazy for this! 3 baptisms in Ilobasco this Saturday! That would be AMAZING! We are working to make sure they happen! The best is yet to come!
We have E, an investigator that was not anything positive when we met him. He was a rebel in his family, and at first wasn't too keen on visiting with us, but he said he felt something different when talking with us, and out of nowhere, he asked for a priesthood blessing. He knows something about blessings because his Aunt is a member and is the one that gave us the reference. We gave him the blessing and he was almost crying. He said that he felt good. We lost contact with him for a bit, so we figured that we didn't want anything with us. But then one night he calls us, and tells us that he wants to change his life, that some things were happening that were bringing unhappiness to his life as a result of some of his choices, that he wants to learn about the plan of redemption that Jesus Christ has for us, so we are scheduled to meet with him early this week! The gospel changes lives!!!
I was reading in Doctrine and Covenants this week, and I really liked something I read in section 6, verses 33-36. “Fear not to do good, my sons, for whatsoever ye sow, that shall ye also reap; therefore, if ye sow good ye shall also reap good for your reward. Therefore, fear not, little flock; do good; let earth and hell combine against you, for if ye are built upon my rock, they cannot prevail. Behold, I do not condemn you; go your ways and sin no more; perform with soberness the work which I have commanded you. Look unto me in every thought: Doubt not. Fear not”. I love this phrase, as long as we are doing what we should be doing, we have absolute not reason to doubt or fear the things of the world. We already know that good will prevail over evil and if we are simply on the good team, then we don’t have to be afraid of anything! Even though we are not perfect and we make mistakes every day of our lives, we are ALWAYS given the change to repent and to change our lives for the better! “Go your way and sin no more”.
With Transfers coming up on the 25th, Elder Bustillo and I are trying to get as much done as we can. We both would like the opportunity to stay as companions here in Ilobasco 2, for a couple more transfers. We have been able to completely turn around this area, we have some very good potential with the investigators the next transfer. We have been able to forge a priceless relationship with the members here, we have much more support now than we did before, things are just going great here! It is amazing what the Lord can do for the children of men, and I can testify that the Lord loves each and every one of us, that it does not matter who we are, how imperfect we may be, whatever part of the world that we are in, HE LOVES US. More than we could ever imagine! I know that this is the one and true church, that Jesus Christ is our Savior and our Redeemer. I know that through Him, we can feel the peace and the happiness that God has to offer us!
Hurrah for Israel!

Elder Daniel B.Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Mission

"I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and I will be until the day that I die"

Poor E. Haynie was sick last week.

Poor E. Haynie was sick last week.
I miss my boy.



sunset in El Salvador

sunset in El Salvador





Ilobasco. June 9, 2014

Hola Familia!

It is about time that the TV was finally destroyed. I would have loved to have been able to been there, but better now than later. It is really weird to think that Austin and Chris are finally home. I have been out 6 and a half months, so time is going by pretty quick for me.

We have had a very good week here in Ilobasco. I firmly believe that finally we are starting to see the fruits of our labors in our area. We have turned this area around since we came here for the first time. Our investigators that we have are progressing, we had EIGHT of them at Sacrament Meeting yesterday! I am pretty sure that is a new record for Ilobasco. We were very happy for this and our investigators were able to feel the spirit and all of them liked the church experience. We have 5 less actives come yesterday too. A Little lower than the number that we had the last few weeks, but it is because our less actives are slowly, but surely being reactivated once again. Hugo, one such former less active has been going on visits with us almost daily, and the great majority of our investigators have friendships with the members. Our Little rebuilding Project has been going pretty well.

Our week has been pretty up and down. Elder Bustillo has actually been pretty sick with the Typhoid Fever since Thursday (I am so glad I got those shots before the mission!). As much as he didn't want to, he has had to stay home just because of how he was feeling. We were still able to get work done, I was able to leave with Hugo and President Estrada (The Branch President) to teach the investigators while my companion went to the house of a another member and stayed with one of the other Priesthood holders in our branch. It was definitely a obstacle for our companionship, and definitely a futile attempt by the adversary to stop the work, but good has gained another victory with the huge success we had in Sacrament Meeting yesterday. Even though he was basically dying, he was still able to give a powerful, spirit-lead talk. He still feels sick, but he is pushing along, very eager to get back to work.

We got to go to the Temple this week. What an amazing experience it is to be able to enter the House of the Lord after much time. The feelings that one feels in the Temple are ones that you just can't describe. With everything that is going on in this world, it was very welcome to be able to escape it for a bit. We learned how to play Baseball on P-Day with one of our investigators, Hermana Maritza. Let´s just say that I am gonna stick to running after the mission… J. It has continued to rain a lot. It is very nice, reminds me a lot of the summer storms that we had in little old Grantsville. Only it is much greener here. Then again, it's basically a jungle here. It is pretty awesome. We didn't have any government curfew to shorten our work time this week, so that was very nice.

One thing I have learned this week is to not be discouraged when things don't go the way that we would like. This is something that I have had a problem with before the mission, especially when it came to some of my Track and Cross Country races, when I didn't perform the way I wanted. It is the exact same with life. The curve ball that life throws (Whether in be tragedy, sin, anger etc) can be very difficult to overcome. But when we have a knowledge of the plan of happiness that God has for us, it is that much easier to not worry about the things of the world. I was so short termed before my mission, I literally felt like a bad race felt like the end of the world, that I wasn't good enough. But those are only thoughts that Satan put in my mind, and now with everything that I have learned while I have been on the Lord´s Errand has given me a much better perspective in life.

Nephi himself has felt like this, in 2 Nephi 4:26-27 “O then, if I have seen so great things, if the Lord in his condescension unto the children of men hath visited men in so much mercy, WHY should my heart weep and my soul linger in the valley of sorrow , and my flesh waste away, and my strength slacken, because of mine afflictions? And WHY should I yield to sin, because of my flesh? Yea, WHY should I give way to temptations that the evil one have place in my heart to destroy my peace and afflict my soul? WHY am I angry because of my enemy?” It is easy to give way to sadness and to have a bad attitude about life. But we can always be like Nephi with his reaction to problems verses 28 and 34 “Rejoice, O my heart, and give place no more for the enemy of my soul…O Lord, I have trusted in thee and I will trust in thee forever”. I have gone through situations with a bad attitude and with a good attitude. I can testify that the second option is the way to go, because through Christ we have have peace, joy and happiness in this world. D&C 29: 5-6 “Lift up your hearts and be glad for I am in your midst and am your advocate with the Father and it is his good will to give you the kingdom. And, as it is written – Whatsoever ye shall ask in faith, being united in prayer according to my command, ye shall receive”.

I will make sure to keep praying for the family. I love you all!

Elder Daniel B.Haynie

"I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and I will be until the day that I die"

El Salvador temple

El Salvador temple
E.Haynie and E. Bustillo

El Salvador Temple

El Salvador Temple
E. Haynie was able to go to the Temple last week

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie



Ilobasco 2

Ilobasco 2

Ilobasco, June 2, 2014.

Things are pretty good here in Ilobasco. Could be MUCH better, but at the same time it could be much worse. We had what is called Toque de Queda here in Ilobasco. (Which is pretty much us having a government set cerfew). We have been coming home at 6:00, sometimes 5:00 in the afternoon just because of the situation. President Glazier took out the sister missionaries too. That really stinks, because they REALLY helped out the branch.But it was for their safety, and now all we can do is to make sure we keep building up the branch ourselves. We actually had to find of house for them, cause apparently the house they were in wasn't up to sister missionary standard. On Thursday by some miracle, we were able to find a house for the Hermanas, and it was a pretty nice one too.Like very nice, it was HUGE. Kinda wanted to move in ourselves.The Zone Leaders came, approved it and everything was ready for the sisters to move in. Then they left the next day. That escalated quickly.

We had a pretty good week ourselves, despite the Toque de Queda that we have had. We haven't been bothered by it at all, but we have taken precautions and listened to the impressions of the spirit to ensure our safety. It has disrupted our work here, that is for sure. A good 80% of our lessons, new investigators, and just numbers in general were obtained on Tuesday and Wednesday. But the work will keep going forward no matter what! D&C 10:43 : “I will not suffer that they shall destroy my work; yea, I will show unto that my wisdom is greater than the cunning of the devil.”

For now, we divided the area a bit more, so we have about half of the old Ilobasco 1 and Ilobasco 3 has the other half. We had a pretty good Sunday. We had 5 investigators and 8 MARS! We are pretty thrilled about the change that we are seeing in the branch and in our area. We are excited to see how much more we can change this area. Only thing that went truly wrong this week is that we were ready to teach Hermana Ana the Word of Wisdom, and we had found out that she drank coffee…THAT SAME MORNING. “I don't like coffee to be honest, but I just felt like I wanted some this morning.” She say, So we won't have the baptism this week, but the 21st of June. We have four baptisms for the 21st, so we are praying and fasting that we can have those four.

Our companionship is pretty good. We really have different styles of doing things, but we have been able to make it work and our unity has been very good. I have really enjoyed this transfer so far, and to be honest I wouldn't mind staying in Ilobasco 2 for a couple more transfers. It is weird to think that the missionaries here called Ilobasco the “Wilderness of Afflictions.”. Now it is starting to become the”field that is White and already to harvest”. It is so cool to see what a little bit of faith can do, and if a little bit can start to change a area, just think what unquenchable faith can do? Moroni 7:33 “And Christ hath said: If ye will have faith in me ye shall have POWER to do WHATSOEVER THING is expedient in me.” I am so happy for the opportunity that I have had to be a missionary. I have only been out for 6 months, but the change that I have seen in my own life is just something you cant describe. One thing is for sure though :The Gospel of Jesus Christ really does bring true happiness to people!

Oh and just to make sure you have the right mailing address.
Elder Daniel Haynie
Mision El Salvador San Salvador Este
Apartado Postal 3362
San Salvador, El Salvador C.A

I LOVE YOU! :) :) :)

Elder Daniel B.Haynie

"I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and I will be until the day that I die"

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie
E. Haynie walk everyday here.

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie

Ilobasco, May 26, 2014

Hey Family!

Things are pretty fantastic here in Ilobasco. Really, this area and branch has changed for the better since I came here for the first time. We are having quite the fun here with the investigators that we have and we have various progressing, despite not having too many investigators. It is kinda hard to contact on the street, since the majority of the boys are gangsters here, so that is why our reference numbers are low, but we are getting references from members and that has gone pretty well. We had 4 investigators at the church today, and they were the 4 that have baptism dates! We had quite the miracle getting people to church.

One of our most positive investigators, Ana and Naomi, they still came to church, despite Ana falling and destroying her shoulder. (She broke it) We visited this family the day before and she was doing fine, was completely willing to put God first and still go to church to show her love for the savior, despite the accident. It was pretty humbling to see. We had 2 more positives that were ready to go to church, but contracted dengue, so that was quite unfortunate, but to still have success bring investigators and less actives (We had five!) to church despite the opposition just shows how important the Lords work is and how nothing can stop it. "The works, and the designs, and the purposes of God cannot be frustrated, neither can they come to naught."The awesome thing with Ana and Naomi, (And the 2 other super positives, Rene and Maritza) is how much they have changed since we have first visited them, for the better.They all have a light in their eye, and are just so much happier than ever. It is amazing to see how the gospel changes the life of others, for the better. It is nice to know that I am doing some good here Ilobasco.

Our relationship with the members is pretty awesome, we have members willing to leave with us and we have taught various lessons in the homes of members who are neighbors of said investigators. That has really helped a lot and we got 2 baptisms lined up for June 7th, Ana and Naomi, with the interview scheduled for this week. The work is good, despite the rain that we get daily, having to come home at 6:00 the last couple of nights with the semi dangerous situation that we have.We haven't been bothered at all, and I think we can work normally tonight, but we were learn more of the situation tonight, and we are praying that everything will be fine, cause of the success that we are having in the area finally!

Hard work pays off! To see the love of God touching the hearts of those that we get to know is so awesome! Alma 26:30-31 : "And we have suffered all manner of afflictions, and all this, that perhaps we might be the means of saving some soul; and we supposed that our joy would be full if perhaps we could be the means of saving some. Now behold, we can look forth and see the fruits of our labors; and are they few? I say unto you, Nay, they are many ; yea, and we can witness of their sincerity, because of their love towards their brethren and also towards us." I have learned that the mission is not easy by any means, it is a huge sacrifice and some days are just plain difficult...But the rewards are so big and you can't count the blessings cause there are SO many blessings that we have received, as well as the miracles. Enduring to the End is the final principal of the Gospel and it is the a step very important, because that is what gets us to our destination that we want.

So...things got off to a pretty rough start this P Day. I learned that someone that I went to high school with died just before graduation. I knew him pretty well, and it was quite sad to receive the news. But at the same time, with the knowledge that I have of the great Plan of Salvation that God provided for all of us, that death isn't the end, that he is in a much better place right now. This is the message that we share with everyone here, and it is a message of the pure love that God and Jesus Christ have for us.This is pretty hard for me to take in,but the Gospel helps me to keep pushing forward despite the challenges. The thought that everything works out in the end is a pretty good thought...and it is what keeps me going.

Keep pushing forward!

Elder Daniel B.Haynie

"I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and I will be until the day that I die"

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie

E.Haynie and E.Bustillo

E.Haynie and E.Bustillo

E.Haynie and E.Bustillo

E.Haynie and E.Bustillo

E.Haynie and E.Bustillo

E.Haynie and E.Bustillo

Elder Haynie and Elder Bustillo

Elder Haynie and Elder Bustillo
E.Bustillo from Honduras

Ilobasco,May 19, 2014

Wow. What a week. So the Sister Missionaries stole my area and my house...And I got moved to a other area in Ilobasco. That was a HUGE surprise to all of our district, since I was informed that I would stay in my own area. Anyway, I am in Ilobasco 2 now, with my new companion Elder Bustillo. He is from Honduras and he has been out for only 3 months. He was the one that I was with when I locked the keys in the house on splits. So yeah, I had to pack up my stuff and move to another house. Which I am fine with, because I got moved into a MUCH better house with RUNNING WATER!!! That was nice. But the Hermanas found another nicer house, so they are just fine. Anyway, Elder Bustillo is pretty cool. He works hard, and he loves to have fun. We never have a boring moment here, and he has a really good relationship with the members here, which is awesome cause I am getting to know a lot more of them and make more friends.

This area is SO HUGE! Like San Miguel, but it isnt a city. It is walking through fields, up and down huge hills etc. It is quite the adventures, and I have some pretty epic pictures which I shall send. So things are looking pretty awesome. We have a lot of positive people, and are getting quite the few references from members. We were able to put 4 baptism dates on Saturday and of those 4 that we put, 3 of the came to church!!! And we were able to bring 7 less actives in our area to the church as well so that was very encouraging. So because the Hermanas stole my area, President Glazier told me that my first priority is making sure the Hermanas know their area and taking care of them before we concentrate on our area. So yeah, Thursday and Sunday was spent showing them their area, and we realigned the area boundaries (Along with Ilobasco 3) so that they could have all the safe parts, and we retained the slightly less safe areas for our selves...But the good thing is that I was able to steal one of my old neighborhoods with my investigators, so we are looking forward to this transfer!

So, if there is anything that I have learned, it is that Lord will always help you when you put your trust in him. This is my favorite scripture of all, and I have seen the Lords mercy for me a lot on my mission. I have learned more to recognize and be thankful for all of the blessing that I have in my life. Alma 38:5 "And now my son, Elder Haynie I would that ye should remember, that as much as ye shall put your trust in God even so much ye shall be delivered out of your trials, and your troubles , and your afflictions, and ye shall be lifted up at the last day. "
I know that this scripture is true and that if we simply believe that God can help us, if we trust him enough to the point that we are willing to do everything that he asks us, we will be just fine. I am really excited for what this transfer will bring, I am really excited to be able to work with Elder Bustillo here in Ilobasco. I love being a missionary! :)

Elder Daniel B.Haynie

"I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and I will be until the day that I die"

Elder Haynie and a New companion

Elder Haynie and a New companion
Elder Bustillo from Honduras.

Elder Haynie in Ilobasco May 2014.

Elder Haynie in Ilobasco May 2014.
New area in Ilobasco.

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie
Ilobasco May 19, 2014

Cute Elder Haynie five months of rain

Cute Elder Haynie five months of rain
Love that boy...Miss my boy......May 12 2014.

Ilobasco May 12, 2014.

Hola Familia!

It was so good to be able to see you guys this week! It was kinda sad when we had to disconnect the skype session, but just the fact that we will see each other again soon keeps me going and the fact that I can pray for you guys every night gives me peace that you are all alright! That is the correct address to mail stuff, so yeah you can go ahead and send the packages when they are ready. Yeah, it has been hard not being able to do many things, but yeah we have still been blessed somehow, and I am praying that this next transfer will be even better!

Might I just say that this has by far been the most interesting and stressful week that I have had in a very long time. Not very often this happens, but it is...interesting when I have weeks like this. Being moved to Senior Companion has been a bit of a transition, having to be in charge of everything that we do here is pretty overwhelming at first, but you get used to it. The area is about the same as it has been, don't have too many in our teaching pool, we have the few investigators that are progressing. Arnuldo and his family are doing pretty good, but STILL haven't accepted the baptism date, so that is kinda sad. Still working with them though, but they came to the Baptism this week! Speaking of baptisms, we baptized Ramon! He was just glowing with light and just super happy to be a member of the Church. It was pretty neat to see. I got to do the Confirmation too!

I have to rely on the help of the Lord. The only thing to do is "Do what is right, let the consequence follow."

The thing that has kept me doing is my belief in Christ, that through him I can overcome anything. Sometimes we are given trials to test us, but we have the power to overcome anything in the world, as long as we belief that He is the Christ and that he has all power to do anything. 1 John 5:1 and 4 "Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God: and every one that loveth him that begat loveth him also that is begotten of him." "For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.". If we simply Believe in Christ, we have already won. That is awesome to think! As long as we are doing everything in our power to follow the Commandments, the Lord will bless us whereever we are.

1 Thing I noticed in my reading of the Book of Mormon, is that this phrase is mentioned several times. "Inasmuch as ye shall keep my commandments ye shall prosper in the land; but inasmuch as ye will not keep my commandments ye shall be cut off from my presence." I never really thought of the significance of the meaning of this until I came on the mission, how obedience and blessings are directly connected. As long as we keep the commandments, no matter how hard they might be, or how much we might have to sacrifice, we will be blessed with even more blessings. Just keep doing what is right, and have the faith that the Lord will help you. Being a missionary was never easy, but it is very rewarding and I am very thankful for the fact that I get to serve here. Time flies, we are already at Transfers! I am hoping for the best, cause it is yet to come! :)

Hope all goes well this week! I LOVE YOU!!!

Elder Daniel B.Haynie

"I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and I will be until the day that I die"

Rainy day....

Rainy day....
for five months....

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie
I miss my boy........

Elder Haynie 1

Elder Haynie 1

Elder Haynie and Ramon

Elder Haynie and Ramon

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie
Ramon and his family.

Elder Haynie's house

Elder Haynie's house

Nice dinner.....

Nice dinner.....

Ilobasco, May 5, 2014

We still haven't gotten confirmation of what is going to happen with Mothers Day. Here it is on Saturday, so not sure when we are gonna be able to talk. I think we can use skype, but if we cant find out the least we can do is I can call you first, and we can get the skype set up or something. I will make sure to copy that address so that we have it. That is awesome about the mission calls! I have friends sending me who got called to where, so that is fun to hear! Congratulate Jacob for me!

Well, things were a lot better this week! We are in rebuilding efforts right now, but we are slowly getting Ilobasco back to where it needs to be. We have few investigators, but some very positive ones. We are teaching this family of 3, and they are progressing at the moment. They love our message and have committed to coming to church this week. They are praying as family and reading the Book of Mormon, but still have not accepted the baptism date as of yet, but are very close. We are gonna keep working with them! Things with Elder Vasquez are going SO much better at the moment. We were so angry with each other most of the week, and our teaching wasn't was united, thus we didn't have too much success here, BUT we finally have the courage to talk it out, had a much needed companionship inventory and now we are like best buds again and we are happy!

The really cool part is that once we settled our problems, we started to have A LOT of success! Like we were just running into the people that were prepared and we had lessons with out end, and didn't have the time to get to even half of the people that we had planned, cause we found many new people! Talk about miracle and I don't have a single doubt that it was a result of us changing the companionship! The Lord really does bless us in many ways! We are still good for the baptism this Friday, so we are very excited for that! I am glad that out companionship is doing better, now we can start changing the branch and raising them up! And after, with the members we can finally start to change the city of Ilobasco from a dead area to a field of baptisms! Mosiah 4:27 "And see that all these things are done in wisdom and order ; for it is not requisite that a man should run faster than he has strength. And again, it is expedient that he should be diligent, that thereby he might win the prize; therefore, all things must be done in order. "

We received the video "Because of Him" at our multi zone, and wow is that such an awesome of video! It is amazing to know that this Gospel really is centered on Jesus Christ, that it is through him that we can do ANYTHING! Because of Him, I can be a awesome missionary. Because of Him, I can be a better person. Because of Him, I can achieve everything I have ever dreamed of (Spiritually, Athletically, and more!). Because of Him I can have happiness. Because of Him, I can change. Because of Him, I have a second chance. What an awesome thought. Yeah, my time here in Ilobasco as of late hasn't been the best, with the problems that we have had in our companionship, but Because of Him we can do better the next time around. We have 1 and a half week until transfers, better end this transfer with a BANG! It is just awesome to know that we can always improve, no matter how much we under achieive. This really gives me peace. Alma 58:11 "Yea, and it came to pass that the Lord our God did visit us with assurances that he would deliver us; yea, insomuch that he did speak peace to our souls, and did grant unto us great faith, and did cause us that we should hope for our deliverance in him. "

Being a missionary was never easy, and at this point I probably won't say that it will be the best two years of my life...But I can be able to say that it was the most rewarding two years of my life. I am thankful to be able to be here in the El Salvador San Salvador East Mission. I love being a missionary!

Amazing how doing the little things really makes a huge difference, but that is how the Lord works!

See you all in about a week!

Elder Daniel B.Haynie

"I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and I will be until the day that I die"

Ilobasco may 5, 2014.

We are gonna call 3:00 PM Salvador time on Saturday, on skype. Not sure how the time zone difference is, I think we are same time. It is 10:41 here right now so you guys can figure it out. See you then!

Elder Daniel B.Haynie

"I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and I will be until the day that I die"

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie
San Salvador City-April 2014

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie and Elder Vasquez

Elder Haynie and Elder Vasquez
Elder Vasquez is from Peru

Elder Haynie 1

Elder Haynie 1

Elder Haynie 1

Elder Haynie 1

Elder Haynie 3

Elder Haynie 3
service proyect

Elder Haynie 4

Elder Haynie 4

Elder Haynie 4

Elder Haynie 4

Elder Haynie 5

Elder Haynie 5

Ilobasco,April 28, 2014.

Hey Family! Tell CJ not to worry about the Pine Wood derby race, I have had a few times coming in last in my heat during track meets (Like twice I think, but those are only for heats, not overall thankfully! :) ) I do believe we can skype for mothers day, but for how long no one knows yet. President Glazier changes it every time, (The rules are constantly changing too because of the missionaries) and last time the missionaries only had 30 minutes to skype, so...Not sure what it will be like this time, we don't have details yet.

Well, this area has been on its last ropes this week. It has become increasingly difficult for us to get anyone to listen to us here, and the investiagators that we do have don't want to progress...We are trying to do all we can to change that, but we have to change the branch first before we can change the area, it. In the midst of all of this, that baptism date that we had for the 31st of May, the parents decided to change it to the 9th of May!!! Which means we will get to baptize this transfer! (This kid, Ramone is SO prepared to be baptized and is gonna have his interview by the Zone Leaders tomorrow and we are going to do splits with them also, so that will be nice). We had quite the fun week other than that though haha! We had to go to migration for Elder Vasquez on Thursday, so it was a little bit of a break, but WOW traveling really does make you worn out.

It has been raining every single night, and wow the other Elders were not lying when they said that the rain storms here are SUPER strong. Plus, we have had some pretty close lightning strikes too but we have been inside of buildings during those, so we are definitely taking precautions there. A lot of our focus has been shfiting to raising up the branch, because we haven't been able to obtain of ton of support from them, but they are very good people and I have made some good friends with them, so I will do my best to try and be a an example to them.
I have been working on my own personal conversion and making sure that I am doing everything I can to be a convert in the gospel, so that I can one day actually help someone in a situation like that.

Moroni 9:21 has been my scripture lately. "Behold, I say unto you that whoso believeth in Christ, doubting nothing, whatsoever he shall ask the Father in the name of Christ it shall be granted him; and this promise is unto all, even unto the ends of the earth.". I know that if I have the faith, I can ask the Lord for anything, and he will give me what I NEED, according to His Will. Perhaps it is a need for me to go through this experience, cause everything happens for a reason! " Nevertheless the Lord seeth fit to chasten his people; yea, he trieth their patience and their faith. Nevertheless—whosoever putteth his trust in him the same shall be lifted up at the last day. Yea, and thus it was with this people." It is hard, but the rewards will come, eventually but surely if I endure this trail well. Other than that, I am doing pretty good! I am excited for this baptism we are gonna have though! It would be the first baptism here in Ilobasco 1 since July 2013! We need to keep fighting for this baptism, but I got a good feeling about it! Hard times come, but are moments like these that define us as missionaries!!

Have a great week!

Elder Daniel B.Haynie

"I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and I will be until the day that I die"

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie- San Salvador City

Elder Haynie- San Salvador City
Monument to the divine savior of the world

Elder Haynie- San Salvador City

Elder Haynie- San Salvador City
Monument to the divine Savior of the World

Happy Elder Haynie

Happy Elder Haynie
Ilobasco.April 2014

Under the rain.....

Under the rain.....
Ilobasco,April, 2014

Elder Haynie, April. 2014

Elder Haynie, April. 2014

Ilobasco,April 21,2014

Hola! Easter Week (Holy Week here in Central America) is a time very hard to teach and find. It is already hard enough here in Ilobasco, but we had some very good things happen this week! Despite hardly finding anyone, we were still able to have a little of success here and I think that finally we are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel! Our purpose here is to strengthen and raise the branch, so we have been trying to focus on that this week. We were in a visit with one of the members and we found out that his son hadn't been baptized yet, and he is around 10 years old. He is active and everything, but for some strange reason he has not been baptized, so...We are teaching him the lessons and we put a baptism date with him! It is not until May 30th, because the family wants to do it at that date, not sure why, but hey we get to baptize here in Ilobasco in a bit! Talk about miracle and finding some hope here! One of the things we have been praying for was someone who was prepared and ready to be baptized, someone that would be a long time convert. Well, I think we found him! "For he that diligently seeketh shall find".

We have had quite the experiences this week also. On Tuesday, I got the opportunity to be senior companion for the first time. I got to do splits with Elder Bustillo, we was still is in his training, I got to direct my area again. We had minimal success, couldn't find anyone that wanted to hear us, but we kept trying. We went back to the house to use the bathroom, and since I had the keys (I am official key master of our companionship) and the cell phone (We get to use cell phones now, but they are the worst of the worst haha!), I set them down and forgot to bring them. We went to work and I realized I had to call Elder Vasquez for something and I didn't have the phone, so we turned around to go back to the house and I then realized I forgot the keys too...So we were locked out. First attempt at being Senior Companion = FAIL. But we were able to laugh about it and keep working. We got let into our house the next morning (We had a sleepover with the other missionaries for the night)by the house owner, so it was all good.

Second experience was that we had an ADVENTURE on Wednesday, where we got this reference for someone in our area that we had to walk like 3 miles to get too. It was on this dirt road and we were pretty much in a jungle/forest so it was pretty good! We were about to turn back cause we couldn't find it, but I felt like we needed to keep going, so I told Elder Vasquez and we kept on the path. We found someone walking into the city and asked him if he knew this person and he told us where they lived. So we were able to find this reference and it was a family of 6! They were pretty positive our first lesson too, so we will keep working with them! So, with the lack of investigators progressing, we blast our chance of baptizing this transfer, so it is pretty demotivating, but we can only do what we can do, but the good thing is that we can set up success for the future, so that is what we will do!

Things with Elder Vasquez has been good. He has been pretty discouraged lately with the lack of baptisms in this area, so in some cases I have had to take over as senior companion and make things happen in our companionship. I have try many ways to get him motivated, but it hasn't worked much at this point. It is interesting at the moment, but nothing too bad. He has many good qualities, but sometimes he just has no desire to work, so being the junior companion of a DL that doesn't want to work sometimes is quite the trial of patience, but it has been good overall other than that!

With this Easter Weekend, and with the situation with Elder Vazquez, I have been studying a lot on Jesus Christ and Charity. We know that charity is the Pure Love of Christ, but I really wanted to know "What is the Pure Love of Christ?" I was finishing up 2 Nephi and I found this scripture which I thought was way cool! 2 Nephi 26:24 "He doeth not anything save it be for the benefit of the world; for he love the world, even that he layeth down his own life that he may draw all men unto him. Wherefore, he commandeth none that they shall not partake of his salvation". To be like Christ, everything we need to do needs to be for the benefit of the world, and that really hit me, because looking back on my life I was pretty selfish, I only did things for my personal benefit. I didn't do many things (like service) for other people, and that really hit me because I am trying to be more loving to the people, and to actually teach people and not just lessons.

With the Atonement of Jesus Christ, we can always improve, we can always change our lives for the better. We are called to preach repentance, but sometimes we need to change the small things in our lives that prevent us from being perfect. I have a much greater appreciation for the Atonement now, than I did before the mission. Everything Jesus did on the Earth was for our benefit and through Him we can have Eternal Life. It is hard to believe that it is something that we can take for granted, but we aren't perfect...But through Jesus Christ we can always strive to be better. I was reading in 3 Nephi yesterday, when Jesus appeared to the Nephites, and even though I had read it many times before, I really felt the spirit this time and it had much more meaning to me than before. 3 Nephi 11:10-11 "Behold, I am Jesus Christ, whom the prophets testified shall come into the world. And behold, I am the light and the life of the world; and I have drunk out of that bitter cup which the Father hath given me, and have glorified the Father in taking upon me the sins of the world, in the which I have suffered the will of the Father in all things from the beginning." This is just amazing, and it is pretty awesome to think that we always have a friend in him, a friend that is always there to help us, to life us up when we fall, to carry us when we cant walk ourselves. I know that He lives! I know that he suffered all so that we can all have happiness! John 3:16 "For God so loved the world , that he gave his only begotten Son , that whosoever believe in him should not perish, but have everlasting life ." To be a representative of him is a honor and to be in His Work and His Glory...what greater calling could there be? I love being a missionary!

Hope all is going well with the family. There IS the possibility of skyping here, so keep your fingers crossed. :)
Love you!

Elder Daniel B.Haynie

"I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and I will be until the day that I die"

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie
Ilobasco.April, 2014

Ilobasco, April, 14 2014

Hey family! This is gonna be a little short, but I will try to include the most important details!

Hey, wow has this been a trial of faith. Illobasco is pretty difficult to work in that is for sure hahaha! We have no problem finding people, but getting them to progress and come to church is another thing. We have been trying to contact like crazy for the hope that there is actually someone prepared to listen to us. We still have that hope but it has been very hrd to stay encouraged all the time, especially with the rejections that we have been getting lately. The good thing is that we found 20 new investigators last week, so we will be basically starting off with a clean slate and we are gonna put our trust in the Lord. 1 Nephi 9:6 "But the Lord knoweth all things from the beginning; wherefore, he prepareth a way to accomplish all his works among the children of men; for behold, he hath all power unto the fulfilling of all his words. And thus it is. Amen. " I know that we have a purpose here in Ilobasco, we just need to find the Will of God for us here. It is hard, but all we can do is keep pressing forward in faith and good attitude. Life is just better that way and it will be better for us. Someone we are gonna concentrate on this week, but we are doing pretty okay!

The best way to describe our situtation is a Flicker of Hope. There is someone ready, we just need to find him. With every No and every second of affliction, we are only that much closer to finding this person. I got to direct my area on Friday, after only haveing 1 week to know the area. Elder Vasquez, being District Leader, had to conduct some baptism interviews for other areas, so I got to be with Elder Zabaleta from Guatemala. I learned a lot from him, cause I was kinda down after the day ended with the progress of our investigators and the many rejections that we got. He told me as as long as we give 100% effort, then the Lord will be happy with our efforts. I read that PMG that even when we have down our very best, we will still feel disappointed sometimes, but we will know that the Lord is pleased, so we can only do what we can do and be happy! Elder Vasquez is probably the only reason that I am still sane haha, he is a good comp. We can work hard and still have a fun time and I am so glad that I got a funy companion! All of my companions have been good so far so that is a blessing! :)

Elde Vasquez and I are in trial of our faith, that is for sure but all we can do is follow the example of Alma when he and his brethren were trying to teach the Zoramites and put our trust in the Lord. "O Lord, my heart is exceedingly sorrowful; wilt thou comfort my soul in Christ. O Lord, wilt thou grant unto me that I may have strength, that I may suffer with patience these afflictions which shall come upon me, because of the iniquity of this people." "O Lord, wilt thou grant unto us that we may have success in bringing them again unto thee in Christ. Behold, O Lord, their souls are precious, and many of them are our brethren; therefore, give unto us, O Lord, power and wisdom that we may bring these, our brethren, again unto thee.". The Lords way is the best way and I know that we have a work to do here. Many call our area a dead area, but I really want to change that. With the Easter weekend coming up, it is gonna only get harder from here considering the country basically shuts down during this time, but we will keep working! Hard Work Pays Off!

I love you all! Stay strong in the Gospel!

Elder Daniel B.Haynie

"I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and I will be until the day that I die"

April 14, 2014

Only because we were having a water fight, I didnt want to ruin my Nikes quite yet! :) Thanks mom! :)

Elder Daniel B.Haynie

"I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and I will be until the day that I die"

April 14, 2014

Oh yeah, tell Milan I said Happy Birthday. And Dad also! I love you!

Elder Daniel B.Haynie

"I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and I will be until the day that I die"

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie
Ilobasco City in El Salvador.

Elder Haynie and Elder Vasquez,

Elder Haynie and Elder Vasquez,
Dinner time

Where in the world is Elder Haynie.?

Where in the world is Elder Haynie.?

Where is Elder Haynie.....

Where is Elder Haynie.....
Elder Haynie in the jungle....

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie
In the jungle

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie
Jungle 2

E. Haynie and E.Vasquez

E. Haynie and E.Vasquez
In the way to church........Jungle

Elder Haynie and E.Vasquez

Elder Haynie and E.Vasquez

New companion April 2014

New companion April 2014
Elder Haynie and Elder Vasquez from Peru

Elder Haynie April 2014.

Elder Haynie April 2014.
Elder Haynie and Elder Vasquez

Ilobasco,El Salvador April 7, 2012


I hope you had a WONDERFUL WEEK! Well, _I got transferred from San Miguel to Ilobasco. Elder Vasquez is my new companion! He is from Peru and has about a year more than me in the mission. He is pretty chill, bit different teaching with him but not bad. He is my first companion that I have to speak full Spanish to, so that will be interesting but I am liking it! Ilobasco is a lot more cold than San Miguel, and our area is SO SMALL! Our area is about the size of South Willow Estates, so not that big. After 6 in the night, it gets reduced to the size of Eastmoor and Worthington, so it is kinda hard to teach around here. Not to much going on here, it is dead for the most part. I was looking in our area folder and our last baptism was in July of last year! We have a lot of work to do, it would be huge if we could baptize here,but I want to work for this baptism! We are street contacting like crazy just to find someone to teach,but we get a lot of references that are not really good and most people don't want anything to do with us. Pretty difficult and frustrating, but all we can do is stay positive about the area! :)

The language is still coming along! Being forced to talk Spanish all the time will be give good practice. I am finally starting to roll my Rs on my words! It is not quite there,but quite the improvement since I came here! Met the ward members here, and got a good reception from them! They are super nice and pretty awesome.They were so excited to hear that I was a gringo from Utah, because some of them want to learn English, so I am an unofficial English teacher here haha! Plus I am the only gringo in my District, so I have to be the one in charge of the English Class during District Meetings.Cool, I guess hahaha,but they appreciate it!

My biggest fear about transfers was that I would go somewhere where they could not broadast Conference in English and well...lets just say I had to watch Conference in Spanish. I just happened to be in one of the ONLY areas that didn't have the option to do English, but I still understood a lot of the messages.I loved President Uchtdorfs talk on Priorities during the Priesthood Session, that was pretty awesome! Elder Holland was good like always, but I had a bit of a problem listening to a Spanish Voice over instead of his voice...Different for sure, but Conference was still inspiring! Elder Andersen talk was BEST! I loved it!

Well, I was told by one of my best friends that every mission has their Ammonihah...Well they were right. Ilobasco isn't quite as bad, but it is close. People here don't really want to hear us, but we have a few who do! We can compare our situation right now to this scripture of Alma 8:10 "And it came to pass that when Elder Haynie and Elder Vasquez had come to the city of Ilobasco they began to preach the word of God unto them. Now Satan had gotten great hold upon the hearts of the people of the city of Ilobasco; therefore they would not hearken unto the words of Elder Haynie and Elder Vazquez.
This is our situation at the moment, but we have the the hope to change this area! I really really want to, we can not let them perish in unbelief! That is NOT our mission here! At the moment, this is what we are doing "Nevertheless Elder Haynie and Elder Vazquez labored much in the spirit, berestling with God in mighty prayer, that he would pour out his Spirit upon the people who were in the city; that he would also grant that he might baptize them unto repentance" That is our goal for this transfer and I know that with faith we can accomplish ANYTHING. We will go from the people not listening to us, to "And it came to pass that Elder Haynie and Elder Vasquez did preach unto the Lamanites with such great power and authority, for they had power and authority given unto them that they might speak , and they also had what they should speak given unto them—Therefore they did speak unto the great astonishment of the Lamanites, to the convincing them, insomuch that there were eight thousand (We might not get that much,but hey might as well try!) of the Lamanites who were in the land of Ilobasco and round about baptized unto repentance, and were convinced of the wickedness of the traditions of their fathers."

This is what I want and I will work to be able to change this area. Elder Vasquez and I will do ALL we can to turn this from a dead area (One of 3 of the hardest areas in the mission from what I was told) to a area of baptisms! If we stay positive, I know that we can do great things here! We are finding investigators, but now we need to find the ones that are READY AND PREPARED to come unto Christ, like Josue that we found in San Miguel. The Lord has people prepared, we just need to find them! The hardness of this area is what really gives me motivation to do EVERYTHING that I can as a missionary to help people come unto Christ, gives me urgency to magnify my calling as a missionary. It is a pretty awesome feeling and it is moments like this that define you as a Missionary. Gotta make of the most of this opportunity! I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY!!!

Elder Daniel B.Haynie

"I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and I will be until the day that I die"

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie
Elder Haynie and Elder Sant

March 31, 2014

March 31, 2014
Elder Haynie first district in San Miguel

Good Bye San Miguel City.

Good Bye San Miguel City.

Good Bye San Miguel March 31, 2014

Good Bye San Miguel March 31, 2014
Last P day in San Miguel city.

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie
ELder Haynie dinner before...

Elder Haynie 2

Elder Haynie 2
Elder Haynie dinner after.

Elder Haynie 3

Elder Haynie 3
Elder Haynie said goodbye to Josue. March 2014.

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie
Elder Haynie and Jaime's family. Jaime is the first person Elder Haynie baptized.

Happy Elder Haynie

Happy Elder Haynie

March 31, 2014. San Miguel City.

Hola! Wow, it is amazing how the Lord works miracles! Two weeks ago, we found a guy named Josue (He is 13) that had come to church several times and wanted to be baptized, but we were never able to find them. He and his family were moving into San Miguel from another area, but hadn't quite moved in yet. We finally found him one night, taught him and he accepted the invite to be baptized the next Saturday! Perfect example of Golden Investigator who has been prepared by the hands of the Lord and ready to accept the Gospel in his life. I talked about this miracle last week...But it only got better! The only fear was that, they hadn't quite moved in yet and they told us that they probably would not be until the start of April, so we were scared we would not be able to teach him everything that he needed before the baptism and have to postpone. But they told us that they would be bringing over stuff on Tuesday, so we offered to do service for them. We went on Tuesday, and guess what? THEY WERE ALL MOVED IN!!! SO we got teach him everything he needed the next couple of days, and he was just accepting everything!

We still had to get the permission of his parents though, who were hadn't really been able to talk to, and they were pretty skeptical about Josue getting baptized and they felt like he didn't have enough knowledge to be baptized in our church. But Josue really wanted to get baptized, so we decided to conduct a practice Baptism Interview in front of his parents so that he can show them how much he learned and that he was in fact ready to take upon him the name of Christ! Over the course of the lesson, the countenance of the parents changed and they were really curious and we were able to answer all the questions and doubts that they had. When he had "passed" the fake interview, we asked him if he would like to bear his testimony to his parents, and wow did the spirit take over. Josue "Mom. Dad. I know that the Holy Ghost lives and I feel him in my life and...." Then he started to cry and so did the mom "I just don't know how to describe these feelings" Then the mom said "You are right Josue- There are no words to describe this". And by this point, Elder Sant, Elder Can (He was on splits with us) and I were like "YEAH!!!!". Needless to say, we were able to baptize him last week, and his whole family came too and really supported him and the ward. It was beautiful! After the baptism, his parents and sister came to us and asked us when was the next time that we were gonna come over to their house. We told them whenever they wanted and then they told us that we were free to come over whenever! We found a future eternal family and the baptism of Josue was the key in opening their hearts to hear and accept the gospel!

That has just really strengthened my testimony of how the Lord works miracles when we have the faith! That he is preparing the children of men all over the world to receive the gospel. Alma 13:24 "For behold, angels are declaring it unto many at this time in our land; and this is for the purpose of preparing the hearts of the children of men to receive his word at the time of his coming in his glory. " We as Missionaries and Members just need to find those prepared and help bring them to Christ! That is our mission and I am so glad to be part of this great and awesome work! D&C 18: 15-18 " And if it so be that you should labor all your days in crying repentance unto this people, and bring, save it be one soul unto me, how great shall be your joy with him in the kingdom of my Father! And now, if your joy will be great with one soul that you have brought unto me into the kingdom of my Father, how great will be your joy if you should bring many souls unto me! Behold, you have my gospel before you, and my rock, and my salvation . Ask the Father in my name , in faith believing that you shall receive, and you shall have the Holy Ghost, which manifeste all things which are expedient unto the children of men." What an awesome promise of the Lord! And I know that he keeps ALL of his covenants!

Well other than that...The work is going okay. We have not had good luck contacting on the street. Every one that we get a referral for just happens to be in the area of Oriental. Or La Union. Or Usulatan. Or Pacifica. Like one day, we got referrals for 8 people on the street. Awesome right? Nope. We only got one for our area. 6 of them went to Oriental and the other to Pacifica. So on paper, it looks like we are being super lazy talking to people on the street, but in reality they are just going to other areas. But hey, whatever makes the work progress right? But we are still working and having some success with the people that are are able to teach! Had 6 investigators come to church this week, so we are pretty successful in that area! Study time really helps us a lot I noticed. We have this investigator named Osmar, and he is skeptical on the origin of the Book of Mormon. He is super into family history and Genealogy. He read the first chapters of 1 Nephi and he told us "I cant know if this is true, unless I can find proof that Lehi really was a real person". Something along those lines. I had studied for him during personal study 3 weeks earlier and and I found the scripture that tells that Amulek descended from Lehi and that Lehi descended from Manasses. I had written it down in my planner, but I didn't know why and up until that point we weren't able to find him. At that moment in that lesson, I realized that he needed to see that scripture, so we showed him that and he was like "Interesting. This is evidence". We had a really awesome lesson afterwards and he is looking really positive right now!

I really enjoy being a missionary! Some days are good and some days are...not so good. Especially working in 105 degree weather with a Cold...Really stinks if you ask me and at this moment I still am a little sick. But if you ask me, all these hardships are so worth it and you really learn how to be awesome during those moments! I am thankful to be a part of the Lords Army in the fight against evil! With the Lord, I know that we can do ANYTHING! Mormon 9:21 "Behold, I say unto you that whoso believe in Christ, doubting nothing, whatsoever he shall ask the Father in the name of Christ it shall be granted him; and this promise is unto all, even unto the ends of the earth." Sometimes, it is hard to keep being happy when you have people rejecting you. (We got a lot of that this week haha) but hey it is part of the job! We need to labor either way! Moroni 9:6 "And now, my beloved son, notwithstanding their hardness, let us labor diligently ; for if we should cease to labor , we should be brought under condemnation; for we have a labor to perform whilst in this tabernacle of clay, that we may conquer the enemy of all righteousness, and rest our souls in the kingdom of God." I just love the scriptures and it is amazing to see how you apply them in your everyday life! That is what they are for!

Transfers are this week. I just finished training. Wow, time flies so fast! We get our notifications tonight and we transfer on Wednesday. Pretty sure I am leaving, since I finished training with the Zls. (I started packing...just to be safe. :) ) Gonna be excited, but I can say that I have been grateful for time that I had to serve in San Miguel with Elder Sant and Elder Maquin. (Plus E. Holmstead my first transfer). They have really helped be learn how to be a awesome missionary and one day I will be just as awesome as them! We were strangers when we met...But when we say good byes, we will have said them as Brothers. :) I will go where the Lord wants me to go and I will do what he wants me to do. With the miracles and blessing that I have seen through out my life and mission, I will forever put my trust in him. I love being a missionary! Hope you have an amazing week! Live long and prosper! (In the Gospel of Jesus Christ) :) Stay strong!

Elder Daniel B.Haynie

"I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and I will be until the day that I die"

Elder Haynie and Josue

Elder Haynie and Josue
Josue it's at 13 old boy.He was baptize last week.

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie
Josue and Elder Hayne. He was baptized in Saturday

Elder HAynie 2

Elder HAynie 2

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie
Zone leader"s and Josue

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie
Josue's Family

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie
That's pretty funny....

Elder Haynie in San Miguel City

Elder Haynie in San Miguel City
San Miguel City

March 24, 2014

Hey family! I am doing just awesome! This has been about as crazy of a week as it gets! Could have been a whole tons better, but we had a couple of Miracles happen this week. On Tuesday we were having just the hardest time trying to find people to teach. No one was in their homes, and we were literally walking ALL over the place to no avail. Every person we contacted on the street seemed to be a reference for another area, so that was kinda annoying but at the same time we are helping out other companionship. So we went to the Chapel for a meeting with the Ward Mission Leader and when we were finished we had TWO investigators walk into the church that were hoping to find us there! Two separate investigators too, and we got to teach them. The first one, Miguel doesn't really have faith in God, cause he feel like every religion is corrupt, but he said he felt something special with us and wants to keep talking to us. The second, Oscar is trying to find a way to make his life better, so he went to us for help. He doesn't need help with anything serious, he just wants to know what he needs to do to be more happy, cause as happy and rich as he is, he feels like he is missing something in his life. He is SUPER positive, like he is accepting everything, he will give up Alcohol to serve the Lord and loves watching the Mormon Messages, he is just awesome and super friendly too. He is more of a friend to me than an investigator!

Second Miracle was on Saturday, in what was easily my worst day on the mission. I had gotten a nasty cold and I was losing my voice, so that in itself stunk, but I was determined to work no matter what so we still worked. We started a fast too, because we had not have a baptism this month and we were praying for a miracle to happen and that the Lord would lead us to a person that is ready and prepared to be baptized. For 3 weeks we have been looking for this person and during most of the day, it was just awful. Everything that could go wrong went wrong, we didn't have good lessons, our plans to do splits failed, so we couldn't invite everyone to church etc. We kept pressing forward, but at that point we were starting to lose some hope. Then at 8:00PM, we found Him. His name is Josue and he had come to church 3 times before and was gonna go the next day. So we taught him, and he accepted everything. He had told us that Baptism was something he really wanted so that he could be a better person and an example to his family, that he had been waiting for the opportunity to talk with us. Starting the day, we didn't have any Baptism dates for the month. We have a Baptism this week now and it is for sure too! Very amazing day, and my testimony just skyrocketed! The Lord is a Lord of Miracles and he does answer his Children in times of hardship! Alma 26:27 "Now when our hearts were depressed, and we were about to turn back, behold, the Lord comforted us, and said: Go amongt thy brethren, the Salvadoreno and bear with patience thine afflictions, and I will give unto you success."This would not have been possible without the Lord and to know that we were instruments in his hands in bringing the children of men unto Christ is a pretty awesome feeling. It is days like these that make the Mission AMAZING!

Had a very happy and fun week though! Despite the hardships, we still had a good attitude and still had fun! Remember we had to do the FIREPROOFING with the Chili the first time I came here? We had to do it again. HOT!!!! It is like a trick because you eat a bit and you feel nothing...so you eat the whole thing at once...It has a delayed reaction so EVERYONE suffered haha! Good times! The food was pretty good though! I am really liking the natural fruit drinks that we get a lot. They are really good. Orange Juice and Mango Juice are like my favorite now! And Pineapple and tones of other fruits that no one really knows the names to haha! We also learned how to put a Chicken to sleep. Take it, put its head underneath its wing and spin in in a circle 100 times. It works, trust me. I have evidence. ;) Being a missionary is so fun, you do a lot of crazy fun things that no one would every think of! :) The Lord is continuing to bless me in the language and I just started reading the Book of Mormon in Spanish out loud when ever I have time on the bus, or just free time! It has been a pretty...interesting experience haha! I am really happy being with Elder Sant (AKA Bryant Wilson 2) and Elder Maquin, they are just fun to be around and it is sad to think that Transfers are next week. :( But, I will go wherever the Lord wants me to go and I will be happy no matter what! We may be in hard times right now, but I am not able to give up! Gotta keep moving forward, cause the Best is Yet to Come! I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY! Oh and thanks for the ties. You have just added to my collection of 46 ties. Yes, I have 46 ties now. There is store kinda like the D.I and they sell ties for 25 cents. Needless to say, I have many options, but they are really good ties! They are the Nike socks of Missionaries! Anyway, that was my random story of the week! I LOVE YOU ALL! Stay amazing and happy and love the Gospel with all your hearts! :) HURRAH FOR ISRAEL!

Elder Haynie

Elder Daniel B.Haynie

"I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and I will be until the day that I die"

,Mission theme.

Hi mom! Hope you are doing great! I love you so much! Tell the family that I said hi!

Elder Daniel B.Haynie

"I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and I will be until the day that I die"

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie
We loves the color royal blue.

Elder Hyanie and Elder Maquin

Elder Hyanie and Elder Maquin

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie
105 degrees inside the house. It's winter time in El Salvador

Happy Elder Haynie

Happy Elder Haynie
I love that smile. I miss him a lot.

Elder Haynie dinner

Elder Haynie dinner

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie
Elder Haynie and The distric

Elder Haynie and Elder ...

Elder Haynie and Elder ...

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie
having fun

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie
spicy dinner

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie
spicy dinner 2

March 17, 2014

Hey family! So I did get the package and I would just like to give a HUGE thanks for that! I really love the book that you got, the how to be a awesome missionary. Elder Maquin has that book and I was praying that I would be able to obtain that book somehow. And you sent it to me without knowing that I had prayed for it, so that is awesome! Thank you so much! One of the members of our ward looked me up on Google and found the blog that you are running and showed me it. It is looking good! Keep up the good work and may the Lord bless you all in your lives! Dont worry about the money, and I am doing just fine with the mission money and I have around 20 left over each month from each money and I am not starving at all. Every missioary here says that you actually gain weight here hahaha! But oh well, I have been working out everyday so it is all good. I just miss running...A LOT. I love you all SO MUCH!

The week was...interesting haha. Had a lot of splits, but still got work done. We had a MUCH better week this week! The Lord has really been blessing us. Normally, people are SO closed off and it is super hard to street contact and to find our investigators in their home. Thus, numbers have been lower than normal. But it was a needed trial, cause now we are finding TONS of people and street contacting is SO much easier! When you look for missionary opportunities and open your mouth, then the Lord will open the hearts of the people! I know this to be true! We are being blessed in SO many ways after 3 weeks of stressfulness and uneventfulness and unbaptismness...We will change that though! We have the drive to turn this area around and with the help of the Lord, we WILL turn this area into a field of Baptisms! No matter how hard times may be, the Lords work will ALWAYS go forward! "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper" 3 Nephi 22:17

Jaime just had his 18th birthday, and he got to bless the sacrament for the first time the week before! So awesome to be albe to watch him progress! He just had his interview to be ordained an Elder and has been talking with us about serving a mission! He was baptised a month and a half ago and he has progressed in the gospel so much in that time!The gospel really does bless lives for the better and change lives. It really makes me want to do my part with success! I want to leave my legacy in the Work of Salvation! I have been studying PMG a lot and the thing that really hit me hard was how accountable we are to the Lord when serving our missions, that the attitude that we have towards our mission is a represantative of the love that we have for Heavenly Father and our respect for the Priesthood. Wow, talk about motivation to be a good missionary! I want to do everything I can to be a AWESOME missionary! Still have a super LONG way to go, but I am trying!

I have decided that crazy things are gonna happen when you are with the ZLs. Being in charge of 12 companionships is a busy task! I am not a ZL, but being with them is busy enough! But it is awesome to be with them and learn about how the Work of Salvation goes in the Zone level! You really learn a lot of life skills that not only bless you on the mission, but ones that will help you after the mission too! Super awesome. It is a lot of personal responsiblity, but it is something that I need and I am only being blessed! I am so thankful to serve here and meet new friends every day! So much fun! Things with E. Sant and E. Maquin have been really good! I could be with them my whole mission! We had a much needed Companionship Invetory, and now we are just even more happy and ready to keep working!

We are already halfway through transfers! Time is flying! Spanish is going pretty good, still learning something new every day! It is really just a matter of expanding vocab, cleaning up grammer, and working getting the accent. I will be a pure Salvadorainian when I get home! Not sure if that is even the correct title, but...it works until further notice! :) The Lord has been really helping me with the language, and I have seen the difference of just knowing the language and actually having the Gift of Tongues. The gift of tongues is speaking in a way that people understand you, which means fluently, but WITH THE SPIRIT. The words just come when you open your mouth. That has happened a few times with me, and like now looking back I know what I said like in English, but if you ask me to tell you in Spanish then I wont remember how to say it as fluently as I did before. I know that when we have the spirit, we never have to think beforehand what to say, and that the spirit will put the words in your mouth!

We had quite the fun experience on Friday. We had to take in 2 Elders that were evacuated from San Vincente because of the many shootings that have been happening their lately, so we had to run all over the District to try and find extra beds for them! In the midst of all of this, we dedicated a house for a member too! (I got to do the prayer...I will be honest I had NO idea that dedicating a house was a Priesthood ordenance.) But we were successful, didnt work until 7:30 last night with all of that craziness, but still got lessons in so that was pretty awesome! Just one of many experiences that you have on the field! Some are good and some are bad, but everything happens for a reason! I have been blessed in so many ways of my life and I just feel like a completely better person in my life! I am where the Lord wants me to be! I love being a missionary! I LOVE BEING LDS!

Elder Haynie

Elder Daniel B.Haynie



Elder Haynie March 14, 2014

Elder Haynie March 14, 2014
Thanks to Amie and Nick Reid for bringing goodies to Elder Haynie.







Poor missionaries

Poor missionaries

Elder Haynie March 14,2014

Elder Haynie March 14,2014
Elder Haynie, Amie and Nick Reid.Amie is sister of Michelle Jensen.

Elder Haynie March 14, 2014

Elder Haynie March 14, 2014
Visit from Utah, Amie and Nick Reid.Nick serve his Mission two years ago there.

March 14. 2014

March 14. 2014
Elder Haynie's house ,The Ried's, and zone leaders

March 14,2014

March 14,2014
Elder Haynie;s house. And zone leaders.

MARCH 10, 2014

Hola! Hey this is a little longer update!

As far as weeks go, this has been our most uneventful week. It has been increasingly hard to be able to find the people that we need to teach, and contacting on the street has been pretty interesting too...Like no one wants to talk to us, and we have gotten rejected quite a few times too. Oh well, what can you do about that? We still got 18 lessons this week, but...we should be atleast double that and some more! We are gonna work so much harder this week and with continued diligence! One of the highlights of the week was finding a family of 6 in the normally dead sector of San Nicholas! They are a pretty fun family, and they are just SO ready and prepared to recieve the gospel in their lives! It is so cool and they remind me a lot of my family too, so I feel like I have a little bit of home with me! We had 3 investigators in church, and 7 less actives, so we did pretty decent in those numbers. Hard to stay motivated in times like this, but we are pressing forward with faith and hope! The best is yet to come!

Spanish has been going pretty good! Just trying to clean up the grammer and accent, but once I get those down, I will be albe to speak awesomely! It is pretty awesome to be able to talk to the people here. Pretty good for only having language study 5 times...Yeah we have been pretty busy in the mornings hahaha! Elder Maquin and Elder Sant have been really good trainers to me! I have learned so much from them that I can apply to my mission so that i can be a better missionary and just a better pƩrson. 1 thing I learned that if you look for the good in every person, and focus on that, you will NEVER have a "Bad" companion. As long as you have the pure love of Christ and want to do anything to help that person out, no matter how lazy, you will never have a bad companion cause you are focusing on the good and trying to help them overcome their weeknesses. Thats the way to go! Hard to believe I am almost done with training! Time flies!

1 scripture I really love is 1 Nephi 17:51. It is a scripture that we can apply in our lives. Just replace the "That I can build a ship?", with a situation that we can apply to ourselves. For example. "That I can PR in this race" or "That i can find more people to baptize in this area" etc. You could do a lot with that, and that only strengthens my testimony of applying the scriptures and likening them to us. Scripture study is the BOMB! I am trying to be more like Nephi, cause he is just an awesome example for all of us. 1 Nephi 18:16 is another awesome scripture too, and i want to be like that! You learn so much from the scriptures! This gospel is AMAZING and I know that it is the restored and only Gospel!

Things are a little slow at the moment, but they will only get better from here on out! I really dont have much to write this week, but I will make sure that i have more stories for next week! i do really read your letters, but I print them off so I can read them later, since i dont have much time! I LOVE YOU ALL! Have an AMAZING WEEK! Tell the kids to be good!


The title of Liberty. March 10, 2014

The title of Liberty. March 10, 2014
El Salvador Mission Theme

Sunset in El Salvador

Sunset in El Salvador
San Miguel City

Sunset in El Salvador

Sunset in El Salvador
San Miguel City

March 3, 2014


Hey, how are you all doing! Hey, so since Nick is coming next week, I believe he is NOT allowed to drop off the package to me. He needs to go to the Mission Home to do that I believe, so yeah! :) Glad the weather is warming up in Utah! That is crazy with CJ! Glad to hear that he is doing better! I dont have much time to write, so I am going to take a picture of the email and then respond to that next week! :) I want to let you all know that I think and pray for you all daily! I am doing pretty amazing here!

Wow what a crazy week! Had a really good week, found people who are SO ready to recieve the gospel and had some really good lessons. On the same hand, we had our down days too, but the work is good here. Friday, E. Acosta (The AP) came do do splits with my companions, the ZLs to see how they were doing. So, I went on splits with a member and that week pretty okay. There are 2 sectors in our area to work in, Ciudad Real and San Nicholas. The first we have TONS of success, and the other is impossible to find anyone to teach. Needless to say, I was given charge of San Nicholas which is pretty much dead. But, all we could do was keep our heads up and be happy, so we had a pretty good day. Actually found some people to teach, got to know this member better and had a really good time with him. His name is Nestor Ayala. He is 19, and is a cousin of the guy that I baptized. Hes really cool! Then on saturday was when the really crazy stuff started to happen. Elder Maquin and I were working in San Nicholas again, and we had prayed to find people to teach. And it is so cool how the Lord answers our prayers! On Friday, only had 2 lessons the whole day in that area. This day, we had 2 lessons in 1 hour, so we were on a roll. Then, we get this call and we needed to rescue this other Elder in another area who was hurt. So we ran up there (We were walking for a good 1 and half straight just to find them) and he was having pains in his stomach. We called the mission nurse (Who was in my district in the MTC) and she told us we had to take him to the hospital. Elder Maquin had the phone, so he went with Elder Hernandez to the hospital and I went with his companion to work in his area. (And Elder Sant is on splits with the DLs of Pacific while all this is going on) So...yeah. That was interesting, so we worked, went to his home and got a call from Elder Maquin that the other Elder needed to go to San Salvador (Which is 4 hours away) because he needed surgery to remove his Appendix, so I was to be with Elder Flores until we reunited with Elder Sant. So we were working 2 areas and everything. Crazy huh? So, we were able to work in both areas, make sure the investigators from our two wards went to church, so trying to balance everything was crazy! But we made it work!

So, yeah it has been pretty crazy, but good! Spanish is coming along good. I love being with Elder Sant and Elder Maquin. They are really good examples. Elder Sant is pretty much like my best friend, Bryant Wilson (He is srving in Paris). And anyone that knows him knows that he is a crazy person! :) Dangerous combination having me and someone like Bryant together, but he is a hard worker and we are working our tails off! I love it here. You really learn to appriciate the good things in life and give more thanks to God. I love it! Missions are just so spiritually building! You learn to love the Gospel so much more than you already did. One thing that I learned this week is knowing to stay motivated in hard and boring times. We have had our share of hard days, but I noticed that a lot of the days, they can be the best learning experiences and you learn a lot. Best thing to do is take it one day at a time and go forward with a smile and remember why we are on our missions. To invite all people to come unto Christ. Life is just so much better that way! The best part is that we are never alone too! We have our friends, our companions and God with us at all times! That is so awesome!

I really like this scripture in D&C 121:7-9
7 My son, peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment;
8 And then, if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high; thou shalt triumph over all thy foes.
9 Thy friends do stand by thee, and they shall hail thee again with warm hearts and friendly hands.

This is SO true and so are ALL the words of good! I know that this is the one and only church and that God wants the best for each and every one of us! All we need to do is ENDURE TO THE END!!! "Then, my brethren, ye shall reap the rewards of your faith, and your diligence, and patience, and long-suffering, waiting for the tree to bring forth fruit unto you." STAY STRONG!!!

Glad that all is going well at home! So, if you want to send packages or letters, this is the OFFICIAL mailing address:

Elder Daniel Haynie
Mision El Salvador San Salvador Este
Apartado Postal 3362
San Salvador, El Salvador C.A



Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie
San Miguel Volcano

Elder Sant ( Idaho ) Elder Maquin ( Guatemala) ,Elder Haynie ( Utah)

Elder Sant ( Idaho ) Elder Maquin ( Guatemala) ,Elder Haynie ( Utah)
Elder Haynie house

Zone Leaderss and Elder Haynie

Zone Leaderss and Elder Haynie
Elder Haynie House

Elder Haynie Desk-table

Elder Haynie Desk-table
Elder Haynie Desk

Study time

Study time
Elder Haynie home

103 degrees inside the house.....

103 degrees inside the house.....

Elder Haynie Letter February 28, 2014

Hola familia!

Wow, that is so cool, cant believe our stake has THAT many missionaries now! That number is only gonna increase too! Although techinally there should be around 15 million missionaries, so....yeah! :) Anyway, I am doing great! I just wish I had more time to write, since we have to write to our mission president first but what can you do? Glad to hear that the kids are making a lot of progress in thier reading! Super cool! :) I take pictures of the emails so I can read them later, so I will try and make sure I get more pics for next week! Speaking of Nick, I served in the same ward that he served in for a bit. San Miguel - Roosvelt. I am still there. Remember how i baptized Jaime? He is the cousin of Miguel Ayala, who was baptized by Elder Reid! Such a small world!

Wow, first transfer is over! Time flies when you are having fun! We had a pretty okay week. Found new investigators and got 6 Baptism Dates. Not where we want to be,but we are getting there. We are finding so many people who are so ready and prepared to recieve the Gospel. it is amazing how much of a difference specific prayers make! We got lost one time on Thursday trying to find someone, but we found 2 super prepared people on the way. Everything happens for a reason! We are plenty busy here, have 54 investigators. Just need to increase Progressing Investigators and Baptism! :) We have plenty of faith and hope for March, so we are looking forward to the challenge! The work is good!

Well I stayed in San Miguel, still have Elder Maquin as my trainer. Picked up Elder Sant, who is from Idaho. He and I relate so well together. I really like him . We can talk about anything, and we are both sports crazy! So...kinda a dangerous combo! It is all good though! We have a pretty good trio. Still witht the Zone Leaders, so I am still getting my tail worked off, and my sleep schedule is pretty much destroyed now. Anyway, we are doing good, I am learning a lot!

Im doing pretty good, actually giving fullish participation in the lessons now. It is amazing how much you improve in a short amount of time. Hard to believwe I have been out 3 months already! I am really enjoying the work, I love meeting new people and making more friends! I am so glad I got to stay in San Miguel one more transfer, cause I love the people here! I have a desire to help the people and make their lives better. Wow, I am a missionary! How cool is that! Finished the Book of Mormon again...Study time is probably my favorite part of the day!! You learn so much every day and it is cool to apply it to the people we come in contact with! I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY!!

Glad to hear everything is awesome back at home! i love reading what is going on! As far as stuff I need, yeah Nike Socks. They are the most confortable. And a few more ties...Ties are like the missionaries best friend, I LOVE TIES!!!! Doesnt matter what color, whatever you like a lot! :) Other than that, I am pretty good. Surviving the heat, and loving the people. I love you all so much! Have a good week!!!

Elder Haynie
Show message history

Elder Haynie and Zone leaders

Elder Haynie and Zone leaders
Center Elder Holmstead ( Idaho ) finish his mission.

Elder Haynie and new Zone Leaders

Elder Haynie and new  Zone Leaders
Elder Maquin( Guatemala ) and Elder Sant ( Idaho)

Danny Boy

Danny Boy

February 17, 2014

Hola Familia!

Wow, that is all awesome stuff. Kallie had her farewell? And Destinie is getting married too??? Yeah, I have been getting used to heat a little more. Used to being wet all the time...Its a evil thats for sure hahaha! Wow, fun stuff! Wow, time really does fly! We have transfers this week and we find out where our next assignment is tonight, but not our companions. We find out at the transfer meeting this Wednesday. I am finally not sick, and I have 100% ready to go. It has been pretty nice actually! :)

We had a fairly good week, didnt have as many lessons as we would have liked but a good 95% of them were super quality lessons! Had a lot more investigators and less actives come to church this week, thanks to the help of the members bringing them. Our coordination with the ward council is improving and it is cool to see the progress that we are making. We found another family of 10 to teach in the city of El Cuco. Same area as the family of 12 that we found last week! Super cool, you can see the ocean from there! Anyway, with this family we taught the Atonement and did an activity where I had to do Push Ups so that everyone else could have cookies and be happy. I did 130 Push Ups last night and I am SO sore! So glad I have been working out and doing push ups every morning! But it was a super cool lesson and we really felt the spirit there!This really is a beatiful country! We have plenty of positive investigators right now! The super sad thing is that the 2 baptism dates that we had for this week fell, so that is pretty depressing...Oh well, all we can do is keep moving forward, but the work here is good and we are doing our best to bring others to Christ!

My companions and I are working super hard. They have even placed some of the Zone Leader responsibilities on me too! Like getting the numbers for each Companionship in our zone, so that has been pretty cool I guess...Elder Maquin tells me that I am going to be a Zone Leader sometime....Not sure what to think about that to be honest haha! I am learning alot from them and they are super good examples to me. I look up to them a lot!

The language is coming, a day by day. It is actaully super cool to be able to speak somewhat decent and actually have conversations with the natives here. I love the people here, they are all super cool and you learn so much talking to them! The members are pretty cool and you make a lot of new friends. We have a lot of people that have been prepared by the Lord to recieve the Gospel, and it is super cool how He places them in our path! My heart goes out to the families that dont have the gospel because I love my familia mucho! And I have this joy because I have the Gospel in my life, and I want others to have this happiness too! My love for the people here is big, and I really want to help them! I may be making only small contributions, but as long as I am doing the most I can, I am happy, because I am trying to help other people be happy too. Wow, Transfers are this week! Time flies in the Lords Work! I really want to stay in San Miguel to be honest, but I will go where the Lord wants to go! I love missionary work!

I am doing great here, and I think of you a lot, but I know I am where I am supposed to be and I pray for prosperity in our family. You are all in my prayers and I miss you all so much! I love you all! Tell the kids I said Hi and that I love them all so much! LOVE YOU!!

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie- Utah.Elder Holmstead-Idaho

Elder Haynie- Utah.Elder Holmstead-Idaho

Zone conference FEb.2014

Zone conference FEb.2014

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie and Zone Liders

Elder Haynie and Zone Liders

February 10, 2014

Hola Famila!

I know that I say this every week, but that is because it is the truth: The work here is GOOD! We are teaching a lot of lessons with members present and in the homes of members. We have been focusing on shorter, more quality lessons and have been having a lot of success with that. We have plenty of positive investigators here! We just need them to get to church haha! We had a super cool experience yesterday. So yesterday we fasted so that we may have more success finding big families to teach, so that we can help families be together forever! Anyway so we got a reference from one of the members who had been talking to his family of non members and they really wanted to learn more of the Gospel. So we went and guess who we found! A family of 12 to teach! That was so awesome and I know that the Lord has prepared them and has answered our prayers! I have seen so many of the Tender Mercies of the Lord here and my Faith and Testimony has grown so much!

My companions have been really good in working my tail off. I am really out of my comfort zone, but I have gotten used to it and I will make sure that I will hard just as hard in my other companionship, because we have been busy but it hasn't been back breaking or anything. It is a lot harder than I thought, but it could be much worse! Sometimes you just need to get thrown into the Refiners Fire before you can be made awesome! My companions are good ones! I never knew that Elder Holmstead had extended his mission! I am thankful that he did, because I have learned so much from him! And no wonder we are always so busy, he used to be a Assistant to the President!

As for myself, I am not sick anymore! Finally. The work now is SO much easier. Maybe I just need that trial in my life so that my future burdens can be made light. In the strength of the Lord, I know that I can overcome anything in this life! I am reminded of Alma 26:11-12. At this point, I have helped teach every topic. My Spanish is continually getting better, hasn't really progssed much this week though! Oh well, just need to work harder this week! I can have simple conversations with the members, and that has been really cool. My relationship has been much better with the members. Now I just need to get read of the nickname, Gringo Mexicano! It is pretty sad, but oh well! I have been so humbled here, I am actually very happy to see how the people here are so happy with so little. Makes me realize how spoiled I was, and I want to share some of that happiness with them. Through the Gospel, they can have SO MUCH more! I really like it here, and I am happy to be able to serve the people here! Cant believe that this transfer is almost over! Time is starting to fly for me and I am pretty happy about that! It is only gonna get better from here on out! The Best is Yet to Come!!!

I hope you all get better soon! You are all in my prayers daily! I love you all!

Elder Haynie
Show message history

Elder Haynie. February 2014 .

Elder Haynie. February 2014 .

February, 3 2014

Today at 8:07 AM
Hola Familia!

Life is pretty good here. Really really really hard, but it has been worth it so far. Even though I was literally dying from this stomach virus that I got this week and I am still trying to get over it. It has been awful physically, but I have still been working and trying to do the best that I can. So that is a good thing. :) Anyway, the work here is more or less good. We have plenty of investigators that are progressing in the Gospel, but the only problem is getting them to come to church. Other than that the work here has been pretty good. Just need to stay diligent and patient and all of this hard work will pay off. I KNOW that we will have baptisms this month, the people we teach are such good people and have SO much potential! We have been praying for their welfare. I got the opportunity to direct my area on Friday, since Elder Maquin and Elder Holmstead went to San Salvador for training, and I got to go with Elder Loosle who is ALSO in training (He only has 6 more weeks than I do). Talk about Greenies getting thrown into the refiners fire, but it was good and we had a pretty good day!

The work has been hard, but good! My companions have been the same in getting me to participate more and it has been pretty good so far. I am able to talk a lot more. I can teach okay for the most part, and most of the time I can say what I need to say, but sometimes the words are really repetive due to my lack of vocabulary, but I can usually say what I want. I just need the listening and interpretation curve to catch up with me, and I will be golden! I just cant wait to be able to be awesome and teach with power. It is one of the things I have been praying for lately. I am doing a lot better than I was at the beginning of the Mission and it is unbelivable to see how far that I have come in the 2 months than I have been out, but all credit goes to the Lord because I know I would not be here without him! My testimony of the Gospel has gotten so much stronger, and I have seen the Tender Mercies of the Lord in my life. I know that My Redeemer lives and I want to share that happiness with everyone! Someday, I will! :)

As far as individual experiences with investigators, there are SO many to talk about. We have an average of 32 lessons each week and 10 more with less actives. We have around 16 Progressing Investigators each week, so we have a lot of experiences. One of the more interesting ones came when we were teaching this guy, his name is Ricardo. We gave him a Book of Mormon andhe was really interested. But he turned to a random page and turned to Helaman 1, and read the part where Kiskumen murders Pahoran. The next page he turns to is where the Gadianton Robbers takeover the Nephite Government. That escalated quickly, but we still had a good discussion! Our lessons have been going pretty good, we picked up 3 more baptism dates this last week. We just need them to fall through!

Glad to hear that everything is going well! I hope you guys all get better soon! I love you all! I miss you all so much, but the Lord needs me here! Best of luck this week!

Elder Haynie



Nice room

Nice room
We are glad we pack The BYU blanket for Elder Haynie.

January 27, 2014

Hola Familia!

That stinks to hear that you are all sick! I actually got sick this last week too with a cold. It hasnt been bad, and I have still been working and such, but it is pretty annoying to be conjested. Really makes speaking Spanish with the correct accent more difficult. But it is getting better, and I almost have the R down. I have gotten it a few times during practice, but that was when I wasnt sick so I have not done that since. Pretty sad, but oh well life goes on! So now that it is over, I might as well tell you what went down. So Elder Cook of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles came to our mission for a Multi-Mission Conference. We got to go to the Captital and see Elder Cook speak. That was a really cool expierence and I learned so much from him about how I came be a better missionary and how to go through the work with happiness. The topic was helping us be Preach My Gospel missionaries and things we can do in our lifes every day to help us become better people. Very inspiring!

The work here is pretty good. We had a pretty good week here this last week. We were able to get two more dates for Baptism and we were able to Baptize Jaime this last week. It is a really cool experience to see a convert get baptized. So, since Elder Holmstead and Elder Maquin taught the majority of the lessons with him before I came, I figured that one of them would be baptizing him. But to my suprise, he asked me to baptize him! That was a big shock, that is for sure! What a humbling and awesome experience to be able to perform a baptism! I know of several Elders that have had Baptisms, but they have never gotten the opporunity to perform the baptism and they have been out for a good 9-14 months. I am so grateful to be able to baptize someone 2 and half weeks being on the field! Really motivating to be a better missionary! So the spanish has been getting better. I just need not to speak English so much, but I am learning so much! As far as teaching goes, I have been doing about the same, just with better Spanish. I have mostly been teaching doctrinal points and bearing my testimony about how having the Gospel of Jesus Christ in my life has helped me. I cant wait to be the missionary that speaks fluent, so that I can be a powerful teacher in Spanish!

My companionship has been doing pretty good! Elder Holmstead and Elder Maquin have been really helpful in making sure I speak as much Spanish as possible and making sure I get plenty of opportunities to teach and to obtain contacts on the Street. That is the big focus for me this week, to talk to everyone that I see. It is our companionship goal actually to get more contacts this week. So, the lessons have been pretty good. I get many chances to teach, and even though I dont know how to express my feelings in Spanish, I can still get the point across and bear strong testimony of it. (I think anyway...)

My personal conversion is getting better. I realized I just need to take everything one day at a time. It has helped me SO much, and I am not worried so much about the future anymore, which is good because I am not as distracted anymore. Another thing I have been trying to work on is patience. The work can be pretty frustrating at some points, but I just need to get a good attitude and realize that I am not wasting my time here. I noticed the best days that we have are the ones where I am motivated to get more baptisms and to help the people here come to Christ and be saved through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, to share with others the joy I have recieved by having the Gospel in my life. So the work is good, it is getting a little easier to get around and I am starting to learn the ropes. (By that, instead of not knowing what is going on, I know what is going on 7% of the time. It is an improvement! :)

Hope all is going well, I really enjoy hearing from you all every week! Love ya all!

Love, Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie and Elder Haynie .......

Elder Haynie and Elder Haynie .......

Elder Haynie and Jaime.

Elder Haynie and Jaime.
We are so proud of Danny.

First Baptism

First Baptism
Elder Holmstead from Idaho, Elder Haynie, Jaime and Elder Maquin.From Guatemala.

Jaime and his family.

Jaime and his family.
Elder Haynie first baptism- Jaime and his family.

Elder Haynie and Jaime

Elder Haynie and Jaime

Elder Haynie and Elder Haynie....

Elder Haynie and Elder Haynie....
Poor Elder Danny Haynie we was sick with the cold that week.

San Miguel, January 19, 2014.

Hola Familia!

I am doing pretty FANTASTIC `here! Still getting adjusted and it has been hard at times. But I am happy and thankful to be here!
How are you doing? Hope all is well with you!

The area here is pretty good! Hard to find people that are truly dedicated to the commitments, but it is a good area to serve in. The field here is white and already to harvest for sure! I am doing a little better in the teaching situations. Elder Holmstead and Elder Maquin have been helping me to get more involved, so that is nice! I can share my testimony and I can teach doctrine pretty well. I just need to learn to be able to understand the people a lot better, since they speak so fast. That has been getting better as well, and it has been good! I have been hailing the taxis the last two days and have been working on getting contacts! It is a little weird since I dont speak so well in Spanish, but I am starting to get a little better at it, and I can keep a conversation going for the most part, so that is nice. We have a Baptism this week and I am SO excited for that! His name is Jaime and he is 17 years old. He has progressed a lot and he is a way cool kid!

The work here has been hard, but it has been good work. I am getting my tail worked off, but it is really sastisfying for sure! Elder Maquin and Elder Holmstead have been helping me to be a better missionary! They are really hard workers, it is pretty tiring to work with them! But it is good, our relationships with each other is pretty good and they are really good trainers. So glad I can be with them! I know that I can be a awesome missionary with their help!

I have been doing pretty good myself. It is hard not to get frustrated when I dont know the lanquage well, but at the same time I am so happy to see how much I have progressed since entering the field. I am getting better for sure and I just have to keep reminding myself that I have only been out here for about 2 weeks. I really love scripture study. I find SO many things I can apply to my life and I can already feel the blessings of sincere scripture studies, as well as prayers. It is easier for me to feel the spirit and to be grateful for the good things in life. I love it here!

Cj, Alexis, Matthew and Milan. I love you all! I pray for you all daily. I hope you are doing AWESOME!

Mom and Dad, I am doing pretty well! I did take some money out of the card just to have some cash. I am not spending it on anything really, I just want so emergency cash since the stuff that I had got stolen at the MTC. The food here is pretty good. I have been trying a lot of new food and it has been pretty fun! The food here isnt really all the spicy. The meals that we have here are SO big. It is hard to finish cause of how filling it is. The people here eat SUPER healthy, so that is good for me. Finally tried some Papusas. They are AMAZING! My favorite drinks has actually been Orange Juice down here. (Regular and carbonated versions) It is really good, I am pretty surprised by that! I have been handling it pretty good! El Salvador is awesome!

That is so awesome that you have been able to do missionary work as well! It is truly an amazing work! Helping people to come unto Christ is a really awesome work and I can not think of better things to do in life! I love being with the Zone Leaders. They are really good examples to me! Good luck with everything!

I love you all!

Love, Elder Haynie

First Popusas

First Popusas
Elder Haynie and Elder Maquin

San Miguel City

San Miguel City
Elder Haynie

San Miguel City

San Miguel City
Elder Haynie

First Area San Miguel Jan.13.2014

Hola familia.

Being here in El Salvador has been a really humbliing experience. It has been a rough few days for sure but I am praying that it will get better. Anyway, the first area I got sent is San Miguel. It is the mission farthest away from the Mission Home. It is also one of the hottest areas in the mission. Talk about fast start! So my first companion(s) are Elder Holmstead (Idaho, 23 months) and Elder Maquin (Guatamala, 7 months.) They are really good trainers and really hard workers. I dont think I have ever been so busy in my life. They are the Zone Leaders in our area, so we spend a lot of our time working. Normally, we are supposed to stop working by 9:30,but we really dont get to bed until 11:00 since they are so busy with all the Zone stuff. Very hard for me, but it will pay off in the future!

The lessons have been going really well! In our companionship we have around 8 baptism dates. This is a pretty busy area. The only problem is that we can get a lot of dates, but a lot of them fall because a lot of the investigator dont come to church. So technically we only have 4. We are looking to break the Zone Record. The record is 21 baptisms in one month and so far we have 39 Dates for this month, so it is very possible for us to break it. I hope we do! I got to help extend baptism invitations, so that has been going okay. Got told no the first time, but then that turned into a maybe. So yeah. Lessons have been going pretty good. We teach around 5 lessons a day. Very busy and very hot down here. I almost never have enough water down here, But I am thankful to have the hard parts first!

Um, there is not really much to talk about. I dont really understand what is going on the lessons for the most part. It is kinda frustrating, but then again I only have 5 days on the Field. I have gotten pretty homesick lately, but that is getting better. I will only get better from here! So yeah, I hope all is going well! I dont have any pictures of the field yet, but I can say that the food here is pretty okay. I had to go through "Fire Proofing" where I had to eat a whole green chili. Very spicy, but it was pretty good! It is a tradition for the people who come to San Miguel to be fire proofed. So I have not had a popusa here yet. Apparentley they are not good here in San Miguel. We dont eat out too much, mainly in the homes in the members. Food is pretty okay. Our house is pretty interesting. Not used to not having an AC here. It gets really hot and that sweat rag has become my best friend! So yeah, hope all is going well!

I love you!!!

Love, Elder Haynie

First companions ( Zone Leaders ) in El Salvador

First companions ( Zone Leaders ) in El Salvador
Elder Holmsteand ( Idaho) and Elder Maquin from Guatemala

January 9, 2014 President and Sister Glazier

We are the Glaziers in San Salvador. We received Elder Haynie here. He is very well prepared and has great faith. We are grateful to serve with him here in this part of the Lord's vineyard. Thank you for preparing him so very well--he is a fine young man. I hope your family receives many blessings for the sacrifice you have made to bring the gospel to many of God’s children here on earth. I know you will see God’s hand in your life and the life of your son during his mission. One of the promises of God to his missionaries is that they will be protected and watched over.
His preparation day is every Monday. He can write and read your email on that day. He sends his love to all of you.
We love our missionaries. We love and appreciate their faithful families. We pray that, together, we will all grow in our personal conversion to the Lord. Our mission theme is: "I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, and will be until the day I die." We are working diligently to convert more than just the people of El Salvador. We so appreciate your faith and prayers on behalf of all our missionaries here.
President and Sister Glazier
San Salvador El Salvador East Mission

Elder Haynie and The Glaziers

Elder Haynie and The Glaziers
The Mission president is from Utah.

Elder Haynie in El Salvador. January 6, 2014

Hola familia! I was able to get here just fine! I am so humbled to be able to serve the Lord here! We just got back from the Temple, and I only have 5 minutes to write. I am here safe and sound, and I will write you a bigger report on my P Day next Monday. I love you all so very much!

Love, Elder Haynie

First Day in El Salvador City

First Day in El Salvador City
Elder Haynie companions from USA and MTC in Mexico

First Day in El Salvador City Jan.7 2014

First Day in El Salvador City Jan.7 2014
Elder Haynie travel with this group from Mexico MTC to El Salvador City.

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie
January 2014

Elder Haynie-Jan.2014

Elder Haynie-Jan.2014
Elder Haynie in El Salvador Jan. 2014

December 31 , 2013

Hola Familia!

Last week in the CCM!!!!
I really LOVE the missionary purpose. I have it memorized in Spanish now. I wont bother typing all the now. Anyway just start with business, I did spend around 29$ on a soccer jersey they had at the store. It is SUPER nice material for a fairly cheap price. I did go through all of the suitcases and found all of the Christmas presents you sent with me! Thank you so much! Yeah, I have been carrying my wallet on my person from now on!

Etonces...(Soo...) Yeah, only 6 more days and I am on the Field! Super excited! It is actually kind of hard to focus in the CCM now with all that excitement, but things have been winding down as far as how busy we are. No, we are not doing anything for New Years. It is just a normal day for us. It never fails to amaze me how the people of Mexico City light off fireworks ALL the time, including during the day! It is kinda hard to tell if they are fireworks or gunshots. Probably the first, but anyway yeah, it is pretty good here in the CCM. Our lessons with our Investigators have gone EXTREMELY well. I really enjoy teaching and we as missionaries have gotten opportunities to play the role of Progressing Investigators. It is pretty nice, cause you will feel the spirit being taught and Elder Haynie has learned some new insights as a result of it as well.

So, I am almost finished with the Book of Mormon. The Nephites all got killed last time I read. It was pretty weird, cause I read almost all of Jesus Ministry in the Americas and then read all of Mormon on the same day. (I have been making good use of my personal study time, which is one of my favorites actually cause I can get spiritually fed! Well, everything here is spiritually feeding, but anyway...) Yeah, not much to write about. Same stuff every day. I will for sure have more to write about on the field! So, speaking of Email, I am not sure if I get to write on Monday, since that is the day that we leave. We dont get to the Mission home until around 8:00 and even then I think we might go do a Temple Session. Possibility that I wont be able to write for another two weeks, but send me something on Sunday night just in case.

So yeah, hope all is going well! This is our last day with our little army of 100 missionaries in the CCM. We are getting 300 tomorrow, so I am really not looking forward to it being so crowded now. Ironic since Provo has around 2000...I like being the Mexico MTC a lot. It is nice not having too many people here! Might as well get used to it, El Salvador is probably a lot worse when it comes to crowding.

The kids better be good at Football by the time I get back. Make sure they dedicate every Saturday to College Football (When the season starts up again anyway.) Okay? Good. Etonces, I have to head out now! Hopefully talk to you next week, but if not talk to you in two! Love you all!

Elder Haynie.

P.S. I havent really taken many pictures this last weekend, so I dont have anything write now. I will make sure to send a lot next time I can! LOVE YOU FAMILY!!!

Show message history

December 27,2013

Christmas was pretty good! I wouldnt say the best by any means, but it was still pretty good. We got to hear from Elder Bednar (He was at Provo again) and he gave a WAY good talk. I really enjoy listening to him! My only complaint was that my voice was dead when that day was over. We sang SO many songs, it was pretty ridiculous! We sang at least 50 hymns that day! So, yeah not much to write about, it has been just the same stuff lately. Elder Wade and I had a pretty interesting lesson with our investigator yesterday. But before I get to that, I would just like to say that I really, really, really like teaching in Spanish. A lot more than in English for sure. Not sure why, but it just seem like the Spanish lessons are a lot more powerful. We gave one in English the other day (all of us in our district did) and we can all agree that the English lesson was our worst lesson. Interesting, but if I teach better in Spanish fine by me!

Anyway, so we were teaching about the Holy Ghost and we were gonna share a scripture about the blessing that the Holy Ghost brings into our lives, and I accidently gave Elder Wade the WRONG scripture! I didnt have any of my notes with me (We are going away from that) so I gave him one that we were supposed to use later and ended up talking about the Eternal Life. That was a interesting sidetrack but hey, we taught him something new and he wants to learn more about it next time! (We did continue teaching about the Holy Ghost too.) Good thing it wasnt a real investigator, otherwise that might have gone bad. Or really good, maybe it was what he wanted to hear! At least we didnt share 3 Nephi 3:7-8! (I would go look at that, then you can truly appriciate how thankful I am that we dont share that scripture, especially since it is talking about the Gadianton Robbers). But, the discussions are going really good, Elder Wade, Elder Nicholas, and I are SO ready to leave the CCM and get to the field!

We hit the 1 month mark today, and we leave in a week and a half! That is some crazy stuff! So we did find out what day we are leaving (Not the intenary, just the date). We leave on 6 January 2014, that is a Monday. So we dont really stay the whole 6 weeks here, but that is fine by me! We know that we leave at 4:40 and get there around 7:00. We got a email from our President Glazier and his wife for Christmas. We were told that we are going to the San Salvador Temple the day we get there! (Not sure if that means Monday or Tuesday, but I assume that there is a distribution center close by. I will make sure to ask President Glazier about that. In the mean while, the mini scriptures have been treating me really well. I bought a mini case for those and my spanish Hymn Book, so they are well taken care of.)

One interesting note did come to my mind however. So there have been a lot of thefts going on the the CCM. There have been people (No one in my district for sure, we all stick together.) that have been going through our bags that we leave in our classroom to go to eat and stealing stuff. A guy had $200 stolen from his wallet that he had IN his bag which was in a closet. I had mine in a secret pocket that was in there. Yeah, all of my cash got stolen there too. I was pretty ticked, but they didnt steal any of the cards. However, that is a slightly concerning thing so if you notice wierd transactions coming out, let me know. I did get some money out this Monday (when my cash was stolen) and havent done anything since then. It only lets me do debit for some reason, I have to put my Pin in everytime. It is just at our CCM ATM though, so I am trying to minimize those transactions. Oh yeah, I got a bunch of gum stolen the same day too...And the others have had gum stolen too. The guy really needed gum I guess.

Anyway, that is so awesome that you have been blessed so well! I cant say it was all me though, the Lord plays a role in EVERYTHING. :) I am happy to hear that it was a very happy Christmas. I was blessed with much junk food. Gonna need to finish that before we get to El Salvador cause I dont want all that extra weight! So, life has been pretty good, Elder Wade and I have been doing pretty awesome. We are just so ready to get out of here though! Oh yeah, one more minor detail I forgot to mention earlier. So you know how we had our Secret Santa Party? Anyway, we were taking pictures with all of the stuff that we got, and we are in the living room doing this. Someone screams, and we turn towards the window and President Pratt is just standing there watching us. It was 10:12, so almost bed time. It was the SCARIEST thing ever! What did we do? We invited him in, and we just told him what we were doing and he was totally fine with it. Told us some BYU sports stuff and didnt want to take pictures with us. That was sad, but we think he came because our house has had the reputation of being the Party House and he wanted to check on us. That was pretty interesting!

So yeah, hope all is going well! Tell the kids that I love them all so much! Love you all! Talk to you on Tuesday!
Show message history

P.S. Oh yeah, can you do me a HUGE FAVOR??? So Elder Fanger and I are trying to make a song parody to the tune of (I'll Make A Man out of You, from Mulan) and we cant remember the lyrics and stuff. So, can you send me lyrics and sheet music to that song. (not sure if that is the correct name actually, but I think you know what I am talking about) That would VERY much be appreciated! Love you!

Christmas Day 2013. In MTC

Christmas Day 2013. In MTC

Cute Elder Haynie

Cute Elder Haynie
December 2013. Mexico MTC

December 25, 2013

Hola familia! I get to email today AND later this Friday! They are only giving us a few minutes to do this so I am just gonna leave you guys a quickish message. I will tell more about my week later this day, BUT I can say that it was probably the hardest but most spiritually awesome week thus far! I thought I would be SO homesick around this time, and to be honest I am a little bit, but it is so awesome to be with such amazing people that we are pretty much family so its been a good time here!

So all the Elders in our Casa de Fiesta y Siesta decided to do a Secret Santa thing, so we each got each other stuff for Christmas. I got a new tie and A LOT of food! I got my person a thing of cookies, gospel art book and a tie with his favorite color. (I didnt even know either!), so it was good. Yes, I have been using a lot of different ties. I havent used that baby blue one I wear all the time that much, I have rotated everyday. I think I have gotten around 3 ties here at the CCM. I bought one, got one for Secret Santa and bought my self a Red Christmas tie. It is way nice! Mi gusta mi corbatas! (I like my ties!).

We just got done with a service project. We made all these children kits with blankets, shoes, soap and a bunch of other stuff. They thought it would take us 3 hours to it. Needless to say, we got in in 55 minutes. (And did a quality job!). Everyone participated and that was probably one of the best service projects I have ever done! So much fun! So Christmas is good, I really miss the snow here but that is fine we got really, really cold rain the other night and yeah that was an adventure for sure! So yeah, spirits here are good! (Literally). The language is still coming along pretty nicely. And my scripture study has been a HUGE blessing in my life. I wish I was a lot more committed to it when I was at home, but that is fine, better late than never. I started the Book of Mormon again when I got to the CCM, and coincidentally today I got to part where the Nephites and Lamanites recieve the sign of the Birth of Christ. That was NOT planned at all, so that was pretty cool. It is amazing how much revelation you can recieve though the Book of Mormon because there are SO many things that I can apply to my life and SO many things I never noticed before! I know for a fact that personal revelation is real!

I want to close with my testimony in Spanglish. Yo se gue La Iglesia De Jesucristo De Los Santos De Los Ultimos Dias es el verdadero iglesia. Yo se que Jesucristo vive, y El Senor amo me mucho! Yo se que El Libro De Mormon is el palabra de Dios y fue brought by Jose Smith! Yo se que Dios es neustros amorso Padre Celestial. Yo se que Dios constestar neustros oraciones cuando nosotros oramos con fe in Jesucristo y sinceridad intecion. (Not sure if that was prefect, so I will translate this part and type the rest in English : I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the true church! I know that Jesus Christ lives and that He loves me a lot! I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God and that it was brought forth of Joesph Smith. I know that he was called of God to bring forth the restored church. I know that God is our loving Heavenly Father. I know that God answers our prayers when we pray with faith in Jesus Christ and with sincerity. I know the Lord lives! Yo dice este en el nombre de Jesucristo, Amen.

Merry Christmas family! I love you all so much! I hope you all have a WONDERFUL day! Talk to you on Friday!

Love, Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie in MTC December 2013

Elder Haynie in MTC December 2013

December 17, 2013

Hola familia!

It is so wierd to think that we are half way through our CCM (Mexican MTC) experience! It is so crazy how time is just flying by now! So, I will be honest there isnt too much to write about, it has been the same stuff, but different day deal. Anyway, so we did in fact celebrate our "Quincediara". I have some pictures below, we had SO MUCH junk food in our house. Then came the real party. So we have 12 people in our house right? So on Saturday night, all these Latinos and other Elders come to our house and brought over TONS of stuff to make legit Mexican Tacos with. We seriously had around 40 (Not even kidding) Elders in our house that night, and the Cafeteria (Comedor) hooked us up with tons of leftover tortillas and leftover meat. It was a pretty glorious night for sure, and thankfully it upset any of our stomachs, despite the warnings of our teachers. (no, we didnt break any mission rules). We are definitely the party house.

So we picked up two new investigators to teach this last week. I will be honest, teaching has become my FAVORITE part of the day. I really really enjoy it, now that I can keep a conversation going in Spanish. I have learned SO MUCH it is ridiculous, and we arent even having to use scripts to read off of anymore. We can do our lessons without notes, and reading spanish scriptures has become so much easier too! I really cant wait to get to El Salvador! 3 more weeks, and we will be out there! So going back to our investigators, they have been going pretty well. We are teaching Luis and Armando. The discussions have been going pretty well, and we have been able to answer all of their questions in semi-quality Spanish. We have yet to commit Luis to Baptism, but we are getting there. We just committed Armando yesterday in what was probably the most spirit led lesson Elder Wade and I have ever done. It was by far our shortest lesson (They were supposed to be 25 minutes, but we got in done in 12...not that its usually a good thing, but in this case it was just the right thing.) Armando was hesitant at first, and this was something that we hadnt planned on dealing with at the time, but we were able to ease his concerns by following the promptings of the Spirit and wow, did we recieve inspiration, and I have already seen glimpses of the Gift on Tongues in my life! Armando then changed his mind, and fully committed to Baptism! Yeah, our investigators are just MTC instructors, but we seen them as real investigators which really helps us develop love for them and wanting the best for them. It has been a good week, and honestly I cant say I have been this happy and excited about Missionary work!

Hmm, what else is there to say...Oh yeah, so are performing another song for the devotional tonight. Singing with the choir (It is just our district choir) has been such a stress reliever! I am glad that I sung with our ward choir for a bit, so that I know what I am doing! I bought a Spanish Hymn Book down there, one of those mini ones. It is pretty cute and tiny. :) And we are singing two songs for our Christmas Day Devotional! I cant believe Christmas is next week! I am so excited! Oh yeah speaking of Christmas, you wont hear from me until next Friday. They moved our P DAY to next Friday for some reason, and then we will go back to our Tuesday ones. There is a rumor going around we will get to Email on Christmas as well, so Wednesday and Friday. I am not sure, but if not, next Friday for sure. So, Merry Christmas!!!

We got to go to the Mexico City Temple today! (It is our last time since it closes next week). We had to do EVERYTHING in Spanish today. It was nerve wracking, but it is such a good thing that the feelings we feel when we are in the Temple is a universal thing! I wasnt able to get a new English Quad though, they split us up into two groups and we were with the later one. The store wasnt open while we were waiting and we had to go straight to the bus after our session, so I am crossing my fingers that there will be some in El Salvador. Reading from the Mini Scriptures has not been too had, but I do miss having the Old Testament though. Saddest part is, I have all these extra Pesos I have no idea what to do with. I havent been blowing them off on snacks and all that stuff. Bought a Corbata (Tie), some hangers, and that is pretty much it. No idea what to do with those Pesos, but they are pretty cool looking, so I will keep them probably.

I love the CCM. It is weird being the old missionaries now, all of the older guys left yesterday, so now we are the Senior Missionaries in the CCM. We had about 75 leave yesterday. They are being replaced by only 25, I think we are gonna be down to like 80 missionaries in the CCM, so it is pretty spacious for sure. Everyone is in a house now, so they arent even using the apartment building anymore! I like our house, and we have our own laundry machines in there. It has been pretty nice. So we tried playing Tennis today...yeah most of the time was spent retrieving the balls that went outside the fence.(Not the CCM parameter fences). It is A LOT harder than it looks! Triste Dia! (Sad Day).

I love my District, I am pretty sure I have said that already but really they are so awesome! We already decided that we are gonna keep in touch throughout of missions, and we are gonna have a reunion when we get back. (All 6 of us Elders return on the same day, November 10th, 2015), since the majority of us live in Utah and are going to USU and BYU-I after our missions. They are probably some of the greatest friends that I have had, and we all have each others backs. We are so united, it is pretty sweet. And we all relate so well with each other, that there is NO contention within our district at all. Yeah, I am gonna miss some of them, but 3 of us are going to the same mission, including my current companion Elder Wade so we will have half of the CCM district there.

Dear CJ, Alexis, Matthew and Milan, I really miss you all too! I am having a FANTASTIC time on my mission! I miss watching Studio C with you guys though, but that just means we will have to watch them all when I get back! I hope all is going well with you all, I LOVE YOU! And Merry Christmas!

Dear Mom and Dad, that is so cool that Dad got a job! I hope you guys are getting blessed like I am down here! I really am still getting used to you all not being there all the time. It is really weird. The work is hard, but the work is GLORIOUS. Anyway, Merry Christmas to you all! You are all in my prayers and I will be thinking of you everyday, especially the holidays! I Love You all!

Christmas in Mexico MTC 2013.

Christmas in Mexico MTC 2013.

Party House

Party House
Junk Food

Elder Haynie and friends in Mexico MTC.

Elder Haynie and friends  in Mexico MTC.

December 10, 2013

Hola Familia! (Yeah, you can put this one in the Missionary Ties for our Ward newsletter)

Wow, I can not believe we are starting week three now! (according to our schedule anyway). Life in the CCM has been pretty amazing for sure! This last week went by so quick! Of course, it did not help that a lot of us fell asleep in our classrooms during some of our study time...Yeah, ANYWAY. We have a new favorite saying. Pues, pues, pues, que tenemos aqui? Well well well, what do we have here? It is pretty awesome! So we are actually gonna have a Zone Leader chosen from OUR district this next week! It is pretty much a coin flip between me/Elder Wade and Elders Nicholas/Elder Moore. I would be JUST FINE NOT being a Zone Leader, since I am already the Senior Companion! It doesnt really matter too much in the CCM. So, the work has been hard but it has been good work! We had a thunderstorm come through last night! It was pretty nice to have a change in weather. Yeah, we have been told how cold its been up in the U.S.! That is pretty chilly for sure! So, the CCM usually has about 800 missionaries at a time here. For some reason, there havent been a lot of calls assigned in the next 6 weeks, so we are actually only gonna have 100 missionaries here for Christmas. It is so nice to have a lot of space and not have it be so busy! The best part about that? Since there is a lot of vacancy, we got to move from a Dorm to our own house. Its pretty sweet! One of the Elders even brought Christmas lights, so we hung them up! (We have 12 Elders in the House, 4 for each room, we each have a bed). Tomorrow we are gonna celebrate our "Quincaera!" Pretty sure I spelled that wrong. Anyway, yeah we are celebrating our 15th day here tomorrow. We have a party house for sure, and we are all athletes so its nice to just talk sports on our free time!

The Spanish is still coming along, slowly but surely. We are doing our investigator lessons in Spanish and yesterday Elder Wade and I tried doing it without reading ANYTHING off. We both know a lot more Spanish than we think, so that was a sign of good things to come! We are asked to speak it as much as we can, just using words that we know in Spanish in our Spanglish conversations. That has helped a lot! A lot of people have respect for our district though. Not sure if I mentioned it earlier, but we have one of the MOST united districts ever. That is rare apparently, and the President said that our only flaw is that we work TOO HARD. Not everyday someone tells you that, but that doesnt mean we have been slacking off more either! But for real, we all get along so well together, the Elders and the Hermanas! Our District meetings are the best, because the spirit is SO strong there and it seems like someone always says something I need to here, and we are able to say something someone else needed to hear. I am so happy I got put in District 12A, with a AWESOME District Leader! I would hate to be in some of the others, because there is like drama that happens in some of the other district. Like, it is REALLY bad. Glad I am not a part of that!

So, you know how we always have Pizza night on Fridays. Guess what?? We have Pizza night every P-Day! (For 4 more weeks). And its American Wednesdays, where ALL the food is Amercanized (COUGH Costco COUGH). The food is really good though. I eat so much bread here, it is not even funny! I miss Mothers Bread Rolls a lot, but what can you do in the CCM? The food is still pretty good, though I am getting used to having EVERYTHING covered in salsa. its pretty good actually. We have had Gym everyday, and Volleyball is my new favorite sport. It is SO nice being here in the CCM, because everyone is SO nice and the games dont get competitive at all. It is nice to just everyday. I think my only beef with the Provo MTC is that they hog all of the General Authorities. It would be pretty nice to have one of them come down here sometime, but it is a long flight down, so I understand that.

Sundays are my favorite day by far. They are just SO spiritual. We watched a devotional by Elder Jeffrey r. Holland, and you know how his talks are always good. Man, this one was BY FAR his best. It was essentially a Missionary Pick Me Up, and he stressed that WE need to come home CONVERTS. We are our most important convert, because you cant convert anyone else unless you are a convert your self. He said it makes him sad to see Missionaries come home and then just fall away from the Church. "You better hope you don't see ME in a Dark Alley!" is what he said to those that have fallen away. So, I got conned into being part of the CCM Choir. That has been pretty fun, and we are performing tonight for our weekly Tuesday devotional. I don't even know the name of the song, it is in Spanish. Oh yeah, one thing I have noticed is that some hymns in Spanish are SO much more beautiful than in English. Not sure why, but you should be jealous. ;) ANYWAY, going back to Sunday we got to watch the First Presidency Christmas Devotional! That was a REALLY good devotional. Those ones are always good, but that one was AMAZING! Then we watched the Joseph Smith movie right after and sang God Be With You Til We Meet Again in Spanish. The spirit there was SO STRONG, and there was not a single dry eye in the congregation. It was amazing and I look forward to Sundays everyweek now. Everyone says life in the Field is better than the MTC/CCM, so as good as life has been here, I cannot imagine what the Field is like!

Well, I hope you are all doing well! I miss you and love you all so very much! You are in my prayers so many times a day! I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!

P.S. We got a picture of these Lego Hands. We thought the kids would appreciate them! :)

Elder Haynie-Mexico MTC

Elder Haynie-Mexico MTC
Elder Haynie travel with this group from USA to Mexico MTC

MTC in Mexico December, 2013.

MTC in Mexico December, 2013.

December 3, 2013

Hola familia! Wow, talk about crash course in Missionary work! I have been doing...okay for the most part in the MTC. Sunday and Monday were kinda rough. I got a cold from our zone leader and I can hard talk at all. It is so demotivating to not be able to talk. Anyway, we went the the Mexico City Temple today. Wow, I really needed that! They even let us use the little translater thingys so we could listen to the session in English! We get to go two more times before we leave the MTC. It is such a beautiful temple! I made sure to take pictures. Anyway, my companions name is Elder Wade. He is going to the same mission as I and hes a good foot taller than me! (He is 6 foot 7 inches) He is a really nice and good companion! He is into sports as well so that is nice to have someone to talk to about sports when we are not working! The other two missionaries in our dorm are Elder Nicholas and Elder Moore. Elder Nicholas is going to my mission as well. Elder Moore is going to Honduras, but we became really good friends real quick! I found out he did Cross Country and Track down at Mountain View High School down in Orem, Utah! I think I even raced against him once, cause he looks SO familiar! Not sure who won though. The other two Elders in our District 12A arent in our dorm. They are Elders Fanger and Elder Compton. All six of us came on the same day, and leave the same time. Elder Compton is probably the funniest kid ever! I am so glad he is in our district! He was also made our District Leader too. Perfect person for that job! We have four Hermanas in our district too. We all get along just fine. Our Branch President told us that it is VERY RARE to have an entire district getting along with each other. So glad that we are!

Anyway, we got to learning spanish REALLY quick! After the first day of instruction, ALL the teachers spoke Spanish from then on. Talk about getting thrown into the fire! But the best part of that is that I am doing...pretty okayish. I think I learned more in 1 class than I did all of High School! Its coming along okay though, I can keep a simple conversation going...for 2 minutes. More than I ever did in High School! Oh yeah, I did NOT know that we taught investigators in the MTC! That was probably the biggest shock! (We found out yesterday that they were volunteer members.) The 2nd day we were there, we had to teach a lesson in Spanish! That was pretty interesting. We are getting better at it though, but we really need to start focusing on not reading from the Preach my Gospel and notes that we wrote down! But all in all, I am doing okay. I got REALLY homesick the last 2 days though. I am over it now, but reading all the letters from home makes me...sad and even more excited! I just cant believe I am on my mission! I am surprised how much Spanish I have learned down here! I can say a prayer and bear a simple testimony in Spanish now! Just from being here 6 days! I can only imagine what 6 weeks is gonna do!

So we didnt exactly celebrate Thanksgiving here. We had a dinner but that was about it. It was some Turkey and Mashed Potatoes. Not like the ones at home though. Man, I really miss Moms cooking. I just miss you all! but I am glad that we can communicate every week though! Talking about food, it is more Mexicanized food. Its been okay for the most part, I havent really had problems eating ALL the food. However I learned the hard way that you are not supposed to CHALLENGE the food...Yeah, that wasnt fun! Anyway, District12A have been breaking the record books! We are the only group to have said a public prayer in the Seminary building in ENGLISH! We are one of the only groups that gets along really well! We are the only group that got in a buswreck on the way to the Temple. (We hit a car and had to wait for another MTC to come and pick us up, that was pretty intense!). We are gonna be the last group as well to go to the temple before we leaver because it closes for two years in January. Oh speaking of dates, my date of return is November 10th 2015. So two weeks less than two years, but I will gladly take that!

Wow, CJs first home teaching appointment AND you guys get 100%! That is awesome! You and dad sound like a ricipe for success! Hope you are doing well! I really miss seeing you everyday!

Matthew, I dont have pictures of my bedroom. We are only supposed to talk pictures on our P Day and we were gone from like 8am to 2PM at the Temple. I will make sure to do that next week though! Oh yeah, thank you all for the BYU blankets! That really makes it feel more like home! The room isnt too bad. The shower is fine, except the 2 natives that also live in our dorm take like 45 minute showers EACH. Yeah, Elder Wade and I have been waking up at 5:45 to take showers before they get there!

Milan, I really miss you! I miss you brushing my hair. Now I have to do it ALL BY MYSELF. I love you!

Alexis, I will make sure to take pictures of the comedor. Its actually pretty nice. There are a lot of tables there! Yes, my jacket DOES smell good.

CJ, I do have a picture of my campanion! He is Elder Wade. He is muy alto!

So yeah, I really miss you guys! Let me know whats going on back at home! Mom and Dad, I love you all so much! Mom, I do miss going to the store and getting sodas whenever we felt like! Its so wierd not having you or Dad around! Dad, I hope all goes well with the job! I wish you the best of luck! I have been praying for you all individually down here! I love you all! I am so happy to have all of your support and I hope I can make you guys proud! Oh yeah, we did have a Thanksgiving devotional! Elder Russell M. Nelson was the speaker, along with his wife. Very edifiying talk! (It was just a broadcast from the Provo MTC). We have had gym everyday, we have either played soccer or volleyball. I can say I like volleyball better! Anyway, love you all!

Elder Haynie

Mexico MTC

Mexico MTC
Elder Haynie and roommates.

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie
Mexico Temple

Elder Haynie- Mexico MTC

Elder Haynie- Mexico MTC
Elder Haynie travel with this group from USA to Mexico MTC.

Mexico Temple

Mexico Temple
Elder Haynie and Elder Wade.

Favorite Blanket

Favorite Blanket

Elder Haynie in Mexico MTC.2013.

Elder Haynie in Mexico MTC.2013.
This two Elders are from Utah.Mexico MTC.

Elder Haynie-Mexico Temple

Elder Haynie-Mexico Temple
This group travek with Elder Haynie from USA to Mexico MTC.

Elder Haynie

Elder Haynie

Lego hands

Lego hands

Elder Haynie- MTC

Elder Haynie- MTC
Elder Haynie in Mexico MTC. Nov.2013.

Mexico MTC week-1 November 27, 2013

Hey guys, I made it to the Mexico MTC just fine! It's a really beautiful place! The ride over here from the airport was kinda crazy, I have no idea how the people here can drive so crazy and not get in carwrecks! The plane ride was good, didn't really sleep all that much. I got all of my luggage just fine! Anyway, I am safe and sound here! I finally got my name tag, but we haven't taken pictures yet, so I don't have any thing to show at the moment. I think I am good to go, I believe my P Day is on Tuesday during my stay at the MTC. Just letting you know! It's a wonderful atmosphere here! We are about to go have dinner!

I love you all so much! I am really happy being here, and I feel like I don't have anymore concerns. I hope all is going well at home! Tell the kids i said Hi and tell them to be good so that Santa doesn't write them on the naughty list. Love you all!

Elder Haynie



Monday, June 23, 2014

Hola familia mio, buenas dias!
Thank you very much for package, it was a lot...bigger than I thought it would be. But I really enjoyed the contents, and Elder Bustillo says thank you for the package of cookies that you had for him! The speakers are very nice! And I really like the new camera too, thank you so much. Plus it was great to be able to have a English copy of the General Conference talks. I only had them in Spanish, so this will be my first time receiving the talks in English! My only concern is with transfers this week, if I have to do, space is a HUGE issue for my suit cases, so....we shall see what happens with that. I am pretty sure I am staying, and we are praying that Elder Bustillo can stay too, but I think he is going to another area considering he has been here his entire mission (4 and a half months). So yeah.
Things are going fantastic here; we were able to baptize Ana and Naomi this last weekend. What an amazing feeling! The service was a very good and spiritual service. To be able to see the happiness in Ana and Naomi, was just a very humbling and satisfying thing to see. It is amazing what true happiness does to a person and how contagious it is. We are continuing to work with the investigators that we have and had 6 more in Sacrament Meeting yesterday! We are hoping and praying for much more success this next transfer that comes. I feel like we have a never ending supply of less actives, because even though we activated several of them, and didn't need to count them as less active, we were able to bring more, new less actives to church. We are working very hard with them and having much success!
As good as this week has been, we have had our various challenges. Many events have prevented us from being able to work the whole week (Not companionship problems by any means, in fact we are doing pretty awesome), but many trips to the capital for multi zones, doing migration stuff, having to prepare the baptismal service, giving service have really cut down our working time, so our numbers weren't exactly the best, plus we were very stressed out with how busy we were. BUT, it was still a very good week, we tried to keep pushing forward, and as hard as this week was, it will be a very memorable week for all of the good that has happened and the many adventures that we have has.Gotta love Missionary Work! Alma 27:18 “Now was this not exceeding joy? Behold, this the is the joy that none recieveth save it be the truly penitent and humble seeker of happiness”. Speaking of news, this is President Glazier´s last week here, and President Vasquez from Guatemala is going to come on Friday. He is a motivational speaker, so I am really looking forward to meeting him! We had our Multi-Zone with President Glazier on Wednesday. It was very edifying and it was the same day as his and Sister Glazier´s Anniversary, so we were very lucky to be one of the zones with them on that day (We got a lot of cake so that is why we are so lucky! J). So, we got talked a lot on marriage, and to be honest, the only notes I took were on the post-mission dating advice! J
In the midst of those challenges, we have been trying to apply the phrase “Members and Missionaries” and have been visiting various families in our branch, helping them strengthen their testimony on the Book of Mormon, motivating them to be a part of the Work of Salvation, and just making the most of our opportunities to make more friends. Our efforts have certainly paid off. Members that didn’t want to leave with the missionaries at first want to leave with us as often as they can, the motivation to do missionary work is much higher than it was when I first came to Ilobasco, things are just very great here! To be honest, it is not like we did anything super great, we just did what we had to do! I certainly don’t feel like we did anything special, but the results are the results of miracles. The Lord has blessed us so much! This confirms what is said in Alma 37:6-7 “Now ye may suppose that this is foolishness in me; but behold I say unto you, that by small and simple things are great things come to pass; and small means in many instances both confound the wise. And the Lord God doth work by means to bring about his great and eternal purposes; and by very small means the Lord doth confound the wise and bringeth about the salvation of many souls”
I know that the God is a God of Miracles, that it is by His hand that we are able to do anything. That has been the biggest lesson that I have learned in my almost 7 months to have been a Missionary: That if only we put our trust in God, he will deliver us. He will help us. I know that through the atoning sacrifice of Christ, we can always have a second chance to better ourselves. That the things the in the past really don’t matter. We can’t change the past, but we can change what we do now, and we can look forward to the future with an eye of faith! I bear testimony that Jesus Christ is our Savior, that through his Grace and Mercy we can all be saved. I know that this is one true church, and that God has restored the church of Jesus Christ through the hands of a young boy named Joseph Smith. I know that God calls prophets to guide us in these latter days, and that if we follow their counsel, God will bless us. I know He lives!

Elder Daniel B.Haynie
El Salvador San Salvador East Mission

"I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and I will be until the day that I die"

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